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Created March 5, 2015 17:42
Most Undefined Methods
Count: 644, Method: `sysopen' for Class
Count: 183, Method: `compile' for Class
Count: 111, Method: `closed?' for Object
Count: 71, Method: `read' for Class
Count: 59, Method: `chmod' for Class
Count: 56, Method: `popen' for Class
Count: 54, Method: `pipe' for Class
Count: 45, Method: `lstat' for Class
Count: 42, Method: `primitive_convert' for Encoding::Converter
Count: 40, Method: `umask' for Class
Count: 38, Method: `encode!' for String
Count: 36, Method: `parameters' for UnboundMethod
Count: 34, Method: `symlink' for Class
Count: 27, Method: `arity' for UnboundMethod
Count: 25, Method: `read' for Object
Count: 25, Method: `<<' for File
Count: 24, Method: `index' for String
Count: 24, Method: `arity' for Method
Count: 24, Method: `to_c' for String
Count: 23, Method: `foreach' for Class
Count: 22, Method: `divmod' for Rational
Count: 22, Method: `open' for Object
Count: 21, Method: `stat' for Class
Count: 19, Method: `curry' for Proc
Count: 19, Method: `codepoints' for String
Count: 18, Method: `fnmatch?' for Class
Count: 18, Method: `fnmatch' for Class
Count: 17, Method: `to_r' for String
Count: 17, Method: `force' for Enumerable::Enumerator::Lazy
Count: 17, Method: `oct' for String
Count: 16, Method: `casecmp' for String
Count: 15, Method: `compare_by_identity' for Hash
Count: 14, Method: `entries' for Class
Count: 14, Method: `class_variable_set' for Class
Count: 13, Method: `syswrite' for File
Count: 13, Method: `chop' for String
Count: 13, Method: `chop!' for String
Count: 12, Method: `convert' for Encoding::Converter
Count: 12, Method: `upto' for String
Count: 12, Method: `flush' for File
Count: 11, Method: `tr' for String
Count: 11, Method: `write_nonblock' for File
Count: 11, Method: `tr_s' for String
Count: 11, Method: `to_proc' for Method
Count: 10, Method: `size' for Class
Count: 9, Method: `center' for String
Count: 9, Method: `close' for NilClass
Count: 9, Method: `try_convert' for Class
Count: 9, Method: `each_codepoint' for String
Count: 8, Method: `scrub' for String
Count: 8, Method: `link' for Class
Count: 8, Method: `flatten' for Hash
Count: 8, Method: `reject!' for Hash
Count: 8, Method: `split' for Class
Count: 8, Method: `rassoc' for Hash
Count: 8, Method: `string' for MatchData
Count: 8, Method: `fixed_encoding?' for Regexp
Count: 7, Method: `delete' for String
Count: 7, Method: `ftype' for Class
Count: 7, Method: `delete_if' for Hash
Count: 7, Method: `hex' for String
Count: 7, Method: `next' for String
Count: 7, Method: `zero?' for Class
Count: 7, Method: `assoc' for Hash
Count: 6, Method: `keep_if' for Hash
Count: 6, Method: `squeeze' for String
Count: 6, Method: `partition' for String
Count: 6, Method: `names' for MatchData
Count: 6, Method: `names' for Regexp
Count: 6, Method: `named_captures' for Regexp
Count: 6, Method: `chmod' for File
Count: 5, Method: `extname' for Class
Count: 5, Method: `remainder' for NumericSpecs::Subclass
Count: 5, Method: `select!' for Hash
Count: 5, Method: `rpartition' for String
Count: 5, Method: `asciicompat_encoding' for Class
Count: 4, Method: `prepend' for String
Count: 4, Method: `replicate' for Encoding
Count: 4, Method: `instance_exec' for String
Count: 4, Method: `set_encoding' for Object
Count: 4, Method: `lines' for Object
Count: 4, Method: `readline' for Object
Count: 4, Method: `offset' for MatchData
Count: 4, Method: `public_method_defined?' for Module
Count: 4, Method: `key' for Hash
Count: 4, Method: `protected_method_defined?' for Module
Count: 4, Method: `index' for Hash
Count: 4, Method: `crypt' for String
Count: 4, Method: `private_method_defined?' for Module
Count: 4, Method: `each' for Object
Count: 4, Method: `each_line' for Object
Count: 4, Method: `receive' for Channel
Count: 3, Method: `euid' for Module
Count: 3, Method: `extend_object' for Module
Count: 3, Method: `tr!' for String
Count: 3, Method: `writable_real?' for Class
Count: 3, Method: `writable?' for Class
Count: 3, Method: `parameters' for Method
Count: 3, Method: `utime' for Class
Count: 3, Method: `names' for Encoding
Count: 3, Method: `tr_s!' for String
Count: 3, Method: `regexp' for MatchData
Count: 3, Method: `each_char' for Object
Count: 3, Method: `strip!' for String
