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Created April 23, 2019 13:56
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// modules are defined as an array
// [ module function, map of requires ]
// map of requireuires is short require name -> numeric require
// anything defined in a previous bundle is accessed via the
// orig method which is the require for previous bundles
(function (modules, cache, entry) { // eslint-disable-line no-extra-parens
// Save the require from previous bundle to this closure if any
var previousRequire = typeof __nr_require === 'function' && __nr_require
function newRequire (name, jumped) {
if (!cache[name]) {
if (!modules[name]) {
// if we cannot find the the module within our internal map or
// cache jump to the current global require ie. the last bundle
// that was added to the page.
var currentRequire = typeof __nr_require === 'function' && __nr_require
if (!jumped && currentRequire) return currentRequire(name, true)
// If there are other bundles on this page the require from the
// previous one is saved to 'previousRequire'. Repeat this as
// many times as there are bundles until the module is found or
// we exhaust the require chain.
if (previousRequire) return previousRequire(name, true)
throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + name + "'")
var m = cache[name] = {exports: {}}
modules[name][0].call(m.exports, function (x) {
var id = modules[name][1][x]
return newRequire(id || x)
}, m, m.exports)
return cache[name].exports
for (var i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) newRequire(entry[i])
// Override the current require with this new one
return newRequire
// Safely add an event listener to window in any browser
module.exports = function (sType, callback) {
if ('addEventListener' in window) {
return window.addEventListener(sType, callback, false)
} else if ('attachEvent' in window) {
return window.attachEvent('on' + sType, callback)
// This product includes Apache 2.0 licensed source derived from 'episodes'
// by Steve Souders. Repository:
// Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// See the source code here:
// This product includes MIT licensed source generated from 'Browserify'
// by James Halliday. Repository:
// This product includes MIT licensed source derived from 'TraceKit'
// by Onur Cakmak. Repository:
// TraceKit - Cross brower stack traces -
// Copyright (c) 2013 Onur Can Cakmak and all TraceKit
// contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// All other components of this product are
// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 New Relic, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Certain inventions disclosed in this file may be claimed within
// patents owned or patent applications filed by New Relic, Inc. or third
// parties.
// Subject to the terms of this notice, New Relic grants you a
// nonexclusive, nontransferable license, without the right to
// sublicense, to (a) install and execute one copy of these files on any
// number of workstations owned or controlled by you and (b) distribute
// verbatim copies of these files to third parties. As a condition to the
// foregoing grant, you must provide this notice along with each copy you
// distribute and you must not remove, alter, or obscure this notice. All
// other use, reproduction, modification, distribution, or other
// exploitation of these files is strictly prohibited, except as may be set
// forth in a separate written license agreement between you and New
// Relic. The terms of any such license agreement will control over this
// notice. The license stated above will be automatically terminated and
// revoked if you exceed its scope or violate any of the terms of this
// notice.
// This License does not grant permission to use the trade names,
// trademarks, service marks, or product names of New Relic, except as
// required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of
// this file and reproducing the content of this notice. You may not
// mark or brand this file with any trade name, trademarks, service
// marks, or product names other than the original brand (if any)
// provided by New Relic.
// Unless otherwise expressly agreed by New Relic in a separate written
// license agreement, these files are provided AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF
// ANY KIND, including without any implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY,
// condition to your use of these files, you are solely responsible for
// such use. New Relic will have no liability to you for direct,
// indirect, consequential, incidental, special, or punitive damages or
// for lost profits or data.
var mapOwn = require(35)
var aggregatedData = {}
module.exports = {
store: store,
take: take,
get: get
// Items with the same type and name get aggregated together
// params are example data from the aggregated items
// metrics are the numeric values to be aggregated
function store (type, name, params, newMetrics, customParams) {
if (!aggregatedData[type]) aggregatedData[type] = {}
var bucket = aggregatedData[type][name]
if (!bucket) {
bucket = aggregatedData[type][name] = { params: params || {} }
if (customParams) {
bucket.custom = customParams
bucket.metrics = aggregateMetrics(newMetrics, bucket.metrics)
return bucket
function aggregateMetrics (newMetrics, oldMetrics) {
if (!oldMetrics) oldMetrics = {count: 0}
oldMetrics.count += 1
mapOwn(newMetrics, function (key, value) {
oldMetrics[key] = updateMetric(value, oldMetrics[key])
return oldMetrics
function updateMetric (value, metric) {
// When there is only one data point, the c (count), min, max, and sos (sum of squares) params are superfluous.
if (!metric) return {t: value}
// but on the second data point, we need to calculate the other values before aggregating in new values
if (metric && !metric.c) {
metric = {
t: metric.t,
min: metric.t,
max: metric.t,
sos: metric.t * metric.t,
c: 1
metric.c += 1
metric.t += value
metric.sos += value * value
if (value > metric.max) metric.max = value
if (value < metric.min) metric.min = value
return metric
function get (type, name) {
// if name is passed, get a single bucket
if (name) return aggregatedData[type] && aggregatedData[type][name]
// else, get all buckets of that type
return aggregatedData[type]
// Like get, but for many types and it deletes the retrieved content from the aggregatedData
function take (types) {
var results = {}
var type = ''
var hasData = false
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
type = types[i]
results[type] = toArray(aggregatedData[type])
if (results[type].length) hasData = true
delete aggregatedData[type]
return hasData ? results : null
function toArray (obj) {
if (typeof obj !== 'object') return []
return mapOwn(obj, getValue)
function getValue (key, value) {
return value
var register = require(14)
var harvest = require(8)
var agg = require(2)
var single = require(16)
var submitData = require(20)
var mapOwn = require(35)
var loader = require("loader")
var handle = require("handle")
var cycle = 0
harvest.on('jserrors', function () {
return { body: agg.take([ 'cm' ]) }
var api = {
finished: single(finished),
setPageViewName: setPageViewName,
setErrorHandler: setErrorHandler,
addToTrace: addToTrace,
inlineHit: inlineHit,
addRelease: addRelease
// Hook all of the api functions up to the queues/stubs created in loader/api.js
mapOwn(api, function (fnName, fn) {
register('api-' + fnName, fn, 'api')
// All API functions get passed the time they were called as their
// first parameter. These functions can be called asynchronously.
function setPageViewName (t, name, host) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') return
if (name.charAt(0) !== '/') name = '/' + name
loader.customTransaction = (host || 'http://custom.transaction') + name
function finished (t, providedTime) {
var time = providedTime ? providedTime - loader.offset : t'cm', 'finished', { name: 'finished' }, { time: time })
addToTrace(t, { name: 'finished', start: time + loader.offset, origin: 'nr' })
handle('api-addPageAction', [ time, 'finished' ])
function addToTrace (t, evt) {
if (!(evt && typeof evt === 'object' && && evt.start)) return
var report = {
s: evt.start - loader.offset,
e: (evt.end || evt.start) - loader.offset,
o: evt.origin || '',
t: 'api'
handle('bstApi', [report])
// NREUM.inlineHit(request_name, queue_time, app_time, total_be_time, dom_time, fe_time)
// request_name - the 'web page' name or service name
// queue_time - the amount of time spent in the app tier queue
// app_time - the amount of time spent in the application code
// total_be_time - the total roundtrip time of the remote service call
// dom_time - the time spent processing the result of the service call (or user defined)
// fe_time - the time spent rendering the result of the service call (or user defined)
function inlineHit (t, request_name, queue_time, app_time, total_be_time, dom_time, fe_time) {
request_name = window.encodeURIComponent(request_name)
cycle += 1
if (! return
var url = 'https://' + + '/1/' +
url += '?a=' + + '&'
url += 't=' + request_name + '&'
url += 'qt=' + ~~queue_time + '&'
url += 'ap=' + ~~app_time + '&'
url += 'be=' + ~~total_be_time + '&'
url += 'dc=' + ~~dom_time + '&'
url += 'fe=' + ~~fe_time + '&'
url += 'c=' + cycle
function setErrorHandler (t, handler) {
loader.onerror = handler
var releaseCount = 0
function addRelease (t, name, id) {
if (++releaseCount > 10) return
loader.releaseIds[name.slice(-200)] = ('' + id).slice(-200)
var withHash = /([^?#]*)[^#]*(#[^?]*|$).*/
var withoutHash = /([^?#]*)().*/
module.exports = function cleanURL (url, keepHash) {
return url.replace(keepHash ? withHash : withoutHash, '$1$2')
var baseEE = require("ee")
var mapOwn = require(35)
var handlers = require(14).handlers
module.exports = function drain (group) {
var bufferedEventsInGroup = baseEE.backlog[group]
var groupHandlers = handlers[group]
if (groupHandlers) {
// don't cache length, buffer can grow while processing
for (var i = 0; bufferedEventsInGroup && i < bufferedEventsInGroup.length; ++i) { // eslint-disable-line no-unmodified-loop-condition
emitEvent(bufferedEventsInGroup[i], groupHandlers)
mapOwn(groupHandlers, function (eventType, handlerRegistrationList) {
mapOwn(handlerRegistrationList, function (i, registration) {
// registration is an array of: [targetEE, eventHandler]
registration[0].on(eventType, registration[1])
delete handlers[group]
// Keep the group as a property so we know it was created and drained
baseEE.backlog[group] = null
function emitEvent (evt, groupHandlers) {
var type = evt[1]
mapOwn(groupHandlers[type], function (i, registration) {
var sourceEE = evt[0]
var ee = registration[0]
if (ee === sourceEE) {
var handler = registration[1]
var ctx = evt[3]
var args = evt[2]
handler.apply(ctx, args)
var mapOwn = require(35)
var stringify = require(19)
// Characters that are safe in a qs, but get encoded.
var charMap = {
'%2C': ',',
'%3A': ':',
'%2F': '/',
'%40': '@',
'%24': '$',
'%3B': ';'
var charList = mapOwn(charMap, function (k) { return k })
var safeEncoded = new RegExp(charList.join('|'), 'g')
function real (c) {
return charMap[c]
// Encode as URI Component, then unescape anything that is ok in the
// query string position.
