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Last active November 14, 2023 08:52
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Stimulus.js controller for Symfony collection form type with configurable item limit
{% macro collection_item(form) %}
<div data-form-collection-target="field">
{{ form_widget(form) }}
<button type="button"
{% endmacro %}
{% import _self as formMacros %}
{{ form_start(form) }}
<div data-controller="form-collection"
data-form-collection-prototype-value="{{ formMacros.collection_item(form.collectionField.vars.prototype)|json_encode }}">
<div data-form-collection-target="fields">
{% do form.collectionField.setRendered %}
{% for field in form.collectionField %}
{{ formMacros.collection_item(field) }}
{% endfor %}
<button type="button"
{{ form_rest(form) }}
{{ form_end(form) }}
import { Controller } from 'stimulus'
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = [ 'fields', 'field', 'addButton' ]
static values = {
prototype: String,
maxItems: Number,
itemsCount: Number,
connect() {
this.index = this.itemsCountValue = this.fieldTargets.length
addItem() {
let prototype = JSON.parse(this.prototypeValue)
const newField = prototype.replace(/__name__/g, this.index)
this.fieldsTarget.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', newField)
removeItem(event) {
this.fieldTargets.forEach(element => {
if (element.contains( {
itemsCountValueChanged() {
if (false === this.hasAddButtonTarget || 0 === this.maxItemsValue) {
const maxItemsReached = this.itemsCountValue >= this.maxItemsValue
this.addButtonTarget.classList.toggle('hidden', maxItemsReached)
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Thank you much for sharing this.

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The addButton target is not used inside the html.

Instead of

    <button data-action="form-collection#addItem">

It should be:

     <button data-form-collection-target="addButton">

Than you need to add the eventListener manually.

 connect() {
     this.index = this.itemsCountValue = this.fieldTargets.length
     this.hasAddButtonTarget && this.addButtonTarget.addEventListener('click', event => this.addItem(event))

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bjo3rnf commented Mar 14, 2022

Hi @MichaelBrauner,

the target is used to control if the add-button should be rendered or not depending on a possible upper limit of elements (see itemsCountValueChanged(). Moreover adding of event-handlers should be left to the framework to ensure they will be removed automatically as well.


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Ok. The eventListener should be set with a data-action attribute. I did it this way because so I have not to set the target and the action. But u are right. It might be better to use the framework for that.

But the data-form-collection-target on the button is missing anyway in your example html.

The itemsCountValueChanged() function can not set a hidden class on a non existing target.

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bjo3rnf commented Mar 14, 2022

Yes, you are right. I added the missing target, thanks.

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