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Jenkins-Traub from simbody converted into a class template for float/double/... specializations
#include <qd/dd_real.h>
#include <qd/qd_real.h>
#include "jenkins-traub-rpoly.ipp"
template struct RPoly<dd_real>;
template struct RPoly<qd_real>;
#include <cmath>
using std::max;
using std::abs;
using std::atan;
using std::exp;
using std::log;
using std::pow;
using std::sin;
using std::cos;
using std::sqrt;
namespace {
int to_int(double arg) { return arg; }
#include "jenkins-traub-rpoly.ipp"
template struct RPoly<float>;
template struct RPoly<double>;
template struct RPoly<long double>;
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <limits>
template <typename T>
struct Complex {
T re {0}, im {0};
inline Complex<T> operator+(const T& other) const {
return Complex<T>{other + re, im};
inline Complex<T> operator*(const T& other) const {
return Complex<T>{other*re, other*im};
inline Complex<T> operator*(const Complex<T>& other) const {
return Complex<T>{re* - im*, re* + im*};
template <typename T>
struct RPoly {
/* static constexpr <-- qdlib not constexpr friendly */ T eta {std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()};
const int degree;
T sr,si,u,v,a,b,c,d,a1,a2;
T a3,a6,a7,e,f,g,h,szr,szi,lzr,lzi;
T are,mre;
int n,nn,nmi,zerok;
std::unique_ptr<T[]> buffer;
T * const __restrict temp;
T * const __restrict pt;
T * const __restrict p;
T * const __restrict qp;
T * const __restrict k;
T * const __restrict qk;
T * const __restrict svk;
RPoly(int degree);
int findRoots(const T * const coeffs, T * const zeror, T * const zeroi);
T refineRealRoot(const T * const coeffs, const T& rr) const;
T evalPoly(const T * const coeffs, T x) const;
Complex<T> evalPoly(const T * const coeffs, T re, T im) const;
void quad(T a,T b1,T c,T *sr,T *si,
T *lr,T *li);
void fxshfr(int l2, int *nz);
void quadit(T *uu,T *vv,int *nz);
void realit(T *sss, int *nz, int *iflag);
void calcsc(int *type);
void nextk(int *type);
void newest(int type,T *uu,T *vv);
void quadsd(int n,T *u,T *v,T *p,T *q, T *a,T *b);
#include "jenkins-traub-rpoly.hpp"
/* based on rpoly.cpp from simbody (Apache License 2.0), which is in turns based on TOMS493 (RPOLY) from netlib*/
// #include <summation_cxx/accumulator.hpp>
template <typename T>
RPoly<T>::RPoly(int degree)
: degree(degree)
, buffer(std::make_unique<T[]>((degree+1)*7))
, temp(&buffer[0*(degree+1)])
, pt(&buffer[1*(degree+1)])
, p(&buffer[2*(degree+1)])
, qp(&buffer[3*(degree+1)])
, k(&buffer[4*(degree+1)])
, qk(&buffer[5*(degree+1)])
, svk(&buffer[6*(degree+1)])
template <typename T>
T RPoly<T>::evalPoly(const T * const coeffs, T x) const {
T result {0};
for (int i=0; i<=degree; ++i) { // Horner's method
result = result*x + coeffs[i];
return result;
template <typename T>
Complex<T> RPoly<T>::evalPoly(const T * const coeffs, T re, T im) const {
Complex<T> result {};
Complex<T> x { re, im };
for (int i=0; i<=degree; ++i) {
result = result*x + coeffs[i];
return result;
template <typename T>
T RPoly<T>::refineRealRoot(const T *const coeffs, const T &x) const {
if (degree < 1) {
return x;
if (degree > 1) {
/* single step in Halley's method: dx = -2f(x)*f'(x)/(2f'(x))**2 - f(x)*f''(x)) */
using Accu_t = T /*summation_cxx::AccumulatorNeumaier<T>*/;
Accu_t fpp{0}, fp{0}, f{0}, mu{0};
for (int i=0; i<=degree; ++i) {
/* Horner's method */
f = f*x + coeffs[i];
mu = fabs(x)*mu + fabs(f); /* Algorithm 5.1, p 95, Higham, Accuracy and stability of numerical algo. */
