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Created December 27, 2008 20:58
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import java.util.Calendar
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
abstract case class OrderLine(name: String, _price:Int, weight: Int){
var ammount = 1
def ++ {
ammount += 1
def price = _price
override def toString = {
String.format("%1$2d x %2$-55s a %3$3d = %4$4d,- NOK", Array(ammount:
Integer, name, price: Integer, (price * ammount): Integer))
case class Sauce extends OrderLine("Rømmedressing", 20, 1)
case class CustomPizza(cn: String, cw:Int, cp:Int) extends OrderLine(cn,cp,cw)
case class NormalPizza(n: String, w: Int, p:Int) extends OrderLine(n, p, w) {
override def price = if(isWednesday) 119 else _price;
def isWednesday = 4 == Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK
class Order(maxPrice: Int){
val items = new HashMap[String, OrderLine];
var totalPrice = 0;
def add (item: OrderLine) {
if(item.price + totalPrice < maxPrice) {
totalPrice += item.price
}else {
items += -> item
override def toString = {
items.values.mkString("\n") + String.format("\n %1$-65s = %2$4d,- NOK", Array("Total pris:", totalPrice: Integer))
object pizza {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
var people: Int = 0;
if(args.size == 0){
println("How many peeps");
people = readLine().toInt;
} else {
people = args(0).toInt;
val numPizzas = (people * hunger).toInt
val order = new Order(1200)
println("Max antall pizza: " + numPizzas)
for (i <- 1 to numPizzas ) {
if(addSauce) {
order add(new Sauce)
order add randomPizza
val sourceProb = 0.7
def addSauce() = rnd.nextDouble <= sourceProb
def randomPizza() = weightedList(rnd.nextInt(weightedList.size))
val rnd = new Random()
val hunger = 0.4;
val menu =
NormalPizza("Pappas spesial", 4, 159) ::
NormalPizza("Texas", 3, 149) ::
NormalPizza("Blue Hawai", 7, 149) ::
NormalPizza("Floriad", 4, 149) ::
NormalPizza("Buffalo", 4, 149) ::
NormalPizza("Chicken", 4, 149) ::
NormalPizza("New York", 0, 149) ::
NormalPizza("Las Vegas", 6, 149) ::
NormalPizza("Vegetarianer", 0, 149) ::
NormalPizza("FILADELFIA", 4, 149) ::
NormalPizza("Hot Chicago", 7, 149) ::
NormalPizza("Hot Express", 5, 149) ::
NormalPizza("Kebab pizza spesial", 3, 169) ::
CustomPizza("Egenkomponert Pepperoni Biff Bacon Skinke løk", 9, 159) ::
CustomPizza("Egenkomponert Biff Pepperoni Bacon Skinke Tacokjøtt", 9, 159) :: Nil
def weightedList = for(p <- menu; i <- 1 to p.weight) yield { p }
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