function qs (value) {
if (value === null || value === undefined) return 'null'
return encodeURIComponent(value).replace(safeEncoded, real)
module.exports = {obj: obj, fromArray: fromArray, qs: qs, param: param}
function fromArray (qs, maxBytes) {
var bytes = 0
for (var i = 0; i < qs.length; i++) {
bytes += qs[i].length
if (bytes > maxBytes) return qs.slice(0, i).join('')
return qs.join('')
function obj (payload, maxBytes) {
var total = 0
var result = ''
mapOwn(payload, function (feature, dataArray) {
var intermediate = []
var next
var i
if (typeof dataArray === 'string') {
next = '&' + feature + '=' + qs(dataArray)
total += next.length
result += next
} else if (dataArray.length) {
total += 9
for (i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) {
next = qs(stringify(dataArray[i]))
// TODO: Consider more complete ways of handling too much error data.
total += next.length
if (typeof maxBytes !== 'undefined' && total >= maxBytes) break
result += '&' + feature + '=%5B' + intermediate.join(',') + '%5D'
return result
// Constructs an HTTP parameter to add to the BAM router URL
function param (name, value) {
if (value && typeof (value) === 'string') {
return '&' + name + '=' + qs(value)
return ''
var mapOwn = require(35)
var ee = require("ee")
var drain = require(5)
module.exports = function activateFeatures (flags) {
if (!(flags && typeof flags === 'object')) return
mapOwn(flags, function (flag, val) {
if (!val || activatedFeatures[flag]) return
ee.emit('feat-' + flag, [])
activatedFeatures[flag] = true
var activatedFeatures = = {}
var single = require(16)
var mapOwn = require(35)
var timing = require(13)
var encode = require(6)
var stringify = require(19)
var submitData = require(20)
var reduce = require(38)
var aggregator = require(2)
var stopwatch = require(18)
var loader = require("loader")
var locationUtil = require(12)
var cleanURL = require(4)
var version = '1118.0c07c19'
var jsonp = 'NREUM.setToken'
var _events = {}
var haveSendBeacon = !!navigator.sendBeacon
// requiring ie version updates the IE version on the loader object
var xhrUsable = loader.ieVersion > 9 || loader.ieVersion === 0
module.exports = {
sendRUM: single(sendRUM), // wrapping this in single makes it so that it can only be called once from outside
sendFinal: sendAllFromUnload,
pingErrors: pingErrors,
sendX: sendX,
on: on,
xhrUsable: xhrUsable
// nr is injected into all send methods. This allows for easier testing
// we could require('loader') instead
function sendRUM (nr) {
if (! return
if ('measures', 'qt', { value: })
if ('measures', 'ap', { value: })
// some time in the past some code will have called stopwatch.mark('starttime',
// calling measure like this will create a metric that measures the time differential between
// the two marks.
stopwatch.measure('be', 'starttime', 'firstbyte')
stopwatch.measure('fe', 'firstbyte', 'onload')
stopwatch.measure('dc', 'firstbyte', 'domContent')
var measuresMetrics = aggregator.get('measures')
var measuresQueryString = mapOwn(measuresMetrics, function (metricName, measure) {
return '&' + metricName + '=' + measure.params.value
if (measuresQueryString) {
// currently we only have one version of our protocol
// in the future we may add more
var protocol = '1'
var chunksForQueryString = [baseQueryString(nr)]
chunksForQueryString.push(encode.param('af', mapOwn(nr.features, function (k) { return k }).join(',')))
if (window.performance && typeof (window.performance.timing) !== 'undefined') {
var navTimingApiData = ({
timing: timing.addPT(window.performance.timing, {}),
navigation: timing.addPN(window.performance.navigation, {})
chunksForQueryString.push(encode.param('perf', stringify(navTimingApiData)))
var customJsAttributes = stringify(
chunksForQueryString.push(encode.param('ja', customJsAttributes === '{}' ? null : customJsAttributes))
var queryString = encode.fromArray(chunksForQueryString, nr.maxBytes)
'https://' + + '/' + protocol + '/' + + queryString,
function sendAllFromUnload (nr) {
var sents = mapOwn(_events, function (endpoint) {
return sendX(endpoint, nr, { unload: true })
return reduce(sents, or)
function or (a, b) { return a || b }
function sendX (endpoint, nr, opts) {
return send(nr, endpoint, createPayload(endpoint), opts || {})
function createPayload (type) {
var makeBody = add({})
var makeQueryString = add({})
var listeners = (_events[type] || [])
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
var singlePayload = listeners[i]()
if (singlePayload.body) mapOwn(singlePayload.body, makeBody)
if (singlePayload.qs) mapOwn(singlePayload.qs, makeQueryString)
return { body: makeBody(), qs: makeQueryString() }
function send (nr, endpoint, payload, opts) {
if (!( && payload.body)) return false
var url = 'https://' + + '/' + endpoint + '/1/' + + baseQueryString(nr)
if (payload.qs) url += encode.obj(payload.qs, nr.maxBytes)
var method
var useBody
var body
switch (endpoint) {
case 'jserrors':
useBody = false
method = haveSendBeacon ? submitData.beacon : submitData.img
if (opts.needResponse) {
useBody = true
method = submitData.xhr
} else if (opts.unload) {
useBody = haveSendBeacon
method = haveSendBeacon ? submitData.beacon : submitData.img
} else {
// `submitData.beacon` was removed, there is an upper limit to the
// number of data allowed before it starts failing, so we save it for
// unload data
if (xhrUsable) {
useBody = true
method = submitData.xhr
} else if (endpoint === 'events') {
method = submitData.img
} else {
return false
var fullUrl = url
if (useBody && endpoint === 'events') {
body = payload.body.e
} else if (useBody) {
body = stringify(payload.body)
} else {
fullUrl = url + encode.obj(payload.body, nr.maxBytes)
var result = method(fullUrl, body)
// if beacon request failed, retry with an alternative method
if (!result && method === submitData.beacon) {
result = submitData.img(url + encode.obj(payload.body, nr.maxBytes))
return result
function pingErrors (nr) {
if (!(nr && && && nr.ieVersion)) return
var url = 'https://' + + '/jserrors/ping/' + + baseQueryString(nr)
// Constructs the transaction name param for the beacon URL.
// Prefers the obfuscated transaction name over the plain text.
// Falls back to making up a name.
function transactionNameParam (nr) {
if ( return encode.param('to',
return encode.param('t', || 'Unnamed Transaction')
function on (type, fn) {
var listeners = (_events[type] || (_events[type] = []))
// The stuff that gets sent every time.
function baseQueryString (nr) {
return ([
'?a=' +,
encode.param('sa', ( ? '' + : '')),
encode.param('v', version),
encode.param('ct', nr.customTransaction),
'&rst=' +,
encode.param('ref', cleanURL(locationUtil.getLocation()))
function add (payload) {
var hasData = false
return function (key, val) {
if (val && val.length) {
payload[key] = val
hasData = true
if (hasData) return payload
var loader = require("loader")
var div = document.createElement('div')
div.innerHTML = '<!--[if lte IE 6]><div></div><![endif]-->' +
'<!--[if lte IE 7]><div></div><![endif]-->' +
'<!--[if lte IE 8]><div></div><![endif]-->' +
'<!--[if lte IE 9]><div></div><![endif]-->'
var len = div.getElementsByTagName('div').length
if (len === 4) loader.ieVersion = 6
else if (len === 3) loader.ieVersion = 7
else if (len === 2) loader.ieVersion = 8
else if (len === 1) loader.ieVersion = 9
else loader.ieVersion = 0
module.exports = loader.ieVersion
var sHash = require(15)
var addE = require(1)
var startTime = require(17)
var stopwatch = require(18)
var single = require(16)
var harvest = require(8)
var registerHandler = require(14)
var activateFeatures = require(7)
var loader = require("loader")
var ffVersion = require(33)
var drain = require(5)
// api loads registers several event listeners, but does not have any exports
var autorun = typeof (window.NREUM.autorun) !== 'undefined' ? window.NREUM.autorun : true
// Features are activated using the legacy setToken function name via JSONP
window.NREUM.setToken = activateFeatures
if (require(9) === 6) loader.maxBytes = 2000
else loader.maxBytes = 30000
loader.releaseIds = {}
var oneFinalHarvest = single(finalHarvest)
// Firefox has a bug wherein a slow-loading resource loaded from the 'pagehide'
// or 'unload' event will delay the 'load' event firing on the next page load.
// In Firefox versions that support sendBeacon, this doesn't matter, because
// we'll use it instead of an image load for our final harvest.
// Some Safari versions never fire the 'unload' event for pages that are being
// put into the WebKit page cache, so we *need* to use the pagehide event for
// the final submission from Safari.
// Generally speaking, we will try to submit our final harvest from either
// pagehide or unload, whichever comes first, but in Firefox, we need to avoid
// attempting to submit from pagehide to ensure that we don't slow down loading
// of the next page.
if (!ffVersion || navigator.sendBeacon) {
addE('pagehide', oneFinalHarvest)
} else {
addE('beforeunload', oneFinalHarvest)
addE('unload', oneFinalHarvest)
registerHandler('mark', stopwatch.mark, 'api')
if (autorun) harvest.sendRUM(loader)
// Set a cookie when the page unloads. Consume this cookie on the next page to get a 'start time'.
// The navigation start time cookie is removed when the browser supports the web timing API.
// Doesn't work in some browsers (Opera).
function finalHarvest (e) {
harvest.sendFinal(loader, false)
// write navigation start time cookie if needed
if (startTime.navCookie) {
document.cookie = 'NREUM=s=' + Number(new Date()) + '&r=' + sHash(document.location.href) + '&p=' + sHash(document.referrer) + '; path=/'
module.exports = function interval (fn, ms) {
setTimeout(function tick () {
try {
} finally {
setTimeout(tick, ms)
}, ms)
module.exports = {
getLocation: getLocation
function getLocation() {
return '' + location
// We don't use JSON.stringify directly on the performance timing data for these reasons:
// * Chrome has extra data in the performance object that we don't want to send all the time (wasteful)
// * Firefox fails to stringify the native object due to -
// * The variable names are long and wasteful to transmit
// Add Performance Timing values to the given object.
// * Values are written relative to an offset to reduce their length (i.e. number of characters).
