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Created April 19, 2019 10:24
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python code that calculates (and demonstrates) big number summation using Chinese Remainder Theorem
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
_ = lambda x: x
# ===================
# flow
# ===================
def hmm():
def then():
def by(theorem):
print(f'by {theorem}')
# ===================
# declaration
# ===================
#def for_variable(name, val):
# print("for {name} = {val},")
# globals()[name] = val
def declaration(vardic):
glob = globals()
for name, val in vardic.items():
glob[name] = val
return ", ".join([f'{k} = {v}' for (k,v) in vardic.items()])
def for_variables(**it):
print(f'for {declaration(it)}')
def using_variables(**it):
print(f'using {declaration(it)}')
def assign_wrap(f):
def func(**it):
name, vals = list(it.items())[0]
ret = f(*vals)
globals()[name] = ret
print(f'as {name} = {ret}')
return func
# ===================
# number theory
# ===================
# TODO remove n, clousre f should manage
def exGCD(r0, r1, s0, s1, t0, t1, f=None, n=1):
q1 = r0 // r1
if f: f(n, q1, r1, s1, t1)
#r2 = r0 % r1
r2 = r0 - r1 * q1
if r2 == 0: # base
return (r1, s1, t1)
s2 = s0 - s1 * q1
t2 = t0 - t1 * q1
return exGCD(r1, r2, s1, s2, t1, t2, f, n+1)
def gcd(a, b):
d, s, t = exGCD(a, b, 1, 0, 0, 1)
return d
def coprime(a, b):
return gcd(a, b) == 1
# whether pairwise relative prime
def coprimes(*ns):
assert(ns) # not empty
for i in range(len(ns)):
for j in range(i, len(ns)):
if not coprime(ns[i], ns[j]):
return False
return True
def mgcd(ns, f=None):
assert(ns) # not empty
if len(ns) == 1:
return ns[0]
mid = len(ns) // 2
lgcd = mgcd(ns[:mid], f)
rgcd = mgcd(ns[mid:], f)
ret = gcd(lgcd, rgcd)
if f: f(ns, ret)
return ret
def muprimes(*ns):
return mgcd(ns) == 1
def calcBezout(a, b):
def printExGCD(n, q, r, s, t):
print(f'>> {n:>3} {q:>5} {r:>5} {s:>5} {t:>5}')
print(f'calculating gcd({a},{b}) = {a} s + {b} t')
printExGCD("n", "q", "r", "s", "t")
printExGCD( 0, 0, a, 1, 0)
d, s, t = exGCD(a, b, 1, 0, 0, 1, printExGCD)
print(f'>> gcd({a},{b}) = {d} = {s} a + {t} b')
return d, s, t
from math import log2, floor
def calcGCD(*ns):
level = 0
max_level = ceil(log2(len(ns)))
gs = [[]] * len(ns) / 2
#def accum_g(ns, g):
# level
#print(f'calculating gcd({*ns}')
#mgcd(ns, lambda ns, ret: print(f'> gcd({ns}) = {ret}'))
def zipWith(f, *lss):
return [ f(*ss) for ss in zip(*lss) ]
def mod_op(op, ms, *lss):
return zipWith(lambda m,x: x%m, ms,
zipWith(op, *lss))
def int2crt(ms, n):
return mod_op(_, ms, [n] * len(ms))
def convert_int2crt_(ms, n):
print(f'convert {n} into CRT tuple,')
return int2crt(ms, n)
convert_int2crt = assign_wrap(convert_int2crt_)
def mod_sum(ms, *lss):
return mod_op(lambda *args: sum(args), ms, *lss)
from operator import neg
def mod_neg(ms, xs):
return mod_op(neg, ms, xs)
def mod_inv(m, x):
d, s, t = exGCD(m, x, 1, 0, 0, 1)
assert(d == 1)
return t % m
# remainder operator (%) in python always returns positive
from operator import mul, add
from functools import reduce
from math import log10
def crt2int(ms, xs):
M_ = reduce(mul, ms)
Ms = [ M_ // m for m in ms ]
xs_width = floor(max(map(log10, xs))) + 1
Ms_width = floor(max(map(log10, Ms))) + 1
ms_width = floor(max(map(log10, ms))) + 1
def printrow(x, M, m, term=None):
print(f'{str(x).rjust(xs_width)} * ' +
f'{str(M).rjust(Ms_width)} * ' +
f'{str(m).ljust(ms_width)}' +
(f' = {str(term)}' if term else ""))
printrow("xs", "Ms", "Ms-1")
def digest(x, M, m):
m_ = mod_inv(m,M)
ret = x * M * m_
printrow(x, M, m_, ret)
return ret
sums = reduce(add, zipWith(digest, xs, Ms, ms))
ret = sums % M_
print(f' => {sums} mod {M_} = {ret}')
return ret
def convert_crt2int_(ms, xs):
print(f'convert {xs} to integer')
return crt2int(ms, xs)
convert_crt2int = assign_wrap(convert_crt2int_)
# ===================
# algorithm
# ===================
x = 12345678901234567890,
y = 98765432109876543210)
#ms = [10007,10009,10037,10039,10061])
ms = [10007,10009,10037,10039,10061,10067])
xs = (ms, x))
ys = (ms, y))
sums = mod_sum(ms, xs, ys)
subs = mod_sum(ms, mod_neg(ms, xs), ys)
sum_int = (ms, sums))
subs = (ms, subs))
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