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Created July 12, 2012 05:55
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Now this is not a memory eater
#!/usr/bin/env gosh
;;; -*- mode: scheme; coding: utf-8 -*-
(use srfi-13)
(use srfi-14)
(use parser.peg)
(use gauche.generator)
(use gauche.sequence)
;; Fetch a record each time
(define (fetch-record emitter)
(define (%escaped-char emitter)
(and-let* ((c (emitter))
((not (eof-object? c))))
(write-char #\\)
(write-char c)))
(define (%record emitter)
(let loop ((c (emitter)))
(cond ((eof-object? c) #f)
((char=? c #\newline)
(write-char #\newline))
((char=? c #\\)
(%escaped-char emitter)
(loop (emitter)))
(write-char c)
(loop (emitter))))))
(let1 s (with-output-to-string (cut %record emitter))
(if (string-null? s)
(define %escape ($char #\\))
(define %eor ($char #\newline))
(define %fs ($char #\tab))
(define %field
(let* ((%special-char
($do %escape
($or %eor %fs)))
(%unescaped ($none-of #[\t\n]))
(%body-char ($or %special-char %unescaped)))
($->rope ($many %body-char))))
(define %record
($do [v ($sep-by %field ($char #\tab))]
($return v)))
(define outfile-parser
($or eof %record))
(define (string-hexify str)
(lambda ()
(dotimes (i (string-size str))
(format #t "~2,'0x" (string-byte-ref str i))))))
(define (print-record rec out)
(write (string-hexify (car rec)) out)
(display ": [[\"kv_value\"," out)
(format out "~s,~d" (cadr rec) (* 1000 (sys-time)))
(display "]]" out))
(define (outfile->cassandra-json file :optional (out (current-output-port)))
(call-with-input-file file
(lambda (in)
(let ((emitter (cut read-char in))
(print-comma (cut display ",\n" <>)))
(display "{\n" out)
(generator-fold (lambda (rec print-delim)
(print-delim out)
(print-record (peg-parse-string outfile-parser rec) out)
(^ (_) #f)
(cut fetch-record emitter))
(display "\n}\n" out)))))
(define (main args)
(outfile->cassandra-json (cadr args)))
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