// * The offset is sent with the data
// * 0's are not included unless the value is a 'relative zero'
var START = 'Start'
var END = 'End'
var UNLOAD_EVENT = 'unloadEvent'
var REDIRECT = 'redirect'
var DOMAIN_LOOKUP = 'domainLookup'
var ONNECT = 'onnect'
var REQUEST = 'request'
var RESPONSE = 'response'
var LOAD_EVENT = 'loadEvent'
var DOM_CONTENT_LOAD_EVENT = 'domContentLoadedEvent'
var navTimingValues = []
module.exports = {
addPT: addPT,
addPN: addPN,
nt: navTimingValues
function addPT (pt, v) {
var offset = pt['navigation' + START]
v.of = offset
addRel(offset, offset, v, 'n')
addRel(pt[UNLOAD_EVENT + START], offset, v, 'u')
addRel(pt[REDIRECT + START], offset, v, 'r')
addRel(pt[UNLOAD_EVENT + END], offset, v, 'ue')
addRel(pt[REDIRECT + END], offset, v, 're')
addRel(pt['fetch' + START], offset, v, 'f')
addRel(pt[DOMAIN_LOOKUP + START], offset, v, 'dn')
addRel(pt[DOMAIN_LOOKUP + END], offset, v, 'dne')
addRel(pt['c' + ONNECT + START], offset, v, 'c')
addRel(pt['secureC' + ONNECT + 'ion' + START], offset, v, 's')
addRel(pt['c' + ONNECT + END], offset, v, 'ce')
addRel(pt[REQUEST + START], offset, v, 'rq')
addRel(pt[RESPONSE + START], offset, v, 'rp')
addRel(pt[RESPONSE + END], offset, v, 'rpe')
addRel(pt.domLoading, offset, v, 'dl')
addRel(pt.domInteractive, offset, v, 'di')
addRel(pt[DOM_CONTENT_LOAD_EVENT + START], offset, v, 'ds')
addRel(pt[DOM_CONTENT_LOAD_EVENT + END], offset, v, 'de')
addRel(pt.domComplete, offset, v, 'dc')
addRel(pt[LOAD_EVENT + START], offset, v, 'l')
addRel(pt[LOAD_EVENT + END], offset, v, 'le')
return v
// Add Performance Navigation values to the given object
function addPN (pn, v) {
addRel(pn.type, 0, v, 'ty')
addRel(pn.redirectCount, 0, v, 'rc')
return v
function addRel (value, offset, obj, prop) {
var relativeValue
if (typeof (value) === 'number' && (value > 0)) {
relativeValue = Math.round(value - offset)
obj[prop] = relativeValue
var handleEE = require("handle").ee
module.exports = defaultRegister
defaultRegister.on = registerWithSpecificEmitter
var handlers = defaultRegister.handlers = {}
function defaultRegister (type, handler, group, ee) {
registerWithSpecificEmitter(ee || handleEE, type, handler, group)
function registerWithSpecificEmitter (ee, type, handler, group) {
if (!group) group = 'feature'
if (!ee) ee = handleEE
var groupHandlers = handlers[group] = handlers[group] || {}
var list = groupHandlers[type] = groupHandlers[type] || []
list.push([ee, handler])
module.exports = sHash
function sHash (s) {
var i
var h = 0
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
h += ((i + 1) * s.charCodeAt(i))
return Math.abs(h)
var slice = require(36)
module.exports = single
function single (fn) {
var called = false
var res
return function () {
if (called) return res
called = true
res = fn.apply(this, slice(arguments))
return res
// Use various techniques to determine the time at which this page started and whether to capture navigation timing information
var sHash = require(15)
var stopwatch = require(18)
var loader = require("loader")
var ffVersion = require(33)
module.exports = { navCookie: true }
function findStartTime () {
var starttime = findStartWebTiming() || findStartCookie()
if (!starttime) return
stopwatch.mark('starttime', starttime)
// Refine loader.offset
loader.offset = starttime
// Find the start time from the Web Timing 'performance' object.
function findStartWebTiming () {
// FF 7/8 has a bug with the navigation start time, so use cookie instead of native interface
if (ffVersion && ffVersion < 9) return
var performanceCheck = require(37)
if (performanceCheck.exists) {
// note that we don't need to use a cookie to record navigation start time
module.exports.navCookie = false
return window.performance.timing.navigationStart
// Find the start time based on a cookie set by Episodes in the unload handler.
function findStartCookie () {
var aCookies = document.cookie.split(' ')
for (var i = 0; i < aCookies.length; i++) {
if (aCookies[i].indexOf('NREUM=') === 0) {
var startPage
var referrerPage
var aSubCookies = aCookies[i].substring('NREUM='.length).split('&')
var startTime
var bReferrerMatch
for (var j = 0; j < aSubCookies.length; j++) {
if (aSubCookies[j].indexOf('s=') === 0) {
startTime = aSubCookies[j].substring(2)
} else if (aSubCookies[j].indexOf('p=') === 0) {
referrerPage = aSubCookies[j].substring(2)
// if the sub-cookie is not the last cookie it will have a trailing ';'
if (referrerPage.charAt(referrerPage.length - 1) === ';') {
referrerPage = referrerPage.substr(0, referrerPage.length - 1)
} else if (aSubCookies[j].indexOf('r=') === 0) {
startPage = aSubCookies[j].substring(2)
// if the sub-cookie is not the last cookie it will have a trailing ';'
if (startPage.charAt(startPage.length - 1) === ';') {
startPage = startPage.substr(0, startPage.length - 1)
if (startPage) {
var docReferrer = sHash(document.referrer)
bReferrerMatch = (docReferrer == startPage) // eslint-disable-line
if (!bReferrerMatch) {
// Navigation did not start at the page that was just exited, check for re-load
// (i.e. the page just exited is the current page and the referring pages match)
bReferrerMatch = sHash(document.location.href) == startPage && docReferrer == referrerPage // eslint-disable-line
if (bReferrerMatch && startTime) {
var now = new Date().getTime()
if ((now - startTime) > 60000) {
return startTime
var aggregator = require(2)
var loader = require("loader")
var marks = {}
module.exports = {
mark: mark,
measure: measure
function mark (markName, markTime) {
if (typeof markTime === 'undefined') markTime = ( + loader.offset)
marks[markName] = markTime
function measure (metricName, startMark, endMark) {
var start = marks[startMark]
var end = marks[endMark]
if (typeof start === 'undefined' || typeof end === 'undefined') return'measures', metricName, { value: end - start })
var mapOwn = require(35)
var ee = require("ee")
var escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g // eslint-disable-line
var meta = {
'\b': '\\b',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n',
'\f': '\\f',
'\r': '\\r',
'"': '\\"',
'\\': '\\\\'
module.exports = stringify
function stringify (val) {
try {
return str('', {'': val})
} catch (e) {
try {
ee.emit('internal-error', [e])
} catch (err) {
function quote (string) {
escapable.lastIndex = 0
return escapable.test(string) ? '"' + string.replace(escapable, function (a) {
var c = meta[a]
return typeof c === 'string' ? c : '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
}) + '"' : '"' + string + '"'
function str (key, holder) {
var value = holder[key]
switch (typeof value) {
case 'string':
return quote(value)
case 'number':
return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null'
case 'boolean':
return String(value)
case 'object':
if (!value) { return 'null' }
var partial = []
// The value is an array. Stringify every element. Use null as a placeholder
// for non-JSON values.
if (value instanceof window.Array || Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') {
var length = value.length
for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
partial[i] = str(i, value) || 'null'
return partial.length === 0 ? '[]' : '[' + partial.join(',') + ']'
mapOwn(value, function (k) {
var v = str(k, value)
if (v) partial.push(quote(k) + ':' + v)
return partial.length === 0 ? '{}' : '{' + partial.join(',') + '}'
var submitData = module.exports = {}
submitData.jsonp = function jsonp (url, jsonp) {
var element = document.createElement('script')
element.type = 'text/javascript'
element.src = url + '&jsonp=' + jsonp
var firstScript = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]
firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(element, firstScript)
return element
submitData.xhr = function xhr (url, body, sync) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest()'POST', url, !sync)
try {
// Set cookie
if ('withCredentials' in request) request.withCredentials = true
} catch (e) {}
request.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'text/plain')
return request
submitData.xhrSync = function xhrSync (url, body) {
return submitData.xhr(url, body, true)
submitData.img = function img (url) {
var element = new Image()
element.src = url
return element
submitData.beacon = function (url, body) {
return navigator.sendBeacon(url, body)
var canonicalFunctionNameRe = /([a-z0-9]+)$/i
function canonicalFunctionName (orig) {
if (!orig) return
var match = orig.match(canonicalFunctionNameRe)
if (match) return match[1]
module.exports = canonicalFunctionName
// computeStackTrace: cross-browser stack traces in JavaScript
// Syntax:
// s = computeStackTrace(exception) // consider using instead
// Returns:
// - exception name
// s.message - exception message
// s.stack[i].url - JavaScript or HTML file URL
// s.stack[i].func - function name, or empty for anonymous functions
// s.stack[i].line - line number, if known
// s.stack[i].column - column number, if known
// s.stack[i].context - an array of source code lines; the middle element corresponds to the correct line#
// s.mode - 'stack', 'stacktrace', 'multiline', 'callers', 'onerror', or 'failed' -- method used to collect the stack trace
// Supports:
// - Firefox: full stack trace with line numbers and unreliable column
// number on top frame
// - Opera 10: full stack trace with line and column numbers
// - Opera 9-: full stack trace with line numbers
// - Chrome: full stack trace with line and column numbers
// - Safari: line and column number for the topmost stacktrace element
// only
// - IE: no line numbers whatsoever
// Contents of Exception in various browsers.
// ex.message = Can't find variable: qq
// ex.line = 59
// ex.sourceId = 580238192
// ex.sourceURL = http://...
// ex.expressionBeginOffset = 96
// ex.expressionCaretOffset = 98
// ex.expressionEndOffset = 98
// = ReferenceError
// ex.message = qq is not defined
// ex.fileName = http://...
// ex.lineNumber = 59
// ex.stack = ...stack trace... (see the example below)
// = ReferenceError
// ex.message = qq is not defined
// = ReferenceError
// ex.type = not_defined
// ex.arguments = ['aa']
// ex.stack = ...stack trace...
// ex.message = ...