if (i+1 <= degree) {
fp = fp*x + coeffs[i]*(degree-i);
if (i + 2 <= degree) {
fpp = fpp * x + coeffs[i] * (degree - i) * (degree - i - 1);
mu = eta*(2*mu - fabs(f)); /* error bound on mu */
Accu_t dx = -2 * f / (2 * fp - f * fpp / fp);
T xnext = x + dx/*.template to<T>()*/;
T fnext = evalPoly(coeffs, xnext);
if (fnext == 0) {
return xnext;
if (fabs(fnext)+mu < fabs(f/*.template to<T>()*/)) {
return xnext;
} else {
return x;
// xnext = x + 0.5*dx/*.template to<T>()*/;
// fnext = evalPoly(coeffs, xnext);
// if (abs(fnext) < abs(f/*.template to<T>()*/)) {
// return xnext;
// } else {
// return x;
// }
} else {
/* single step in Newton's method: dx = -f(x)/f'(x) */
T fp{0}, f{0};
for (int i=0; i<=degree; ++i) {
f = f*x + coeffs[i];
if (i+1 <= degree) {
fp = fp*x + coeffs[i]*(degree-i);
T dx = - f / fp;
return x + dx;
template <typename T>
int RPoly<T>::findRoots(const T * const __restrict coeffs_decr, T * const __restrict zeror, T * const __restrict zeroi)
const auto max_repr = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
const auto min_repr = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
T pi_4 {atan(T(1))};
T t,aa,bb,cc,factor,rot {T(94)/T(45)*pi_4};
T lo {min_repr/eta},max,min,xx {sqrt((T) 0.5)};
T yy {-xx},cosr {cos(rot)},sinr {sin(rot)},xxx,x,sc,bnd;
T xm,ff,df,dx,base {2.0};
int cnt,nz,i,j,jj,l,nm1,zerok;
are = eta;
mre = eta;
/* Initialization of constants for shift rotation. */
n = degree;
/* Algorithm fails if the leading coefficient is zero (or if degree==0). */
if (n < 1 || coeffs_decr[0] == 0.0)
return -1;
/* Remove the zeros at the origin, if any. */
while (coeffs_decr[n] == 0.0) {
j = degree - n;
zeror[j] = 0.0;
zeroi[j] = 0.0;
// sherm 20130410: If all coefficients but the leading one were zero, then
// all solutions are zero; should be a successful (if boring) return.
if (n == 0)
return degree;
/* Make a copy of the coefficients. */
for (i=0;i<=n;i++)
p[i] = coeffs_decr[i];
/* Start the algorithm for one zero. */
if (n == 1) {
zeror[degree-1] = -p[1]/p[0];
zeroi[degree-1] = 0.0;
n -= 1;
goto _99;
/* Calculate the final zero or pair of zeros. */
if (n == 2) {
n -= 2;
goto _99;
/* Find largest and smallest moduli of coefficients. */
max = 0.0;
min = max_repr;
for (i=0;i<=n;i++) {
x = fabs(p[i]);
if (x > max) max = x;
if (x != 0.0 && x < min) min = x;
/* Scale if there are large or very small coefficients.
* Computes a scale factor to multiply the coefficients of the
* polynomial. The scaling si done to avoid overflow and to
* avoid undetected underflow interfering with the convergence
* criterion. The factor is a power of the base.
sc = lo/min;
if (sc > 1.0 && max_repr/sc < max) goto _110;
if (sc <= 1.0) {
if (max < 10.0) goto _110;
if (sc == 0.0)
sc = min_repr;
l = to_int((log(sc)/log(base) + 0.5));
factor = T(pow(T(2.0), l)); // extraneous cast required by VS 16.8.2
if (factor != 1.0) {
for (i=0;i<=n;i++)
p[i] = factor*p[i]; /* Scale polynomial. */
/* Compute lower bound on moduli of roots. */
for (i=0;i<=n;i++) {
pt[i] = (fabs(p[i]));
pt[n] = - pt[n];
/* Compute upper estimate of bound. */
x = exp((log(-pt[n])-log(pt[0])) / (T)n);
/* If Newton step at the origin is better, use it. */
if (pt[n-1] != 0.0) {
xm = -pt[n]/pt[n-1];
if (xm < x) x = xm;
/* Chop the interval (0,x) until ff <= 0 */
while (1) {
xm = x*(T) 0.1;
ff = pt[0];
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
ff = ff*xm + pt[i];
if (ff <= 0.0) break;
x = xm;
dx = x;
/* Do Newton interation until x converges to two
* decimal places.
