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Created March 31, 2014 07:10
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Save bjarki/9886887 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reset gmail password 100 times
' Versions
' Version: 1.5
' source:
' Change Log
' v1.0
' Original
' v1.5 10/23/2013
' Added iSlowConnectionFactor, an easy way to tweak speed of script
' Updated default path to Chrome
' Added 2nd tab to account for lost password link at line 109
' Declare Variables & Objects
Dim oShell
Dim oAutoIt
' Initialise Variables & Objects
Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")
WScript.Echo "This script will reset your google password 100 times so you can use an old password."
' You should only edit value after this
' Your Google username (email address)
sUN = ""
' Replace with the Current password to your google account
curPW = "????????"
' Replace with the final password you want assigned to the account. The one you want to set the account's password *back to*.
oldPW = "????????"
' Is it going to fast? You can slow it down by adjusting this value.
' If you set it to 2, it will run twice as slow
' So if it is entering data into the wrong fields, try increasing this.
' It might help.
iSlowConnectionFactor = 1
' If your password has a quote in it ("), then use "" in its place.
' For example, let's say your password was
' MyPass"word!-55
' The proper VBScript way to put that into a variable would look like this
' curPW = "MyPass""word!-55"
' See Microsoft's website for more detail
' Where is the Chrome executable? Replace this with its location.
' Point app to Chrome Manually
' An easy way to find this is to right click the Chrome shortcut and copy the value in Target.
' Click Start, type Chrome, right click Google Chrome, click Properties, copy *everything* in Target, and put it here.
' This example path is for 64 bit windows
ChromeEXE = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
' This example path is for 32 bit windows
' "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
' You should not have to edit anything after this
' Start of Script
'Some of this code uses the AutoIT com object. See their documentation for more details.
oShell.Run ChromeEXE, 1, False
' Wait for the Google Chrome window to become active
oAutoIt.WinWaitActive "New Tab - Google Chrome", ""
oAutoIt.Sleep 3000
WScript.Echo "Entering Loop"
' Enter the loop, change the password 99 more times
tCurPw = curPW
For x = 1 To 99
WScript.Echo "Step " & x
WScript.Echo "Current PW: " & tCurPw
tNewPW = curPW & x
WScript.Echo "Setting the password to: " & tNewPW
GLogin sUN, tCurPw
oAutoIt.Send tCurPw & "{TAB}{TAB}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 250 * iSlowConnectionFactor
oAutoIt.Send tNewPW & "{TAB}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 250 * iSlowConnectionFactor
oAutoIt.Send tNewPW & "{TAB}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 250 * iSlowConnectionFactor
oAutoIt.Send "{ENTER}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 3000 * iSlowConnectionFactor
tCurPw = tNewPW
WScript.Echo "Final Change"
GLogin sUN, tCurPw
oAutoIt.Send tCurPw & "{TAB}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 250 * iSlowConnectionFactor
oAutoIt.Send oldPW & "{TAB}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 250 * iSlowConnectionFactor
oAutoIt.Send oldPW & "{TAB}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 250 * iSlowConnectionFactor
oAutoIt.Send "{ENTER}"
oAutoIt.Send "{ENTER}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 2000 * iSlowConnectionFactor
WScript.Echo "Password reset"
Function GLogin(un, pw) ' Opens the Google Login page, enters the supplied Username (un) and Password (pw), and presses Enter.
WScript.Echo "Logging in: " & un & ", " & pw
oAutoIt.Send "!d"
oAutoIt.Sleep 250 * iSlowConnectionFactor
oAutoIt.Send "{ENTER}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 2000 * iSlowConnectionFactor
oAutoIt.Send un & "{TAB}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 250 * iSlowConnectionFactor
oAutoIt.Send pw & "{ENTER}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 3000 * iSlowConnectionFactor
End Function
Function GEditPW() ' Opens the Google Change Password web page
oAutoIt.Send "!d"
oAutoIt.Sleep 250 * iSlowConnectionFactor
oAutoIt.Send "{ENTER}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 2000 * iSlowConnectionFactor
End Function
Function GLogout() ' Logs out from google. This is necessary for the password change to take effect. Trust me, I tried to do it without logging out. No luck.
WScript.Echo "Logging out"
oAutoIt.Send "!d"
oAutoIt.Sleep 250 * iSlowConnectionFactor
oAutoIt.Send "{ENTER}"
oAutoIt.Sleep 3000 * iSlowConnectionFactor
End Function
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Thank you. Worth mentioning that more info can be found here, under lesson 2:

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mjpro14 commented Apr 19, 2023

How yo used this code

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Thank you. Worth mentioning that more info can be found here, under lesson 2:

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