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Created August 23, 2010 13:11
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(ns chat.server
[ InetSocketAddress]
[java.util.concurrent Executors]
[org.jboss.netty.bootstrap ServerBootstrap]
[ Channels ChannelPipelineFactory SimpleChannelHandler]
[ DefaultChannelGroup]
[ NioServerSocketChannelFactory]
[org.jboss.netty.buffer ChannelBuffers]
[org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder Delimiters]))
(defn receive
[server ctx]
[netty-channel (.getChannel ctx)
cb (.getMessage ctx)
msg (.toString cb "UTF-8")
session (@(server :sessions) netty-channel)]
(if session
(session :receive msg)
(println "Received: " msg)
"Receive on unregistered netty-channel: "
(defn- netty-exception
[server netty-exception netty-channel]
[exception-message (str netty-exception)]
; (when
; (not
; (=
; exception-message
; " An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"))
(println "Exception: {" exception-message "}")))
(defn- connect
[server-state netty-channel]
(.add (server-state :all-channels) netty-channel)
(server-state :sessions)
{netty-channel (chat.session/create netty-channel)}))
(defn- disconnect
[server-state netty-channel]
[session (@(server-state :sessions) netty-channel)]
;(println "Disconnect")
(session :disconnect)
(swap! (server-state :sessions) dissoc netty-channel)))
(defn dispatcher
[state message & args]
(= message :state) state
(= message :receive) (apply receive state args)
(= message :netty-exception) (apply netty-exception state args)
(= message :connect) (apply connect state args)
(= message :disconnect) (apply disconnect state args)
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "unknown message in [" "server" "] " message)))))
(defn- stop
(.close (server :all-channels))
(.releaseExternalResources (server :channel-factory)))
(defn create-handler
"Returns a Netty handler."
(proxy [SimpleChannelHandler] []
(channelConnected [ctx e]
(let [c (.getChannel e)]
(server :connect c)))
(channelDisconnected [ctx e]
(let [c (.getChannel e)]
(server :disconnect c)))
(messageReceived [ctx e]
(server :receive e))
[ctx e]
[throwable (.getCause e)
c (.getChannel e)]
(server :netty-exception throwable c)
; (server :send :disconnect c)
(defn create
(let [all-channels (DefaultChannelGroup. "server-channels")
channel-factory (NioServerSocketChannelFactory.
bootstrap (ServerBootstrap. channel-factory)
pipeline (.getPipeline bootstrap)
(partial dispatcher
:sessions (atom {})
:all-channels all-channels
:channel-factory channel-factory
(.addLast pipeline "decoder" (DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder. 8192 true (. Delimiters nulDelimiter)))
; (.addLast pipeline "decoder" (DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder. 8192 true (. Delimiters lineDelimiter)))
(.addLast pipeline "handler" (create-handler new-server))
(.setOption bootstrap "child.tcpNoDelay", true)
(.setOption bootstrap "child.keepAlive", true)
(.add all-channels (.bind bootstrap (InetSocketAddress. port)))
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