// = ReferenceError
// ex.message = ...message... (see the example below)
// = ReferenceError
// ex.opera#sourceloc = 11 (pretty much useless, duplicates the info in ex.message)
// ex.stacktrace = n/a; see 'opera:config#UserPrefs|Exceptions Have Stacktrace'
var reduce = require(38)
var formatStackTrace = require(23)
var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
var debug = false
var classNameRegex = /function (.+?)\s*\(/
var chrome = /^\s*at (?:((?:\[object object\])?(?:[^(]*\([^)]*\))*[^()]*(?: \[as \S+\])?) )?\(?((?:file|http|https|chrome-extension):.*?)?:(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i
var gecko = /^\s*(?:(\S*|global code)(?:\(.*?\))?@)?((?:file|http|https|chrome|safari-extension).*?):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\s*$/i
var chrome_eval = /^\s*at .+ \(eval at \S+ \((?:(?:file|http|https):[^)]+)?\)(?:, [^:]*:\d+:\d+)?\)$/i
var ie_eval = /^\s*at Function code \(Function code:\d+:\d+\)\s*/i
module.exports = computeStackTrace
function computeStackTrace (ex) {
var stack = null
try {
// This must be tried first because Opera 10 *destroys*
// its stacktrace property if you try to access the stack
// property first!!
stack = computeStackTraceFromStacktraceProp(ex)
if (stack) {
return stack
} catch (e) {
if (debug) {
throw e
try {
stack = computeStackTraceFromStackProp(ex)
if (stack) {
return stack
} catch (e) {
if (debug) {
throw e
try {
stack = computeStackTraceFromOperaMultiLineMessage(ex)
if (stack) {
return stack
} catch (e) {
if (debug) {
throw e
try {
stack = computeStackTraceBySourceAndLine(ex)
if (stack) {
return stack
} catch (e) {
if (debug) {
throw e
try {
stack = computeStackTraceWithMessageOnly(ex)
if (stack) {
return stack
} catch (e) {
if (debug) {
throw e
return {
'mode': 'failed',
'stackString': '',
'frames': []
* Computes stack trace information from the stack property.
* Chrome and Gecko use this property.
* @param {Error} ex
* @return {?Object.<string, *>} Stack trace information.
function computeStackTraceFromStackProp (ex) {
if (!ex.stack) {
return null
var errorInfo = reduce(
{frames: [], stackLines: [], wrapperSeen: false}
if (!errorInfo.frames.length) return null
return {
'mode': 'stack',
'name': || getClassName(ex),
'message': ex.message,
'stackString': formatStackTrace(errorInfo.stackLines),
'frames': errorInfo.frames
function parseStackProp (info, line) {
var element = getElement(line)
if (!element) {
return info
if (isWrapper(element.func)) info.wrapperSeen = true
else info.stackLines.push(line)
if (!info.wrapperSeen) info.frames.push(element)
return info
function getElement (line) {
var parts = line.match(gecko)
if (!parts) parts = line.match(chrome)
if (parts) {
return ({
'url': parts[2],
'func': (parts[1] !== 'Anonymous function' && parts[1] !== 'global code' && parts[1]) || null,
'line': +parts[3],
'column': parts[4] ? +parts[4] : null
if (line.match(chrome_eval) || line.match(ie_eval) || line === 'anonymous') {
return { 'func': 'evaluated code' }
function computeStackTraceBySourceAndLine (ex) {
if (!('line' in ex)) return null
var className = || getClassName(ex)
// Safari does not provide a URL for errors in eval'd code
if (!ex.sourceURL) {
return ({
'mode': 'sourceline',
'name': className,
'message': ex.message,
'stackString': getClassName(ex) + ': ' + ex.message + '\n in evaluated code',
'frames': [{
'func': 'evaluated code'
var stackString = className + ': ' + ex.message + '\n at ' + ex.sourceURL
if (ex.line) {
stackString += ':' + ex.line
if (ex.column) {
stackString += ':' + ex.column
return ({
'mode': 'sourceline',
'name': className,
'message': ex.message,
'stackString': stackString,
'frames': [{ 'url': ex.sourceURL,
'line': ex.line,
'column': ex.column
function computeStackTraceWithMessageOnly (ex) {
var className = || getClassName(ex)
if (!className) return null
return ({
'mode': 'nameonly',
'name': className,
'message': ex.message,
'stackString': className + ': ' + ex.message,
'frames': []
function getClassName (obj) {
var results = classNameRegex.exec(String(obj.constructor))
return (results && results.length > 1) ? results[1] : 'unknown'
function isWrapper (functionName) {
return (functionName && functionName.indexOf('nrWrapper') >= 0)
// TODO: Stop supporting old opera and throw away:
// computeStackTraceFromStacktraceProp
// computeStackTraceFromOperaMultiLineMessage
* Computes stack trace information from the stacktrace property.
* Opera 10 uses this property.
* @param {Error} ex
* @return {?Object.<string, *>} Stack trace information.
function computeStackTraceFromStacktraceProp (ex) {
if (!ex.stacktrace) {
return null
// Access and store the stacktrace property before doing ANYTHING
// else to it because Opera is not very good at providing it
// reliably in other circumstances.
var stacktrace = ex.stacktrace
var testRE = / line (\d+), column (\d+) in (?:<anonymous function: ([^>]+)>|([^\)]+))\(.*\) in (.*):\s*$/i
var lines = stacktrace.split('\n')
var frames = []
var stackLines = []
var parts
var wrapperSeen = false
for (var i = 0, j = lines.length; i < j; i += 2) {
if ((parts = testRE.exec(lines[i]))) {
var element = {
'line': +parts[1],
'column': +parts[2],
'func': parts[3] || parts[4],
'url': parts[5]
if (isWrapper(element.func)) wrapperSeen = true
else stackLines.push(lines[i])
if (!wrapperSeen) frames.push(element)
} else {
if (!frames.length) {
return null
return {
'mode': 'stacktrace',
'name': || getClassName(ex),
'message': ex.message,
'stackString': formatStackTrace(stackLines),
'frames': frames
* Computes stack trace information from an error message that includes
* the stack trace.
* Opera 9 and earlier use this method if the option to show stack
* traces is turned on in opera:config.
* @param {Error} ex
* @return {?Object.<string, *>} Stack information.
function computeStackTraceFromOperaMultiLineMessage (ex) {
// Opera includes a stack trace into the exception message. An example is:
// Statement on line 3: Undefined variable: undefinedFunc
// Backtrace:
// Line 3 of linked script file://localhost/Users/andreyvit/Projects/TraceKit/javascript-client/sample.js: In function zzz
// undefinedFunc(a)
// Line 7 of inline#1 script in file://localhost/Users/andreyvit/Projects/TraceKit/javascript-client/sample.html: In function yyy
// zzz(x, y, z)
// Line 3 of inline#1 script in file://localhost/Users/andreyvit/Projects/TraceKit/javascript-client/sample.html: In function xxx
// yyy(a, a, a)
// Line 1 of function script
// try { xxx('hi'); return false; } catch(ex) {; }
// ...
var lines = ex.message.split('\n')
if (lines.length < 4) {
return null
var lineRE1 = /^\s*Line (\d+) of linked script ((?:file|http|https)\S+)(?:: in function (\S+))?\s*$/i
var lineRE2 = /^\s*Line (\d+) of inline#(\d+) script in ((?:file|http|https)\S+)(?:: in function (\S+))?\s*$/i
var lineRE3 = /^\s*Line (\d+) of function script\s*$/i
var frames = []
var stackLines = []
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script')
var inlineScriptBlocks = []
var parts
var i
var len
var wrapperSeen = false
for (i in scripts) {
if (, i) && !scripts[i].src) {
for (i = 2, len = lines.length; i < len; i += 2) {
var item = null
if ((parts = lineRE1.exec(lines[i]))) {
item = {
'url': parts[2],
'func': parts[3],
'line': +parts[1]
} else if ((parts = lineRE2.exec(lines[i]))) {
item = {
'url': parts[3],
'func': parts[4]
} else if ((parts = lineRE3.exec(lines[i]))) {
var url = window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, '')
var line = parts[1]
item = {
'url': url,
'line': line,
'func': ''
if (item) {
if (isWrapper(item.func)) wrapperSeen = true
else stackLines.push(lines[i])
if (!wrapperSeen) frames.push(item)
if (!frames.length) {
return null // could not parse multiline exception message as Opera stack trace
return {
'mode': 'multiline',
'name': || getClassName(ex),
'message': lines[0],
'stackString': formatStackTrace(stackLines),
'frames': frames
var stripNewlinesRegex = /^\n+|\n+$/g
module.exports = function (stackLines) {
var stackString
if (stackLines.length > 100) {
var truncatedLines = stackLines.length - 100
stackString = stackLines.slice(0, 50).join('\n')
stackString += '\n< ...truncated ' + truncatedLines + ' lines... >\n'
stackString += stackLines.slice(-50).join('\n')
} else {
stackString = stackLines.join('\n')
return stackString.replace(stripNewlinesRegex, '')
var agg = require(2)
var canonicalFunctionName = require(21)
var cleanURL = require(4)
var computeStackTrace = require(22)
var stringHashCode = require(25)
var loader = require("loader")
var ee = require("ee")
var stackReported = {}
var pageviewReported = {}
var register = require(14)
var harvest = require(8)
var interval = require(11)
var stringify = require(19)
var handle = require("handle")
var baseEE = require("ee")
var mapOwn = require(35)
var errorCache = {}
// Make sure loader.offset is as accurate as possible
// bail if not instrumented
if (!loader.features.err) return
var errorOnPage = false
var harvestTimeSeconds = 60
harvest.on('jserrors', function () {
var body = agg.take([ 'err', 'ierr' ])
var payload = { body: body, qs: {} }
var releaseIds = stringify(loader.releaseIds)
if (releaseIds !== '{}') {
payload.qs.ri = releaseIds
if (body && body.err && body.err.length && !errorOnPage) {
payload.qs.pve = '1'
errorOnPage = true
return payload
// send errors every minute
interval(function () {
var sent = harvest.sendX('jserrors', loader)
if (!sent) harvest.pingErrors(loader)
}, harvestTimeSeconds * 1000)
ee.on('feat-err', function () {
register('err', storeError)
register('ierr', storeError)
function nameHash (params) {
return stringHashCode(params.exceptionClass) ^ params.stackHash
function canonicalizeURL (url, cleanedOrigin) {
if (typeof url !== 'string') return ''
var cleanedURL = cleanURL(url)
if (cleanedURL === cleanedOrigin) {
return '<inline>'
} else {
return cleanedURL
function buildCanonicalStackString (stackInfo, cleanedOrigin) {
var canonicalStack = ''
for (var i = 0; i < stackInfo.frames.length; i++) {
var frame = stackInfo.frames[i]
var func = canonicalFunctionName(frame.func)
if (canonicalStack) canonicalStack += '\n'
if (func) canonicalStack += func + '@'
if (typeof frame.url === 'string') canonicalStack += frame.url
if (frame.line) canonicalStack += ':' + frame.line
return canonicalStack
// Strip query parameters and fragments from the stackString property of the
// given stackInfo, along with the 'url' properties of each frame in
// stackInfo.frames.
