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Last active March 31, 2024 22:54
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  • Save bjaglin/1ff66c20c4bc4d9de522 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bjaglin/1ff66c20c4bc4d9de522 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Remove orphan layers left by the "file" storage backend of the docker registry, heavily inspired by
set -eu
shopt -s nullglob
readonly base_dir=/var/lib/docker/registry
readonly output_dir=$(mktemp -d -t trace-images-XXXX)
readonly jq=/usr/bin/jq
readonly repository_dir=$base_dir/repositories
readonly image_dir=$base_dir/images
readonly all_images=$output_dir/all
readonly used_images=$output_dir/used
readonly unused_images=$output_dir/unused
function info() {
echo -e "\nArtifacts available in $output_dir"
trap info EXIT ERR INT
function image_history() {
local readonly image_hash=$1
$jq '.[]' $image_dir/$image_hash/ancestry | tr -d '"'
echo "Collecting orphan images"
for library in $repository_dir/*; do
echo "Library $(basename $library)" >&2
for repo in $library/*; do
echo " Repo $(basename $repo)" >&2
for tag in $repo/tag_*; do
echo " Tag $(basename $tag)" >&2
tagged_image=$(cat $tag)
image_history $tagged_image
done | sort | uniq > $used_images
ls $image_dir > $all_images
grep -v -F -f $used_images $all_images > $unused_images
readonly all_image_count=$(wc -l $all_images | awk '{print $1}')
readonly used_image_count=$(wc -l $used_images | awk '{print $1}')
readonly unused_image_count=$(wc -l $unused_images | awk '{print $1}')
readonly unused_image_size=$(cd $image_dir; du -hc $(cat $unused_images) | tail -n1 | cut -f1)
echo "${all_image_count} images, ${used_image_count} used, ${unused_image_count} unused"
echo "Unused images consume ${unused_image_size}"
echo -e "\nTrimming _index_images..."
readonly unused_images_quoted=$output_dir/unused.flatten
cat $unused_images | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\"\1\" /' > $unused_images_quoted
for library in $repository_dir/*; do
echo "Library $(basename $library)" >&2
for repo in $library/*; do
echo " Repo $(basename $repo)" >&2
mkdir -p "$output_dir/$(basename $repo)"
jq '.' "$repo/_index_images" > "$output_dir/$(basename $repo)/_index_images.old"
jq -s '.[0] - [ .[1:][] | {id: .} ]' "$repo/_index_images" $unused_images_quoted > "$output_dir/$(basename $repo)/_index_images"
cp "$output_dir/$(basename $repo)/_index_images" "$repo/_index_images"
echo -e "\nRemoving images"
cat $unused_images | xargs -I{} rm -rf $image_dir/{}
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@bjaglin Well I'm a little late but this worked perfectly. Thanks!

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qoomon commented Oct 31, 2016

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