while (fabs(dx/x) > 0.005) {
ff = pt[0];
df = ff;
for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
ff = ff*x + pt[i];
df = df*x + ff;
ff = ff*x + pt[n];
dx = ff/df;
x -= dx;
bnd = x;
/* Compute the derivative as the initial k polynomial
* and do 5 steps with no shift.
nm1 = n - 1;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
k[i] = (T)(n - i) * p[i] / (T)n;
k[0] = p[0];
aa = p[n];
bb = p[n-1];
zerok = (k[n-1] == 0);
for(jj=0;jj<5;jj++) {
cc = k[n-1];
if (!zerok) {
/* Use a scaled form of recurrence if value of k at 0 is nonzero. */
t = -aa/cc;
for (i=0;i<nm1;i++) {
j = n-i-1;
k[j] = t*k[j-1]+p[j];
k[0] = p[0];
zerok = (fabs(k[n-1]) <= abs(bb)*eta*10.0);
else {
/* Use unscaled form of recurrence. */
for (i=0;i<nm1;i++) {
j = n-i-1;
k[j] = k[j-1];
k[0] = 0.0;
zerok = (k[n-1] == 0.0);
/* Save k for restarts with new shifts. */
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
temp[i] = k[i];
/* Loop to select the quadratic corresponding to each new shift. */
for (cnt = 0;cnt < 20;cnt++) {
/* Quadratic corresponds to a double shift to a
* non-real point and its complex conjugate. The point
* has modulus bnd and amplitude rotated by 94 degrees
* from the previous shift.
xxx = cosr*xx - sinr*yy;
yy = sinr*xx + cosr*yy;
xx = xxx;
sr = bnd*xx;
si = bnd*yy;
u = (T) -2.0 * sr;
v = bnd;
if (nz != 0) {
/* The second stage jumps directly to one of the third
* stage iterations and returns here if successful.
* Deflate the polynomial, store the zero or zeros and
* return to the main algorithm.
j = degree - n;
zeror[j] = szr;
zeroi[j] = szi;
n -= nz;
for (i=0;i<=n;i++)
p[i] = qp[i];
if (nz != 1) {
zeror[j+1] = lzr;
zeroi[j+1] = lzi;
goto _40;
/* If the iteration is unsuccessful another quadratic
* is chosen after restoring k.
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
k[i] = temp[i];
/* Return with failure if no convergence with 20 shifts. */
return degree - n;
/* Computes up to L2 fixed shift k-polynomials,
* testing for convergence in the linear or quadratic
* case. Initiates one of the variable shift
* iterations and returns with the number of zeros
* found.
template <typename T>
void RPoly<T>::fxshfr(int l2,int *nz)
T svu,svv,ui,vi,s;
T betas,betav,oss,ovv,ss,vv,ts,tv;
T ots,otv,tvv,tss;
int type, i,j,iflag,vpass,spass,vtry,stry;
*nz = 0;
betav = 0.25;
betas = 0.25;
oss = sr;
ovv = v;
/* Evaluate polynomial by synthetic division. */
for (j=0;j<l2;j++) {
/* Calculate next k polynomial and estimate v. */
vv = vi;
/* Estimate s. */
ss = 0.0;
if (k[n-1] != 0.0) ss = -p[n]/k[n-1];
tv = 1.0;
ts = 1.0;
if (j == 0 || type == 3) goto _70;
/* Compute relative measures of convergence of s and v sequences. */
if (vv != 0.0) tv = fabs((vv-ovv)/vv);
if (ss != 0.0) ts = fabs((ss-oss)/ss);
/* If decreasing, multiply two most recent convergence measures. */
tvv = 1.0;
if (tv < otv) tvv = tv*otv;
tss = 1.0;
if (ts < ots) tss = ts*ots;
/* Compare with convergence criteria. */
vpass = (tvv < betav);
spass = (tss < betas);
if (!(spass || vpass)) goto _70;
/* At least one sequence has passed the convergence test.