Count: 3, Method: `closed?' for File
Count: 3, Method: `strip' for String
Count: 3, Method: `replacement' for Encoding::Converter
Count: 3, Method: `lstrip' for String
Count: 3, Method: `protected_instance_methods' for Module
Count: 3, Method: `grpowned?' for Class
Count: 3, Method: `truncate' for Class
Count: 3, Method: `sticky?' for Class
Count: 3, Method: `owned?' for Class
Count: 3, Method: `lineno=' for Object
Count: 3, Method: `bytes' for Object
Count: 3, Method: `setuid?' for Class
Count: 3, Method: `shift' for Hash
Count: 3, Method: `setgid?' for Class
Count: 3, Method: `rstrip!' for String
Count: 3, Method: `each_byte' for Object
Count: 3, Method: `readable_real?' for Class
Count: 3, Method: `chars' for Object
Count: 3, Method: `pipe?' for Class
Count: 2, Method: `instance_exec' for BasicObject
Count: 2, Method: `world_writable?' for Class
Count: 2, Method: `destination_encoding' for Encoding::Converter
Count: 2, Method: `finish' for Encoding::Converter
Count: 2, Method: `source_encoding' for Encoding::Converter
Count: 2, Method: `replacement=' for Encoding::Converter
Count: 2, Method: `closed?' for NilClass
Count: 2, Method: `keys' for Array
Count: 2, Method: `to_io' for Object
Count: 2, Method: `binmode' for Object
Count: 2, Method: `slice!' for Array
Count: 2, Method: `select' for Class
Count: 2, Method: `constant_table' for Class
Count: 2, Method: `atime' for Class
Count: 2, Method: `blockdev?' for Class
Count: 2, Method: `chardev?' for Class
Count: 2, Method: `status' for SystemExit
Count: 2, Method: `length' for NilClass
Count: 2, Method: `ctime' for Class
Count: 2, Method: `squeeze!' for String
Count: 2, Method: `scrub!' for String
Count: 2, Method: `world_readable?' for Class
Count: 2, Method: `groups' for Module
Count: 2, Method: `lstrip!' for String
Count: 2, Method: `delete!' for String
Count: 2, Method: `instance_exec' for Object
Count: 1, Method: `binmode' for File
Count: 1, Method: `__slash__' for NumericSpecs::Subclass
Count: 1, Method: `divmod' for NumericSpecs::Subclass
Count: 1, Method: `public_method_defined?' for Class
Count: 1, Method: `instance_exec' for ObjectSpecs::IVars
Count: 1, Method: `rename' for Class
Count: 1, Method: `~' for Bignum" =~ /NoMethodError: undefined method (.)/^[[A^[[A^[[Aprocess spec/ruby/core/process not finished in time, killing it
Count: 1, Method: `~' for Regexp
Count: 1, Method: `path' for File
Count: 1, Method: `center' for StringSpecs::MyString
Count: 1, Method: `chop' for StringSpecs::MyString
Count: 1, Method: `mtime' for File
Count: 1, Method: `mtime' for Class
Count: 1, Method: `crypt' for StringSpecs::MyString
Count: 1, Method: `delete' for StringSpecs::MyString
Count: 1, Method: `protected_method_defined?' for Class
Count: 1, Method: `private_method_defined?' for Class
Count: 1, Method: `special' for Module
Count: 1, Method: `next' for StringSpecs::MyString
Count: 1, Method: `next!' for String
Count: 1, Method: `gid' for Module
Count: 1, Method: `squeeze' for StringSpecs::MyString
Count: 1, Method: `test' for Class
Count: 1, Method: `tr_s' for StringSpecs::MyString
Count: 1, Method: `included_modules' for Module
Count: 1, Method: `tr' for StringSpecs::MyString
Count: 1, Method: `name' for NameError
Count: 1, Method: `fileno' for IO
Count: 1, Method: `[]' for Method
Count: 1, Method: `compare_by_identity?' for Hash
Count: 1, Method: `to_i' for IO
Count: 1, Method: `for_fd' for Class
Count: 1, Method: `seek' for File
Count: 1, Method: `readbyte' for File
Count: 1, Method: `close' for Object
Count: 1, Method: `chomp' for File
Count: 1, Method: `file' for Object
Count: 1, Method: `tty?' for IO
Count: 1, Method: `filename' for Object
Count: 1, Method: `primitive_errinfo' for Encoding::Converter
Count: 1, Method: `fsync' for File
Count: 1, Method: `getc' for Object
Count: 1, Method: `last_error' for Encoding::Converter
Count: 1, Method: `values_at' for Hash
Count: 1, Method: `binmode?' for File
Count: 1, Method: `path' for Object
Count: 1, Method: `pos=' for Object
Count: 1, Method: `readchar' for Object
Count: 1, Method: `readlines' for Object
Count: 1, Method: `seek' for Object
Count: 1, Method: `remainder' for Bignum
Count: 1, Method: `~' for Bignum
Count: 1, Method: `to_a' for Object
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