// Any URLs that are equivalent to the cleaned version of the origin will also
// be replaced with the string '<inline>'.
function canonicalizeStackURLs (stackInfo) {
// Currently, loader.origin might contain a fragment, but we don't want to use it
// for comparing with frame URLs.
var cleanedOrigin = cleanURL(loader.origin)
for (var i = 0; i < stackInfo.frames.length; i++) {
var frame = stackInfo.frames[i]
var originalURL = frame.url
var cleanedURL = canonicalizeURL(originalURL, cleanedOrigin)
if (cleanedURL && cleanedURL !== frame.url) {
frame.url = cleanedURL
stackInfo.stackString = stackInfo.stackString.split(originalURL).join(cleanedURL)
return stackInfo
function storeError (err, time, internal, customAttributes) {
// are we in an interaction
time = time ||
if (!internal && loader.onerror && loader.onerror(err)) return
var stackInfo = canonicalizeStackURLs(computeStackTrace(err))
var canonicalStack = buildCanonicalStackString(stackInfo)
var params = {
stackHash: stringHashCode(canonicalStack),
request_uri: window.location.pathname
if (stackInfo.message) {
params.message = '' + stackInfo.message
if (!stackReported[params.stackHash]) {
stackReported[params.stackHash] = true
params.stack_trace = stackInfo.stackString
} else {
params.browser_stack_hash = stringHashCode(stackInfo.stackString)
params.releaseIds = stringify(loader.releaseIds)
// When debugging stack canonicalization/hashing, uncomment these lines for
// more output in the test logs
// params.origStack = err.stack
// params.canonicalStack = canonicalStack
var hash = nameHash(params)
if (!pageviewReported[hash]) {
params.pageview = 1
pageviewReported[hash] = true
var type = internal ? 'ierr' : 'err'
var newMetrics = { time: time }
// stn and spa aggregators listen to this event - stn sends the error in its payload,
// and spa annotates the error with interaction info
handle('errorAgg', [type, hash, params, newMetrics])
if (params._interactionId != null) {
// hold on to the error until the interaction finishes
errorCache[params._interactionId] = errorCache[params._interactionId] || []
errorCache[params._interactionId].push([type, hash, params, newMetrics, att, customAttributes])
} else {
// store custom attributes
var customParams = {}
var att =
mapOwn(att, setCustom)
if (customAttributes) {
mapOwn(customAttributes, setCustom)
var jsAttributesHash = stringHashCode(stringify(customParams))
var aggregateHash = hash + ':' + jsAttributesHash, aggregateHash, params, newMetrics, customParams)
function setCustom (key, val) {
customParams[key] = (val && typeof val === 'object' ? stringify(val) : val)
baseEE.on('interactionSaved', function (interaction) {
if (!errorCache[]) return
errorCache[].forEach(function (item) {
var customParams = {}
var globalCustomParams = item[4]
var localCustomParams = item[5]
mapOwn(globalCustomParams, setCustom)
mapOwn(interaction.root.attrs.custom, setCustom)
mapOwn(localCustomParams, setCustom)
var params = item[2]
params.browserInteractionId =
delete params._interactionId
if (params._interactionNodeId) {
params.parentNodeId = params._interactionNodeId.toString()
delete params._interactionNodeId
var hash = item[1] +
var jsAttributesHash = stringHashCode(stringify(customParams))
var aggregateHash = hash + ':' + jsAttributesHash[0], aggregateHash, params, item[3], customParams)
function setCustom (key, val) {
customParams[key] = (val && typeof val === 'object' ? stringify(val) : val)
delete errorCache[]
baseEE.on('interactionDiscarded', function (interaction) {
if (!errorCache[]) return
errorCache[].forEach(function (item) {
var customParams = {}
var globalCustomParams = item[4]
var localCustomParams = item[5]
mapOwn(globalCustomParams, setCustom)
mapOwn(interaction.root.attrs.custom, setCustom)
mapOwn(localCustomParams, setCustom)
var params = item[2]
delete params._interactionId
delete params._interactionNodeId
var hash = item[1]
var jsAttributesHash = stringHashCode(stringify(customParams))
var aggregateHash = hash + ':' + jsAttributesHash[0], aggregateHash, item[2], item[3], customParams)
function setCustom (key, val) {
customParams[key] = (val && typeof val === 'object' ? stringify(val) : val)
delete errorCache[]
function stringHashCode (string) {
var hash = 0
var charVal
if (!string || !string.length) return hash
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
charVal = string.charCodeAt(i)
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + charVal
hash = hash | 0 // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash
module.exports = stringHashCode
var ee = require("ee")
var loader = require("loader")
var mapOwn = require(35)
var stringify = require(19)
var register = require(14)
var harvest = require(8)
var cleanURL = require(4)
var interval = require(11)
var eventsPerMinute = 120
var harvestTimeSeconds = 30
var eventsPerHarvest = eventsPerMinute * harvestTimeSeconds / 60
var referrerUrl
var events = []
var att = = {}
if (document.referrer) referrerUrl = cleanURL(document.referrer)
register('api-setCustomAttribute', setCustomAttribute, 'api')
ee.on('feat-ins', function () {
register('api-addPageAction', addPageAction)
harvest.on('ins', function () {
var payload = ({
qs: {
body: {
ins: events
events = []
return payload
interval(function () {
harvest.sendX('ins', loader)
}, harvestTimeSeconds * 1000)
harvest.sendX('ins', loader)
// WARNING: Insights times are in seconds. EXCEPT timestamp, which is in ms.
function addPageAction (t, name, attributes) {
if (events.length >= eventsPerHarvest) return
var width
var height
var eventAttributes = {}
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.documentElement) {
// Doesn't include the nav bar when it disappears in mobile safari
width = window.document.documentElement.clientWidth
height = window.document.documentElement.clientHeight
var defaults = {
timestamp: t + loader.offset,
timeSinceLoad: t / 1000,
browserWidth: width,
browserHeight: height,
referrerUrl: referrerUrl,
currentUrl: cleanURL('' + location),
pageUrl: cleanURL(loader.origin),
eventType: 'PageAction'
mapOwn(defaults, set)
mapOwn(att, set)
if (attributes && typeof attributes === 'object') {
mapOwn(attributes, set)
eventAttributes.actionName = name || ''
function set (key, val) {
eventAttributes[key] = (val && typeof val === 'object' ? stringify(val) : val)
function setCustomAttribute (t, key, value) {
att[key] = value
var register = require(14)
var parseUrl = require(31)
var harvest = require(8)
var serializer = require(28)
var loader = require("loader")
var baseEE = require("ee")
var mutationEE = baseEE.get('mutation')
var promiseEE = baseEE.get('promise')
var historyEE = baseEE.get('history')
var eventsEE = baseEE.get('events')
var timerEE = baseEE.get('timer')
var fetchEE = baseEE.get('fetch')
var jsonpEE = baseEE.get('jsonp')
var xhrEE = baseEE.get('xhr')
var tracerEE = baseEE.get('tracer')
var mapOwn = require(35)
var navTiming = require(13).nt
var dataSize = require(32)
var uniqueId = require(34)
var MAX_NODES = 128
var FN_START = 'fn-start'
var FN_END = 'fn-end'
var CB_START = 'cb-start'
var INTERACTION_API = 'api-ixn-'
var REMAINING = 'remaining'
var INTERACTION = 'interaction'
var SPA_NODE = 'spaNode'
var JSONP_NODE = 'jsonpNode'
var FETCH_START = 'fetch-start'
var FETCH_DONE = 'fetch-done'
var FETCH_BODY = 'fetch-body-'
var JSONP_END = 'jsonp-end'
module.exports = function () {
return currentNode &&
var originals = NREUM.o
var origRequest = originals.REQ
var originalSetTimeout = originals.ST
var originalClearTimeout = originals.CT
var initialPageURL = loader.origin
var lastSeenUrl = initialPageURL
var lastSeenRouteName = null
var timerMap = {}
var timerBudget = MAX_TIMER_BUDGET
var currentNode = null
var prevNode = null
var nodeOnLastHashUpdate = null
var initialPageLoad = null
var pageLoaded = false
var childTime = 0
var depth = 0
var lastId = 0
// childTime is used when calculating exclusive time for a cb duration.
// Exclusive time will be different than the total time for either callbacks
// which synchronously invoke a customTracer callback or, trigger a synchronous
// event (eg. onreadystate=1 or popstate).
// At fn-end, childTime will contain the total time of all timed callbacks and
// event handlers which executed as a child of the current callback. At the
// begining of every callback, childTime is saved to the event context (which at
// that time contains the sum of its preceeding siblings) and is reset to 0. The
// callback is then executed, and its children may increase childTime. At the
// end of the callback, it reports its exclusive time as its
// execution time - exlcuded. childTime is then reset to its previous
// value, and the totalTime of the callback that just finished executing is
// added to the childTime time.