* Store variables before iterating.
svu = u;
svv = v;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
svk[i] = k[i];
s = ss;
/* Choose iteration according to the fastest converging
* sequence.
vtry = 0;
stry = 0;
if ( ( spass && (!vpass) ) || tss < tvv) goto _40;
if (*nz > 0) return;
/* Quadratic iteration has failed. Flag that it has
* been tried and decrease the convergence criterion.
vtry = 1;
betav *= 0.25;
/* Try linear iteration if it has not been tried and
* the S sequence is converging.
if (stry || !spass) goto _50;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
k[i] = svk[i];
if (*nz > 0) return;
/* Linear iteration has failed. Flag that it has been
* tried and decrease the convergence criterion.
stry = 1;
betas *=0.25;
if (iflag == 0) goto _50;
/* If linear iteration signals an almost double real
* zero attempt quadratic iteration.
ui = -(s+s);
vi = s*s;
goto _20;
/* Restore variables. */
u = svu;
v = svv;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
k[i] = svk[i];
/* Try quadratic iteration if it has not been tried
* and the V sequence is convergin.
if (vpass && !vtry) goto _20;
/* Recompute QP and scalar values to continue the
* second stage.
ovv = vv;
oss = ss;
otv = tv;
ots = ts;
/* Variable-shift k-polynomial iteration for a
* quadratic factor converges only if the zeros are
* equimodular or nearly so.
* uu, vv - coefficients of starting quadratic.
* nz - number of zeros found.
template <typename T>
void RPoly<T>::quadit(T *uu,T *vv,int *nz)
T ui,vi;
T mp,omp,ee,relstp,t,zm;
int type,i,j,tried;
*nz = 0;
tried = 0;
u = *uu;
v = *vv;
j = 0;
/* Main loop. */
/* Return if roots of the quadratic are real and not
* close to multiple or nearly equal and of opposite
* sign.
// sherm 20130410: this early return caused premature termination and
// then failure to find any roots in rare circumstances with 6th order
// ellipsoid nearest point equations. Previously (and in all implementations of
// Jenkins-Traub that I could find) it was just a test on the
// relative size of the difference with respect to the larger root lzr.
// I added the std::max(...,0.1) so that if the roots are small then an
// absolute difference below 0.001 will be considered "close enough" to
// continue iterating. In the case that failed, the roots were around .0001
// and .0002, so their difference was considered large compared with 1% of
// the larger root, 2e-6. But in fact continuing the loop instead resulted in
// six very high-quality roots instead of none.
// I'm sorry to say I don't know if I have correctly diagnosed the problem or
// whether this is the right fix! It does pass the regression tests and
// apparently cured the ellipsoid problem. I added the particular bad
// polynomial to the PolynomialTest regression if you want to see it fail.
// These are the problematic coefficients:
// 1.0000000000000000
// 0.021700000000000004
// 2.9889970904696875e-005
// 1.0901272298136685e-008
// -4.4822782160985054e-012
// -2.6193432740351220e-015
// -3.0900602527225053e-019
// Original code:
//if (fabs(fabs(szr)-fabs(lzr)) > 0.01 * fabs(lzr)) return;
// Fixed version:
if ((T)fabs(fabs(szr) - fabs(lzr)) > (T)0.01 * max((T)fabs(lzr), (T)0.1)) {
/* Evaluate polynomial by quadratic synthetic division. */
mp = fabs(a-szr*b) + fabs(szi*b);
/* Compute a rigorous bound on the rounding error in
* evaluating p.
zm = sqrt(fabs(v));
ee = (T) 2.0*fabs(qp[0]);
t = -szr*b;
for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
ee = ee*zm + fabs(qp[i]);
ee = ee*zm + fabs(a+t);
ee *= ((T)5.0 *mre + (T)4.0*are);
ee = ee - ((T)5.0*mre+(T)2.0*are)*(fabs(a+t)+fabs(b)*zm)+(T)2.0*are*fabs(t);
/* Iteration has converged sufficiently if the
* polynomial value is less than 20 times this bound.
if (mp <= 20.0*ee) {
*nz = 2;
/* Stop iteration after 20 steps. */
if (j > 20) return;
if (j < 2) goto _50;
if (relstp > 0.01 || mp < omp || tried) goto _50;
/* A cluster appears to be stalling the convergence.
