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Created January 26, 2018 09:30
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Learning Python: A simple hangman game
import random
# List of words
some_words = [
def draw_hangman(tries):
# This function draws a hangman that looks like this:
# ________
# |/ |
# | (_)
# | \|/
# | |
# | / \
# |
# _|___
# Copied from
# First line, part of the scaffold:
print " ________ "
# Second line, more scaffold with or w/out rope:
if tries < 7:
print " |/ | "
print " |/ "
# Third line, head
if tries < 7:
print " | (_)"
print " | "
# Forth line, neck + two arms
if tries < 4:
print " | \|/"
elif tries < 5:
print " | \| "
elif tries < 6:
print " | | "
print " | "
# Fifth line, body
if tries < 3:
print " | | "
print " | "
# legs
if tries < 1:
print " | / \ "
elif tries < 2:
print " | / "
print " | "
# Last bit of scaffold, always shows:
print " |"
print " _|___"
def pick_a_word(possible_words):
return random.choice(possible_words).upper()
def show_banner():
# Borrowed from
# We're getting a bit fancy here
# The three quotes make this a 'multi-line string'
# the letter 'r' means it's a 'raw' string
print r"""
| |
| |__ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __
| '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \
| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | |
|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__, |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|
__/ |
def check_guess(letter, the_word):
# We could also just do:
# `return guess in the_word`
if letter in the_word:
return True
return False
def show_guesses(user_guessed):
print "So far, you've tried: {}".format(user_guessed)
def ask_user_for_guess():
# Ask the user for a guess; make whatever she tells us upper-case.
guess = raw_input("Guess a letter: ").upper()
# Use a loop here in case our user is stubborn
while True:
# Some basic error handling if our user gets tricky.
if len(guess) > 1 or guess not in letters:
guess = raw_input("Enter one letter, please: ").upper()
# Get out of this error-checking loop
return guess
def hide_letters(unhidden_word, guesses_so_far):
# This is a list we'll use to build the word with
# some letters hidden.
hidden_word = []
for letter in unhidden_word:
if letter in guesses_so_far: # Show this letter
else: # Still hidden:
# ' '.join() here takes each element of a list
# and puts it together, separated by spaces.
return ' '.join(hidden_word).upper()
# Set up some stuff before the game begins:
tries_remaining = 7
guesses_so_far = []
the_word = pick_a_word(some_words)
hidden_word = hide_letters(the_word, guesses_so_far)
while tries_remaining > 0:
print "Your word is: {}".format(hidden_word)
guess = ask_user_for_guess()
# Add this guess to the list of previous guesses
hidden_word = hide_letters(the_word, guesses_so_far)
# Are there any hidden letters left? Has the user won?
if '_' not in hidden_word:
print hidden_word
print "You win!"
# Exit the loop & the whole program, no more guessing
correct = check_guess(guess, the_word)
if not correct:
# Take away one of the user's tries:
tries_remaining = tries_remaining - 1
# Here we're outside of the loop naturally, because our user
# has used up her tries.
print "GAME OVER"
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