// | clock | childTime | ctx.ct | totalTime | exclusive |
// click fn-start | 0 | 0 | 0 | | |
// | click begining: | 5 | 0 | 0 | | |
// | | custom-1 fn-start | 10 | 0 | 0 | | |
// | | | custom-1 begining | 15 | 0 | 0 | | |
// | | | | custom-2 fn-start | 20 | 0 | 0 | | |
// | | | | | custom-2 | 25 | 0 | 0 | | |
// | | | | custom-2 fn-end | 30 | 10 | 0 | 10 | 10 |
// | | | custom-1 middle | 35 | 10 | 0 | | |
// | | | | custom-3 fn-start | 40 | 0 | 10 | | |
// | | | | | custom-3 | 45 | 0 | 10 | | |
// | | | | custom-3 fn-end | 50 | 20 | 0 | 10 | 10 |
// | | | custom-1 ending | 55 | 20 | 0 | | |
// | custom-1 fn-end | 60 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 30 |
// | click ending: | 65 | 50 | | | |
// click fn-end | 70 | 0 | 0 | 70 | 20 |
baseEE.on('feat-spa', function () {
initialPageLoad = new Interaction('initialPageLoad', 0) = true
currentNode = initialPageLoad.root // hint
// ensure that checkFinish calls are safe during initialPageLoad
register.on(baseEE, FN_START, callbackStart)
register.on(promiseEE, CB_START, callbackStart)
function callbackStart () {
this.prevNode = currentNode
this.ct = childTime
childTime = 0
timerBudget = MAX_TIMER_BUDGET
register.on(baseEE, FN_END, callbackEnd)
register.on(promiseEE, 'cb-end', callbackEnd)
function callbackEnd () {
var totalTime = this.jsTime || 0
var exclusiveTime = totalTime - childTime
childTime = this.ct + totalTime
if (currentNode) {
// transfer accumulated callback time to the active interaction node
// run even if jsTime is 0 to update jsEnd
currentNode.callback(exclusiveTime, this[FN_END])
if (this.isTraced) {
currentNode.attrs.tracedTime = exclusiveTime
this.jsTime = currentNode ? 0 : exclusiveTime
this.prevNode = null
timerBudget = MAX_TIMER_BUDGET
register.on(eventsEE, FN_START, function (args, eventSource) {
var ev = args[0]
var evName = ev.type
var eventNode = ev.__nrNode
if (!pageLoaded && evName === 'load' && eventSource === window) {
pageLoaded = true
// set to null so prevNode is set correctly
this.prevNode = currentNode = null
if (initialPageLoad) {
eventNode = initialPageLoad.root
originalSetTimeout(function () {
if (eventNode) {
// If we've already seen a previous handler for this specific event object,
// just restore that. We want multiple handlers for the same event to share
// a node.
} else if (evName === 'hashchange') {
nodeOnLastHashUpdate = null
} else if (eventSource instanceof XMLHttpRequest) {
// If this event was emitted by an XHR, restore the node ID associated with
// that XHR. TODO: should this create a node?
} else if (!currentNode) {
// Otherwise, if no interaction is currently active, create a new node ID,
// and let the aggregator know that we entered a new event handler callback
// so that it has a chance to possibly start an interaction.
if (INTERACTION_EVENTS.indexOf(evName) !== -1) {
setCurrentNode(new Interaction(evName, this[FN_START]).root)
if (evName === 'click') {
var value = getActionText(
if (value) {
currentNode.attrs.custom['actionText'] = value
ev.__nrNode = currentNode
// The context supplied to this callback will be shared with the fn-start/fn-end
// callbacks that fire around the callback passed to setTimeout originally.
register.on(timerEE, 'setTimeout-end', function saveId (args, obj, timerId) {
if (!currentNode || (timerBudget - this.timerDuration) < 0) return
this.timerId = timerId
timerMap[timerId] = currentNode
this.timerBudget = timerBudget - 50
register.on(timerEE, 'clearTimeout-start', function clear (args) {
var timerId = args[0]
var node = timerMap[timerId]
if (node) {
var interaction = node[INTERACTION]
delete timerMap[timerId]
register.on(timerEE, FN_START, function () {
timerBudget = this.timerBudget || MAX_TIMER_BUDGET
var id = this.timerId
var node = timerMap[id]
delete timerMap[id]
if (node) {
// context is shared with new-xhr event, and is stored on the xhr iteself.
register.on(xhrEE, FN_START, function () {
// context is stored on the xhr and is shared with all callbacks associated
// with the new xhr
register.on(xhrEE, 'new-xhr', function () {
if (currentNode) {
this[SPA_NODE] = currentNode.child('ajax', null, null, true)
register.on(xhrEE, 'send-xhr-start', function () {
var node = this[SPA_NODE]
if (node && !this.sent) {
this.sent = true
node.jsEnd = node.start = this['send-xhr-start']
register.on(baseEE, 'xhr-resolved', function () {
var node = this[SPA_NODE]
if (node) {
var attrs = node.attrs
attrs.params = this.params
attrs.metrics = this.metrics
register.on(jsonpEE, 'new-jsonp', function (url) {
if (currentNode) {
var node = this[JSONP_NODE] = currentNode.child('ajax', this[FETCH_START])
node.start = this['new-jsonp']
this.url = url
this.status = null
register.on(jsonpEE, 'cb-start', function (args) {
var node = this[JSONP_NODE]
if (node) {
this.status = 200
register.on(jsonpEE, 'jsonp-error', function () {
var node = this[JSONP_NODE]
if (node) {
this.status = 0
register.on(jsonpEE, JSONP_END, function () {
var node = this[JSONP_NODE]
if (node) {
// if no status is set then cb never fired - so it's not a valid JSONP
if (this.status === null) {
node.cancelled = true
var attrs = node.attrs
var params = attrs.params = {}
var parsed = parseUrl(this.url)
params.method = 'GET'
params.pathname = parsed.pathname = parsed.hostname + ':' + parsed.port
params.status = this.status
attrs.metrics = {
txSize: 0,
rxSize: 0
attrs.isJSONP = true
node.jsEnd = this[JSONP_END]
node.jsTime = this[CB_START] ? (this[JSONP_END] - this[CB_START]) : 0
register.on(fetchEE, FETCH_START, function (target, opts) {
if (currentNode) {
this[SPA_NODE] = currentNode.child('ajax', this[FETCH_START]) = target
this.opts = opts
register.on(fetchEE, FETCH_BODY + 'start', function (target, opts) {
if (currentNode) {
this[SPA_NODE] = currentNode
register.on(fetchEE, FETCH_BODY + 'end', function (args, ctx, bodyPromise) {
var node = this[SPA_NODE]
if (node) {
register.on(fetchEE, FETCH_DONE, function (err, res) {
var node = this[SPA_NODE]
var target =
var opts = this.opts || {}
if (node) {
if (err) {
node.cancelled = true
var url, method
if (typeof target === 'string') {
url = target
} else if (typeof target === 'object' && target instanceof origRequest) {
url = target.url
method = ('' + (target && target.method || opts.method || 'GET')).toUpperCase()
var attrs = node.attrs
var params = attrs.params = {}
var parsed = parseUrl(url)
params.method = method
params.pathname = parsed.pathname = parsed.hostname + ':' + parsed.port
params.status = res.status
attrs.metrics = {
txSize: dataSize(opts.body) || 0,
rxSize: this.rxSize
attrs.isFetch = true
register.on(historyEE, 'newURL', function (url, hashChangedDuringCb) {
if (currentNode) {
if (lastSeenUrl !== url) {
currentNode[INTERACTION].routeChange = true
if (hashChangedDuringCb) {
nodeOnLastHashUpdate = currentNode
lastSeenUrl = url
register.on(mutationEE, FN_START, function () {
register.on(promiseEE, 'resolve-start', resolvePromise)
register.on(promiseEE, 'executor-err', resolvePromise)
register.on(promiseEE, 'propagate', saveNode)
register.on(promiseEE, CB_START, function () {
var ctx = this.getCtx ? this.getCtx() : this
register(INTERACTION_API + 'get', function (t) {
var interaction = this.ixn = currentNode ? currentNode[INTERACTION] : new Interaction('api', t)
if (!currentNode) {
if (depth) setCurrentNode(interaction.root)
register(INTERACTION_API + 'actionText', function (t, actionText) {
var customAttrs = this.ixn.root.attrs.custom
if (actionText) customAttrs.actionText = actionText
register(INTERACTION_API + 'setName', function (t, name, trigger) {
var attrs = this.ixn.root.attrs
if (name) attrs.customName = name
if (trigger) attrs.trigger = trigger
register(INTERACTION_API + 'setAttribute', function (t, name, value) {
this.ixn.root.attrs.custom[name] = value
register(INTERACTION_API + 'end', function (timestamp) {
var interaction = this.ixn
var node = activeNodeFor(interaction)
node.child('customEnd', timestamp).finish(timestamp)
register(INTERACTION_API + 'ignore', function () {
this.ixn.ignored = true
register(INTERACTION_API + 'save', function () { = true
register(INTERACTION_API + 'tracer', function (timestamp, name, store) {
var interaction = this.ixn
var parent = activeNodeFor(interaction)
var ctx = baseEE.context(store)
if (!name) { = ++interaction[REMAINING]
return (ctx[SPA_NODE] = parent)
ctx[SPA_NODE] = parent.child('customTracer', timestamp, name)
register.on(tracerEE, FN_START, tracerDone)
register.on(tracerEE, 'no-' + FN_START, tracerDone)
function tracerDone (timestamp, interactionContext, hasCb) {
var node = this[SPA_NODE]
if (!node) return
var interaction = node[INTERACTION]
var inc =
this.isTraced = true
if (inc) {
} else if (node) {
hasCb ? setCurrentNode(node) : interaction.checkFinish()
register(INTERACTION_API + 'getContext', function (t, cb) {
var store =
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0)
register(INTERACTION_API + 'onEnd', function (t, cb) {
register('api-routeName', function (t, currentRouteName) {
lastSeenRouteName = currentRouteName
function activeNodeFor (interaction) {
return (currentNode && currentNode[INTERACTION] === interaction) ? currentNode : interaction.root
function saveNode (val, overwrite) {
if (overwrite || !this[SPA_NODE]) this[SPA_NODE] = currentNode
function resolvePromise () {
if (!this.resolved) {
this.resolved = true
this[SPA_NODE] = currentNode
function setCurrentNode (newNode) {
if (!pageLoaded && !newNode && initialPageLoad) newNode = initialPageLoad.root
if (currentNode) {
prevNode = currentNode
currentNode = (newNode && !newNode[INTERACTION].end) ? newNode : null
function Interaction (eventName, timestamp) { = lastId++
this.nodes = 0
this[REMAINING] = 0
this.finishTimer = null
this.lastCb = this.lastFinish = timestamp
this.handlers = []
var root = this.root = new InteractionNode(this, null, 'interaction', timestamp)
var attrs = root.attrs
attrs.trigger = eventName
attrs.initialPageURL = loader.origin
attrs.oldRoute = lastSeenRouteName
attrs.newURL = attrs.oldURL = lastSeenUrl
attrs.custom = {} = {}
var InteractionPrototype = Interaction.prototype
