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Created November 7, 2017 09:22
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import Delta from 'quill-delta'
import _escape from 'lodash/escape'
const blockKeys = [
'code-block', 'header', 'blockquote', 'align', 'list', 'direction', 'indent'
const blockValues = {
'code-block': {
isTag: true,
value: {
tag: 'pre',
className: 'syntax',
attributes: {
spellcheck: 'false'
blockquote: {
isTag: true,
value: {
tag: 'blockquote'
header: {
isTag: true,
value: {
tag: (val) => {
let level = val | 0
if (val > 6) level = 6
if (val < 1) return false
return `h${level}`
align: {
value: {
className: (val) => {
if (['center', 'right', 'justufy'].indexOf(val) === -1) return false
return `align-${val}`
indent: {
value: {
className: (val) => {
let level = val | 0
if (level > 8) level = 8
if (level < 1) return false
return `indent-${level}`
direction: {
value: {
className: (val) => {
if (val === 'rtl') return 'direction-rtl'
return false
list: {
isTag: true,
parent: (val) => {
if (val === 'ordered') return 'ol'
if (val === 'bullet') return 'ul'
return false
value: {
tag: (val) => {
if (val === 'ordered' || val === 'bullet') return 'li'
return false
const inlineKeys = [
'color', 'background', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike',
'size', 'code', 'link', 'script', 'font'
const inlineValues = {
color: {
value: {
style: (val) => `color:${val}`
background: {
value: {
style: (val) => `background-color:${val}`
bold: {
isTag: true,
tagLevel: 100,
value: {
tag: 'strong'
italic: {
isTag: true,
tagLevel: 200,
value: {
tag: 'em'
strike: {
isTag: true,
tagLevel: 300,
value: {
tag: 's'
underline: {
isTag: true,
tagLevel: 400,
value: {
tag: 'u'
script: {
isTag: true,
tagLevel: 50,
value: {
tag: (val) => {
if (val === 'sub') return 'sub'
if (val === 'super') return 'sup'
code: {
isTag: true,
tagLevel: 40,
value: {
tag: 'code'
size: {
value: {
className: (val) => {
if (['small', 'large', 'huge'].indexOf(val) !== -1) {
return `size-${val}`
return false
font: {
value: {
className: (val) => `font-${val}`
link: {
isTag: true,
tagLevel: 45,
value: {
tag: 'a',
link: (val) => val
// const embedKeys = ['image']
const embedValues = {
image: (val) => {
return `<img src="${val}">`
const getValue = (attr, val) => {
if (typeof attr === 'string') return attr
else if (typeof attr === 'function') return _escape(attr(val))
return false
const clsPrefix = 'ql'
const delta2html = (data) => {
const delta = new Delta(data)
let html = ''
let blockArr = []
delta.eachLine((line, attrs) => {
// block
let blockTag = 'p'
let blockClass = []
let blockAttr = []
let blockParent = null
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(attrs)) {
if (value && blockKeys.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
const config = blockValues[key]
if (config.isTag) {
const tag = getValue(config.value.tag, value)
if (tag) blockTag = tag
if (config.value.className) {
const cls = getValue(config.value.className, value)
if (cls) blockClass.push(`${clsPrefix}-${cls}`)
if (config.value.attributes) {
blockAttr = blockAttr.concat(Object.entries(config.value.attributes))
if (config.parent) {
blockParent = getValue(config.parent, value)
// inline
let inlineHtml = ''
line.ops.forEach(item => {
let inlineTag = []
let inlineClass = []
let inlineStyle = []
let inlineAttr = []
let inlineLink = ''
let htmlTemp = ''
if (typeof item.insert === 'string') {
htmlTemp = _escape(item.insert)
if (item.attributes) {
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(item.attributes)) {
if (value && inlineKeys.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
const config = inlineValues[key]
if (config.isTag) {
const tag = getValue(config.value.tag, value)
if (tag) inlineTag.push({ tag, order: config.tagLevel })
if (config.value.className) {
const cls = getValue(config.value.className, value)
if (cls) inlineClass.push(`${clsPrefix}-${cls}`)
if ( {
const style = getValue(, value)
if (style) inlineStyle.push(style)
if ( {
const link = getValue(, value)
if (link) inlineLink = link
if (config.value.attributes) {
const ilArr = Object.entries(config.value.attributes).map(attr => {
let val = attr[1]
if (typeof attr[1] === 'boolean') val = value
return [attr[0], val]
inlineAttr = inlineAttr.concat(ilArr)
} else if (typeof item.insert === 'object') {
// embed
if (item.insert.image) {
htmlTemp = embedValues.image(_escape(item.insert.image))
// inline html
const sortedTag = inlineTag.sort((a, b) => b.order - a.order)
if (!sortedTag.length && (inlineClass.length || inlineStyle.length || inlineAttr.length)) {
sortedTag.push({ tag: 'span' })
sortedTag.forEach((tag, i) => {
let linkStr = ''
if (tag.tag === 'a' && inlineLink) {
linkStr = ` href="${inlineLink}" target="_blank"`
if (i === (sortedTag.length - 1)) {
const classNameStr = inlineClass.length
? ` class="${inlineClass.join(' ')}"`
: ''
const styleStr = inlineStyle.length
? ` style="${inlineStyle.join(';')}"`
: ''
const attrStr = inlineAttr.length
? ' ' + => `${attr[0]}="${attr[1]}"`).join(' ')
: ''
htmlTemp = `<${tag.tag}${classNameStr}${styleStr}${attrStr}${linkStr}>${htmlTemp}</${tag.tag}>`
} else {
htmlTemp = `<${tag.tag}${linkStr}>${htmlTemp}</${tag.tag}>`
inlineHtml += htmlTemp
blockClass, blockAttr, blockTag, inlineHtml, blockParent
let lastTag = ''
let lastParent = null
blockArr.forEach((item, index) => {
const blockClassNameStr = item.blockClass.length
? ` class="${item.blockClass.join(' ')}"`
: ''
const blockAttrStr = item.blockAttr.length
? ' ' + => `${attr[0]}="${attr[1]}"`).join(' ')
: ''
if (item.blockTag === 'pre') {
if (lastParent) {
html += `</${lastParent}>`
if (lastTag !== item.blockTag) {
if (lastTag) html += `</${lastTag}>`
html += `<${item.blockTag}${blockClassNameStr}${blockAttrStr}>${item.inlineHtml}\n`
} else {
html += `${item.inlineHtml}\n`
lastTag = item.blockTag
lastParent = item.blockParent
if (index === (blockArr.length - 1)) {
html += `</${lastTag}>`
} else {
if (lastTag === 'pre') {
html += `</${lastTag}>`
if (item.blockParent) {
if (lastParent !== item.blockParent) {
if (lastParent) html += `</${lastParent}>`
html += `<${item.blockParent}>`
} else {
if (lastParent) {
html += `</${lastParent}>`
html += `<${item.blockTag}${blockClassNameStr}${blockAttrStr}>${item.inlineHtml.trim() || '<br>'}</${item.blockTag}>`
lastTag = item.blockTag
lastParent = item.blockParent
if (index === (blockArr.length - 1) && lastParent) {
html += `</${lastParent}>`
return html
export default delta2html
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