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Last active October 12, 2023 02:32
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iOS Scriptable Widget
// To use, add a parameter to the widget with a format of: image.png|padding-top|text-color
// The image should be placed in the iCloud Scriptable folder (case-sensitive).
// The padding-top spacing parameter moves the text down by a set amount.
// The text color parameter should be a hex value.
// For example, to use the image bkg_fall.PNG with a padding of 40 and a text color of red,
// the parameter should be typed as: bkg_fall.png|40|#ff0000
// All parameters are required and separated with "|"
// Parameters allow different settings for multiple widget instances.
let widgetHello = new ListWidget();
var today = new Date();
var widgetInputRAW = args.widgetParameter;
try {
} catch(e) {
throw new Error("Please long press the widget and add a parameter.");
var widgetInput = widgetInputRAW.toString();
var inputArr = widgetInput.split("|");
// iCloud file path
var scriptableFilePath = "/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~dk~simonbs~Scriptable/Documents/";
var removeSpaces1 = inputArr[0].split(" "); // Remove spaces from file name
var removeSpaces2 = removeSpaces1.join('');
var tempPath = removeSpaces2.split(".");
var backgroundImageURLRAW = scriptableFilePath + tempPath[0];
var fm = FileManager.iCloud();
var backgroundImageURL = scriptableFilePath + tempPath[0] + ".";
var backgroundImageURLInput = scriptableFilePath + removeSpaces2;
// For users having trouble with extensions
// Uses user-input file path is the file is found
// Checks for common file format extensions if the file is not found
if (fm.fileExists(backgroundImageURLInput) == false) {
var fileTypes = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'tiff', 'webp', 'gif'];
fileTypes.forEach(function(item) {
if (fm.fileExists((backgroundImageURL + item.toLowerCase())) == true) {
backgroundImageURL = backgroundImageURLRAW + "." + item.toLowerCase();
} else if (fm.fileExists((backgroundImageURL + item.toUpperCase())) == true) {
backgroundImageURL = backgroundImageURLRAW + "." + item.toUpperCase();
} else {
backgroundImageURL = scriptableFilePath + removeSpaces2;
var spacing = parseInt(inputArr[1]);
// Long-form days and months
var days = ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'];
var months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'];
// Greetings arrays per time period.
var greetingsMorning = [
'Good morning.'
var greetingsAfternoon = [
'Good afternoon.'
var greetingsEvening = [
'Good evening.'
var greetingsNight = [
var greetingsLateNight = [
'Go to sleep!'
// Holiday customization
var holidaysByKey = {
// month,week,day: datetext
"11,4,4": "Happy Thanksgiving!"
var holidaysByDate = {
// month,date: greeting
"1,1": "Happy " + (today.getFullYear()).toString() + "!",
"10,31": "Happy Halloween!",
"12,25": "Merry Christmas!"
var holidayKey = (today.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "," + (Math.ceil(today.getDate() / 7)).toString() + "," + (today.getDay()).toString();
var holidayKeyDate = (today.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "," + (today.getDate()).toString();
// Date Calculations
var weekday = days[ today.getDay() ];
var month = months[ today.getMonth() ];
var date = today.getDate();
var hour = today.getHours();
// Append ordinal suffix to date
function ordinalSuffix(input) {
if (input % 10 == 1 && date != 11) {
return input.toString() + "st";
} else if (input % 10 == 2 && date != 12) {
return input.toString() + "nd";
} else if (input % 10 == 3 && date != 13) {
return input.toString() + "rd";
} else {
return input.toString() + "th";
// Generate date string
var datefull = weekday + ", " + month + " " + ordinalSuffix(date);
// Support for multiple greetings per time period
function randomGreeting(greetingArray) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * greetingArray.length);
var greeting = new String("Howdy.")
if (hour < 5 && hour >= 1) { // 1am - 5am
greeting = greetingsLateNight[randomGreeting(greetingsLateNight)];
} else if (hour >= 23 || hour < 1) { // 11pm - 1am
greeting = greetingsNight[randomGreeting(greetingsNight)];
} else if (hour < 12) { // Before noon (5am - 12pm)
greeting = greetingsMorning[randomGreeting(greetingsMorning)];
} else if (hour >= 12 && hour <= 17) { // 12pm - 5pm
greeting = greetingsAfternoon[randomGreeting(greetingsAfternoon)];
} else if (hour > 17 && hour < 23) { // 5pm - 11pm
greeting = greetingsEvening[randomGreeting(greetingsEvening)];
// Overwrite greeting if calculated holiday
if (holidaysByKey[holidayKey]) {
greeting = holidaysByKey[holidayKey];
// Overwrite all greetings if specific holiday
if (holidaysByDate[holidayKeyDate]) {
greeting = holidaysByDate[holidayKeyDate];
// Try/catch for color input parameter
try {
} catch(e) {
throw new Error("Please long press the widget and add a parameter.");
let themeColor = new Color(inputArr[2].toString());
/* --------------- */
/* Assemble Widget */
/* --------------- */
//Top spacing
// Greeting label
let hello = widgetHello.addText(greeting);
hello.font = Font.boldSystemFont(42);
hello.textColor = themeColor;
// Date label
let datetext = widgetHello.addText(datefull);
datetext.font = Font.regularSystemFont(16);
datetext.textColor = themeColor;
// Bottom Spacer
widgetHello.setPadding(15, 7, 10, 0)
// Background image
widgetHello.backgroundImage = Image.fromFile(backgroundImageURL);
// Set widget
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What is ~dk~simonbs~ the on:

var scriptableFilePath = "/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~dk~simonbs~Scriptable/Documents/";?

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bjayers commented Sep 25, 2020

What is ~dk~simonbs~ the on:

var scriptableFilePath = "/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~dk~simonbs~Scriptable/Documents/";?

That is Scriptable's developer, Simon Støvring (@simonbs). I believe it's standard to include the bundle identifier on app-specific folders in iCloud Drive.

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I got it just now because I saw another example:

os.listdir('/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~omz-software~Pythonista3/Documents')

I was thinking it was because it is your iCloud or something like that, thank you!!

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I keep getting an error which states “ Error on line 21:17: Please long press the widget and add a parameter.” but I haven’t changed anything

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I keep getting an error which states “ Error on line 21:17: Please long press the widget and add a parameter.” but I haven’t changed anything

Did you Long press and added parameters?

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I have that same problem how do you long press and add parameter?

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cassmtnr commented Sep 29, 2020

Haptic/3D touch click the widget

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I keep getting an error which states “ Error on line 21:17: Please long press the widget and add a parameter.” but I haven’t changed anything

Did you Long press and added parameters?

I’m not entirely sure what you mean but this is the script that is having the error
try {
} catch(e) {
throw new Error("Please long press the widget and add a parameter.");
What do I do

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You do what it says, long press the widget and add parameters

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@Radley235 Once you add the widget to your phone screen, long press it, then select "Edit Widget" and add your parameter to the "Parameter" space.

The parameter should be typed as: image|padding|color

(The instructions on how to write your parameter are at the top of this script, lines 1-7).

// To use, add a parameter to the widget with a format of: image.png|padding-top|text-color
// The image should be placed in the iCloud Scriptable folder (case-sensitive).
// The padding-top spacing parameter moves the text down by a set amount.
// The text color parameter should be a hex value.

// For example, to use the image bkg_fall.PNG with a padding of 40 and a text color of red,
// the parameter should be typed as: bkg_fall.png|40|#ff0000

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I have typed the parameters so many times and it’s just not working. The text shows up but the image refuses to

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