InteractionPrototype.checkFinish = function checkFinish () {
var interaction = this
var attrs = this.root.attrs
if (interaction.finishTimer) {
interaction.finishTimer = null
if (interaction[REMAINING]) return
attrs.newURL = lastSeenUrl
attrs.newRoute = lastSeenRouteName
interaction.finishTimer = originalSetTimeout(function () {
interaction.finishTimer = originalSetTimeout(function () {
interaction.finishTimer = null
if (!interaction[REMAINING]) interaction.finish()
}, 1)
}, 0)
// serialize report and remove nodes from map
InteractionPrototype.finish = function finishInteraction () {
var interaction = this
var root = interaction.root
if (root.end) return
if (interaction === initialPageLoad) initialPageLoad = null
var endTimestamp = Math.max(interaction.lastCb, interaction.lastFinish)
var attrs = root.attrs
var customAttrs = attrs.custom
// make sure that newrelic[INTERACTION]() works in end handler
currentNode = root
mapOwn(this.handlers, function (i, cb) {
mapOwn(, function (attr, value) {
if (!(attr in customAttrs)) customAttrs[attr] = value
root.end = endTimestamp
baseEE.emit('interaction', [this])
function InteractionNode (interaction, parent, type, timestamp) {
this[INTERACTION] = interaction
this.parent = parent = lastId++
this.type = type
this.children = []
this.end = null
this.jsEnd = this.start = timestamp
this.jsTime = 0
this.attrs = {}
var InteractionNodePrototype = InteractionNode.prototype
InteractionNodePrototype.child = function child (type, timestamp, name, dontWait) {
var interaction = this[INTERACTION]
if (interaction.end || interaction.nodes >= MAX_NODES) return null
if (interaction.finishTimer) {
interaction.finishTimer = null
var node = new InteractionNode(interaction, this, type, timestamp) = name
if (!dontWait) interaction[REMAINING]++
return node
InteractionNodePrototype.callback = function addCallbackTime (exclusiveTime, end) {
var node = this
node.jsTime += exclusiveTime
if (end > node.jsEnd) {
node.jsEnd = end
node[INTERACTION].lastCb = end
InteractionNodePrototype.finish = function finish (timestamp) {
var node = this
if (node.end) return
node.end = timestamp
var parent = node.parent
while (parent.cancelled) parent = parent.parent
node.parent = null
var interaction = this[INTERACTION]
interaction.lastFinish = timestamp
var lastInteractionRecord = null
harvest.on('events', function () {
if (!lastInteractionRecord) return {}
var interaction = lastInteractionRecord
lastInteractionRecord = null
return { body: { e: interaction } }
baseEE.on('errorAgg', function (type, name, params, metrics) {
if (!currentNode) return
params._interactionId =
// do not capture parentNodeId when in root node
if (currentNode.type && currentNode.type !== 'interaction') {
params._interactionNodeId =
baseEE.on('interaction', saveInteraction)
function getActionText (node) {
var nodeType = node.tagName.toLowerCase()
var goodNodeTypes = ['a', 'button', 'input']
var isGoodNode = goodNodeTypes.indexOf(nodeType) !== -1
if (isGoodNode) {
return node.title || node.value || node.innerText
function saveInteraction (interaction) {
if (interaction.ignored || (! && !interaction.routeChange)) {
baseEE.emit('interactionDiscarded', [interaction])
// assign unique id, this is serialized and used to link interactions with errors = uniqueId.generateUuid()
baseEE.emit('interactionSaved', [interaction])
lastInteractionRecord = serializer(interaction.root, 0, navTiming, interaction.routeChange)
harvest.sendX('events', loader)
var cleanURL = require(4)
var stringify = require(19)
var loader = require("loader")
var mapOwn = require(35)
module.exports = serializeInteraction
var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
function serializeInteraction (root, offset, navTiming, isRouteChange) {
offset = offset || 0
var stringTable = Object.hasOwnProperty('create') ? Object.create(null) : {}
var stringTableIdx = 0
var isInitialPage = root.attrs.trigger === 'initialPageLoad'
var firstTimestamp
var typeIdsByName = {
interaction: 1,
ajax: 2,
customTracer: 4
// Include the hash fragment with all SPA data
var includeHashFragment = true
return 'bel.4;' + addNode(root, []).join(';')
function addNode (node, nodeList) {
if (node.type === 'customEnd') return nodeList.push([3, numeric(node.end - firstTimestamp)])
var typeName = node.type
var typeId = typeIdsByName[typeName]
var startTimestamp = node.start
var childCount = node.children.length
var attrCount = 0
var apmAttributes =
var hasNavTiming = isInitialPage && navTiming.length && typeId === 1
var children = []
var attrs = node.attrs
var metrics = attrs.metrics
var params = attrs.params
var queueTime =
var appTime =
if (typeof firstTimestamp === 'undefined') {
startTimestamp += offset
firstTimestamp = startTimestamp
} else {
startTimestamp -= firstTimestamp
var fields = [
numeric(node.end - node.start),
numeric(node.jsEnd - node.end),
switch (typeId) {
case 1:
// TODO: If we are using custom route names does a url change still represent a route change?
fields[2] = numeric(node.jsEnd - firstTimestamp)
addString(cleanURL(attrs.initialPageURL, includeHashFragment)),
addString(cleanURL(attrs.oldURL, includeHashFragment)),
addString(cleanURL(attrs.newURL, includeHashFragment)),
isInitialPage ? '' : isRouteChange ? 1 : 2,
nullable(isInitialPage && queueTime, numeric, true) +
nullable(isInitialPage && appTime, numeric, true) +
nullable(attrs.oldRoute, addString, true) +
nullable(attrs.newRoute, addString, true) +
if (apmAttributes) {
children.push('a,' + addString(apmAttributes))
case 2:
attrs.isFetch ? 1 : (attrs.isJSONP ? 2 : ''),
case 4:
var tracedTime = attrs.tracedTime
nullable(tracedTime, numeric, true) +
for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
addNode(node.children[i], children)
numeric(childCount += attrCount)
if (childCount) {
if (hasNavTiming) {
// this build up the navTiming node
// it for each navTiming value (pre aggregated in nav-timing.js):
// we initialize the seperator to ',' (seperates the nodeType id from the first value)
// we initialize the navTiming node to 'b' (the nodeType id)
// if the value is present:
// we add the seperator followed by the value
// otherwise
// we add null seperator ('!') to the navTimingNode
// we set the seperator to an empty string since we already wrote it above
// the reason for writing the null seperator instead of setting the seperator
// is to ensure we still write it if the null is the last navTiming value.
var seperator = ','
var navTimingNode = 'b'
var prev = 0
// get all navTiming values except navigationStart
// (since its the same as interaction.start)
// and limit to just the first 20 values we know about
mapOwn(navTiming.slice(1, 21), function (i, v) {
if (v !== void 0) {
navTimingNode += seperator + numeric(v - prev)
seperator = ','
prev = v
} else {
navTimingNode += seperator + '!'
seperator = ''
} else if (typeId === 1) {
return nodeList
function addCustomAttributes (attrs) {
mapOwn(attrs, function (key, val) {
if (attrCount >= MAX_ATTRIBUTES) return
var type = 5
var serializedValue
// add key to string table first
key = addString(key)
switch (typeof val) {
case 'object':
if (val) {
// serialize objects to strings
serializedValue = addString(stringify(val))
} else {
// null attribute type
type = 9
case 'number':
type = 6
// make sure numbers contain a `.` so they are parsed as doubles
serializedValue = val % 1 ? val : val + '.'
case 'boolean':
type = val ? 7 : 8
case 'undefined':
// we treet undefined as a null attribute (since dirac does not have a concept of undefined)
type = 9
serializedValue = addString(val)
children.push([type, key + (serializedValue ? ',' + serializedValue : '')])
function addString (str) {
if (typeof str === 'undefined' || str === '') return ''
str = String(str)
if (, str)) {
return numeric(stringTable[str], true)
} else {
stringTable[str] = stringTableIdx++
return quoteString(str)
function nullable (val, fn, comma) {
return val || val === 0 || val === ''
? fn(val) + (comma ? ',' : '')
: '!'
function numeric (n, noDefault) {
if (noDefault) {
return Math.floor(n).toString(36)
return (n === undefined || n === 0) ? '' : Math.floor(n).toString(36)
var escapable = /([,\\;])/g
function quoteString (str) {
return "'" + str.replace(escapable, '\\$1')
var loader = require("loader")
var registerHandler = require(14)
var harvest = require(8)
var mapOwn = require(35)
var reduce = require(38)
var stringify = require(19)
var slice = require(36)
var parseUrl = require(31)
var interval = require(11)
if (!harvest.xhrUsable || !loader.xhrWrappable) return
var ptid = ''
var ignoredEvents = {mouseup: true, mousedown: true}
var toAggregate = {
typing: [1000, 2000],
scrolling: [100, 1000],
mousing: [1000, 2000],
touching: [1000, 2000]
var rename = {
typing: {
keydown: true,
keyup: true,
keypress: true
mousing: {
mousemove: true,
mouseenter: true,
mouseleave: true,
mouseover: true,
mouseout: true
scrolling: {
scroll: true
touching: {
touchstart: true,
touchmove: true,
touchend: true,
touchcancel: true,
touchenter: true,
touchleave: true
var trace = {}
var ee = require("ee")
// exports only used for testing
module.exports = {
_takeSTNs: takeSTNs
// Make sure loader.offset is as accurate as possible
// bail if not instrumented
if (!loader.features.stn) return
ee.on('feat-stn', function () {
harvest.on('resources', checkPtid(takeSTNs))
var xhr = harvest.sendX('resources', loader, { needResponse: true })
xhr.addEventListener('load', function () {
ptid = this.responseText
}, false)
registerHandler('bst', storeEvent)
registerHandler('bstTimer', storeTimer)
registerHandler('bstResource', storeResources)
registerHandler('bstHist', storeHist)
registerHandler('bstXhrAgg', storeXhrAgg)
registerHandler('bstApi', storeSTN)
registerHandler('errorAgg', storeErrorAgg)
interval(function () {
var total = 0
if (( > (15 * 60 * 1000)) {
// been collecting for over 15 min, empty trace object and bail
trace = {}
mapOwn(trace, function (name, nodes) {
if (nodes && nodes.length) total += nodes.length
if (total > 30) harvest.sendX('resources', loader)
// if harvests aren't working (due to no ptid),
// start throwing things away at 1000 nodes.
