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Created July 2, 2019 13:54
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Exercise from page 294 of Haskell Book - Numbers into words
module Page294 where
--Numbers into words
import Data.List (intersperse)
digitToWord :: Int -> String
digitToWord 0 = "zero"
digitToWord 1 = "one"
digitToWord 2 = "two"
digitToWord 3 = "three"
digitToWord 4 = "four"
digitToWord 5 = "five"
digitToWord 6 = "six"
digitToWord 7 = "seven"
digitToWord 8 = "eight"
digitToWord 9 = "nine"
digitToWord _ = "nope"
digits :: Int -> [Int]
digits num = go num []
go n lst
| q == 0 = [r] ++ lst
| otherwise = go q $ [r] ++ lst
where q = div n 10
r = mod n 10
digitsToWords :: [Int] -> [String]
digitsToWords ds = map digitToWord ds
wordsToString :: [String] -> String
wordsToString ws = concat $ intersperse "-" ws
say :: Int -> String
say = wordsToString . digitsToWords . digits
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