* Five fixed shift steps are taken with a u,v close
* to the cluster.
if (relstp < eta) relstp = eta;
relstp = sqrt(relstp);
u = u - u*relstp;
v = v + v*relstp;
for (i=0;i<5;i++) {
tried = 1;
j = 0;
omp = mp;
/* Calculate next k polynomial and new u and v. */
/* If vi is zero the iteration is not converging. */
if (vi == 0.0) return;
relstp = fabs((vi-v)/vi);
u = ui;
v = vi;
goto _10;
/* Variable-shift H polynomial iteration for a real zero.
* sss - starting iterate
* nz - number of zeros found
* iflag - flag to indicate a pair of zeros near real axis.
template <typename T>
void RPoly<T>::realit(T *sss, int *nz, int *iflag)
T pv,kv,t,s;
T ms,mp,omp,ee;
int i,j;
*nz = 0;
s = *sss;
*iflag = 0;
j = 0;
/* Main loop */
while (1) {
pv = p[0];
/* Evaluate p at s. */
qp[0] = pv;
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
pv = pv*s + p[i];
qp[i] = pv;
mp = fabs(pv);
/* Compute a rigorous bound on the error in evaluating p. */
ms = fabs(s);
ee = (mre/(are+mre))*fabs(qp[0]);
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
ee = ee*ms + fabs(qp[i]);
/* Iteration has converged sufficiently if the polynomial
* value is less than 20 times this bound.
if (mp <= 20.0*((are+mre)*ee-mre*mp)) {
*nz = 1;
szr = s;
szi = 0.0;
/* Stop iteration after 10 steps. */
if (j > 10) return;
if (j < 2) goto _50;
if (fabs(t) > 0.001*fabs(s-t) || mp < omp) goto _50;
/* A cluster of zeros near the real axis has been
* encountered. Return with iflag set to initiate a
* quadratic iteration.
*iflag = 1;
*sss = s;
/* Return if the polynomial value has increased significantly. */
omp = mp;
/* Compute t, the next polynomial, and the new iterate. */
kv = k[0];
qk[0] = kv;
for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
kv = kv*s + k[i];
qk[i] = kv;
if (fabs(kv) <= fabs(k[n-1])*10.0*eta) {
/* Use unscaled form. */
k[0] = 0.0;
for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
k[i] = qk[i-1];
else {
/* Use the scaled form of the recurrence if the value
* of k at s is nonzero.
t = -pv/kv;
k[0] = qp[0];
for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
k[i] = t*qk[i-1] + qp[i];
kv = k[0];
for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
kv = kv*s + k[i];
t = 0.0;
if (fabs(kv) > fabs(k[n-1]*10.0*eta)) t = -pv/kv;
s += t;
/* This routine calculates scalar quantities used to
* compute the next k polynomial and new estimates of
* the quadratic coefficients.
* type - integer variable set here indicating how the
* calculations are normalized to avoid overflow.
template <typename T>
void RPoly<T>::calcsc(int *type)
/* Synthetic division of k by the quadratic 1,u,v */
if (fabs(c) > fabs(k[n-1]*100.0*eta)) goto _10;
if (fabs(d) > fabs(k[n-2]*100.0*eta)) goto _10;
*type = 3;
/* Type=3 indicates the quadratic is almost a factor of k. */
if (fabs(d) < fabs(c)) {
*type = 1;
/* Type=1 indicates that all formulas are divided by c. */
e = a/c;
f = d/c;
g = u*e;
h = v*b;
a3 = a*e + (h/c+g)*b;
a1 = b - a*(d/c);
a7 = a + g*d + h*f;
*type = 2;
/* Type=2 indicates that all formulas are divided by d. */
e = a/d;
f = c/d;
g = u*b;
h = v*b;
a3 = (a+g)*e + h*(b/d);
a1 = b*f-a;
a7 = (f+u)*a + h;
/* Computes the next k polynomials using scalars
* computed in calcsc.