if (total > 1000) trace = {}
}, 10000)
function storeTiming (_t) {
var key
var val
var timeOffset
var now =
// loop iterates through prototype also (for FF)
for (key in _t) {
val = _t[key]
// ignore inherited methods, meaningless 0 values, and bogus timestamps
// that are in the future (Microsoft Edge seems to sometimes produce these)
if (!(typeof (val) === 'number' && val > 0 && val < now)) continue
timeOffset = _t[key] - loader.offset
n: key,
s: timeOffset,
e: timeOffset,
o: 'document',
t: 'timing'
function storeTimer (target, start, end, type) {
var category = 'timer'
if (type === 'requestAnimationFrame') category = type
var evt = {
n: type,
s: start,
e: end,
o: 'window',
t: category
function storeEvent (currentEvent, target, start, end) {
// we find that certain events make the data too noisy to be useful
if (currentEvent.type in ignoredEvents) { return false }
var evt = {
n: evtName(currentEvent.type),
s: start,
e: end,
t: 'event'
try {
// webcomponents-lite.js can trigger an exception on getter because
// it does not check currentEvent.currentTarget before calling getRootNode() on it
evt.o = evtOrigin(, target)
} catch (e) {
evt.o = evtOrigin(null, target)
function evtName (type) {
var name = type
mapOwn(rename, function (key, val) {
if (type in val) name = key
return name
function evtOrigin (t, target) {
var origin = 'unknown'
if (t && t instanceof XMLHttpRequest) {
var params = ee.context(t).params
origin = params.status + ' ' + params.method + ': ' + + params.pathname
} else if (t && typeof (t.tagName) === 'string') {
origin = t.tagName.toLowerCase()
if ( origin += '#' +
if (t.className) origin += '.' + slice(t.classList).join('.')
if (origin === 'unknown') {
if (target === document) origin = 'document'
else if (target === window) origin = 'window'
else if (target instanceof FileReader) origin = 'FileReader'
return origin
function storeHist (path, old, time) {
var node = {
n: 'history.pushState',
s: time,
e: time,
o: path,
t: old
var laststart = 0
function storeResources (resources) {
resources.forEach(function (currentResource) {
var parsed = parseUrl(
var res = {
n: currentResource.initiatorType,
s: currentResource.fetchStart | 0,
e: currentResource.responseEnd | 0,
o: parsed.protocol + '://' + parsed.hostname + ':' + parsed.port + parsed.pathname, // is actually a URL so it's the source
t: currentResource.entryType
// don't recollect old resources
if (res.s < laststart) return
laststart = res.s
function storeErrorAgg (type, name, params, metrics) {
if (type !== 'err') return
var node = {
n: 'error',
s: metrics.time,
e: metrics.time,
o: params.message,
t: params.stackHash
function storeXhrAgg (type, name, params, metrics) {
if (type !== 'xhr') return
var node = {
n: 'Ajax',
s: metrics.time,
e: metrics.time + metrics.duration,
o: params.status + ' ' + params.method + ': ' + + params.pathname,
t: 'ajax'
function storeSTN (stn) {
var traceArr = trace[stn.n]
if (!traceArr) traceArr = trace[stn.n] = []
function checkPtid (fn) {
var first = true
return function () {
if (!(first || ptid)) return {} // only report w/o ptid during first cycle.
first = false
return fn()
function takeSTNs () {
var stns = reduce(mapOwn(trace, function (name, nodes) {
if (!(name in toAggregate)) return nodes
return reduce(mapOwn(reduce(nodes.sort(byStart), smearEvtsByOrigin(name), {}), val), flatten, [])
}), flatten, [])
if (stns.length === 0) return {}
else trace = {}
var stnInfo = {
qs: {st: '' + loader.offset, ptid: ptid},
body: {res: stns}
if (!ptid) { = =
var ja = stringify(
stnInfo.qs.ja = ja === '{}' ? null : ja
return stnInfo
function byStart (a, b) {
return a.s - b.s
function smearEvtsByOrigin (name) {
var maxGap = toAggregate[name][0]
var maxLen = toAggregate[name][1]
var lastO = {}
return function (byOrigin, evt) {
var lastArr = byOrigin[evt.o]
lastArr || (lastArr = byOrigin[evt.o] = [])
var last = lastO[evt.o]
if (name === 'scrolling' && !trivial(evt)) {
lastO[evt.o] = null
evt.n = 'scroll'
} else if (last && (evt.s - last.s) < maxLen && last.e > (evt.s - maxGap)) {
last.e = evt.e
} else {
lastO[evt.o] = evt
return byOrigin
function val (key, value) {
return value
function flatten (a, b) {
return a.concat(b)
function trivial (node) {
var limit = 4
if (node && typeof node.e === 'number' && typeof node.s === 'number' && (node.e - node.s) < limit) return true
else return false
var agg = require(2)
var register = require(14)
var harvest = require(8)
var stringify = require(19)
var loader = require("loader")
var ee = require("ee")
var handle = require("handle")
// bail if not instrumented
if (!loader.features.xhr) return
harvest.on('jserrors', function () {
return { body: agg.take([ 'xhr' ]) }
ee.on('feat-err', function () { register('xhr', storeXhr) })
module.exports = storeXhr
function storeXhr (params, metrics, start) {
metrics.time = start
var type = 'xhr'
var hash
if ( {
hash = stringify([params.status,])
} else {
hash = stringify([params.status,, params.pathname])
handle('bstXhrAgg', [type, hash, params, metrics]), hash, params, metrics)
module.exports = function parseUrl (url) {
var urlEl = document.createElement('a')
var location = window.location
var ret = {}
// Use an anchor dom element to resolve the url natively.
urlEl.href = url
ret.port = urlEl.port
var firstSplit = urlEl.href.split('://')
if (!ret.port && firstSplit[1]) {
ret.port = firstSplit[1].split('/')[0].split('@').pop().split(':')[1]
if (!ret.port || ret.port === '0') ret.port = (firstSplit[0] === 'https' ? '443' : '80')
// Host not provided in IE for relative urls
ret.hostname = (urlEl.hostname || location.hostname)
ret.pathname = urlEl.pathname
ret.protocol = firstSplit[0]
// Pathname sometimes doesn't have leading slash (IE 8 and 9)
if (ret.pathname.charAt(0) !== '/') ret.pathname = '/' + ret.pathname
// urlEl.protocol is ':' in old ie when protocol is not specified
var sameProtocol = !urlEl.protocol || urlEl.protocol === ':' || urlEl.protocol === location.protocol
var sameDomain = urlEl.hostname === document.domain && urlEl.port === location.port
// urlEl.hostname is not provided by IE for relative urls, but relative urls are also same-origin
ret.sameOrigin = sameProtocol && (!urlEl.hostname || sameDomain)
return ret
module.exports = function dataSize (data) {
if (typeof data === 'string' && data.length) return data.length
if (typeof data !== 'object') return undefined
if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && data instanceof ArrayBuffer && data.byteLength) return data.byteLength
if (typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && data instanceof Blob && data.size) return data.size
if (typeof FormData !== 'undefined' && data instanceof FormData) return undefined
try {
return JSON.stringify(data).length
} catch (e) {
return undefined
var ffVersion = 0
var match = navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/)
if (match) ffVersion = +match[1]
module.exports = ffVersion
module.exports = {
generateUuid: generateUuid
function generateUuid () {
var randomVals = null
var rvIndex = 0
var crypto = window.crypto || window.msCrypto
if (crypto && crypto.getRandomValues) {
randomVals = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(31))
function getRandomValue () {
if (randomVals) {
// same as % 16
return randomVals[rvIndex++] & 15
} else {
// TODO: add timestamp to prevent collision with same seed?
return Math.random() * 16 | 0
// v4 UUID
var template = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
var id = ''
var c
for (var i = 0; i < template.length; i++) {
c = template[i]
if (c === 'x') {
id += getRandomValue().toString(16)
} else if (c === 'y') {
// this is the uuid variant per spec (8, 9, a, b)
// % 4, then shift to get values 8-11
c = getRandomValue() & 0x3 | 0x8
id += c.toString(16)
} else {
id += c
return id
var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
module.exports = mapOwn
function mapOwn (obj, fn) {
var results = []
var key = ''
var i = 0
for (key in obj) {
if (, key)) {
results[i] = fn(key, obj[key])
i += 1
return results
* Lo-Dash 2.4.1 (Custom Build) <>
* Build: `lodash modularize modern exports="npm" -o ./npm/`
* Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation <>
* Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 <>
* Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
* Available under MIT license <>
* Slices the `collection` from the `start` index up to, but not including,
* the `end` index.
* Note: This function is used instead of `Array#slice` to support node lists
* in IE < 9 and to ensure dense arrays are returned.
* @private
* @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to slice.
* @param {number} start The start index.
* @param {number} end The end index.
* @returns {Array} Returns the new array.
function slice(array, start, end) {
start || (start = 0);
if (typeof end == 'undefined') {
end = array ? array.length : 0;
var index = -1,
length = end - start || 0,
result = Array(length < 0 ? 0 : length);
while (++index < length) {
result[index] = array[start + index];
return result;
module.exports = slice;
module.exports = {
exists: typeof (window.performance) !== 'undefined' && window.performance.timing && typeof (window.performance.timing.navigationStart) !== 'undefined'
module.exports = reduce
function reduce (arr, fn, next) {
var i = 0
if (typeof next === 'undefined') {
next = arr[0]
i = 1
for (i; i < arr.length; i++) {
next = fn(next, arr[i])
return next
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