template <typename T>
void RPoly<T>::nextk(int *type)
T temp;
int i;
if (*type == 3) {
/* Use unscaled form of the recurrence if type is 3. */
k[0] = 0.0;
k[1] = 0.0;
for (i=2;i<n;i++) {
k[i] = qk[i-2];
temp = a;
if (*type == 1) {
temp = b;
if (fabs(a1) <= fabs(temp)*eta*10.0) {
/* If a1 is nearly zero then use a special form of the
* recurrence.
k[0] = 0.0;
k[1] = -a7*qp[0];
for(i=2;i<n;i++) {
k[i] = a3*qk[i-2] - a7*qp[i-1];
/* Use scaled form of the recurrence. */
a7 /= a1;
a3 /= a1;
k[0] = qp[0];
k[1] = qp[1] - a7*qp[0];
for (i=2;i<n;i++) {
k[i] = a3*qk[i-2] - a7*qp[i-1] + qp[i];
/* Compute new estimates of the quadratic coefficients
* using the scalars computed in calcsc.
template <typename T>
void RPoly<T>::newest(int type,T *uu,T *vv)
T a4,a5,b1,b2,c1,c2,c3,c4,temp;
/* Use formulas appropriate to setting of type. */
if (type == 3) {
/* If type=3 the quadratic is zeroed. */
*uu = 0.0;
*vv = 0.0;
if (type == 2) {
a4 = (a+g)*f + h;
a5 = (f+u)*c + v*d;
else {
a4 = a + u*b +h*f;
a5 = c + (u+v*f)*d;
/* Evaluate new quadratic coefficients. */
b1 = -k[n-1]/p[n];
b2 = -(k[n-2]+b1*p[n-1])/p[n];
c1 = v*b2*a1;
c2 = b1*a7;
c3 = b1*b1*a3;
c4 = c1 - c2 - c3;
temp = a5 + b1*a4 - c4;
if (temp == 0.0) {
*uu = 0.0;
*vv = 0.0;
*uu = u - (u*(c3+c2)+v*(b1*a1+b2*a7))/temp;
*vv = v*((T)1.0+c4/temp);
/* Divides p by the quadratic 1,u,v placing the quotient
* in q and the remainder in a,b.
template <typename T>
void RPoly<T>::quadsd(int nn,T *u,T *v,T *p,T *q,
T *a,T *b)
T c;
int i;
*b = p[0];
q[0] = *b;
*a = p[1] - (*b)*(*u);
q[1] = *a;
for (i=2;i<=nn;i++) {
c = p[i] - (*a)*(*u) - (*b)*(*v);
q[i] = c;
*b = *a;
*a = c;
/* Calculate the zeros of the quadratic a*z^2 + b1*z + c.
* The quadratic formula, modified to avoid overflow, is used
* to find the larger zero if the zeros are real and both
* are complex. The smaller real zero is found directly from
* the product of the zeros c/a.
template <typename T>
void RPoly<T>::quad(T a,T b1,T c,T *sr,T *si,
T *lr,T *li)
T b,d,e;
if (a == 0.0) { /* less than two roots */
if (b1 != 0.0) {
*sr = -c / b1;
} else {
*sr = 0.0;
*lr = 0.0;
*si = 0.0;
*li = 0.0;
if (c == 0.0) { /* one real root, one zero root */
*sr = 0.0;
*lr = -b1/a;
*si = 0.0;
*li = 0.0;
/* Compute discriminant avoiding overflow. */
b = b1/(T) 2.0;
if (fabs(b) < fabs(c)) {
if (c < 0.0) {
e = -a;
} else {
e = a;
e = b*(b/fabs(c)) - e;
d = sqrt(fabs(e))*sqrt(fabs(c));
else {
e = (T) 1.0 - (a/b)*(c/b);
d = sqrt(fabs(e))*fabs(b);
if (e < 0.0) { /* complex conjugate zeros */
*sr = -b/a;
*lr = *sr;
*si = fabs(d/a);
*li = -(*si);
else {
if (b >= 0.0) { /* real zeros. */
d = -d;
*lr = (-b+d)/a;
*sr = 0.0;
if (*lr != 0.0) {
*sr = (c / *lr) / a;
*si = 0.0;
*li = 0.0;
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and
distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright
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"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities
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accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate
notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own
identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be
enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also
recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on
the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within
third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
SHELL = bash
MAKEFILE_DIR:=$(strip $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))))
-Wall \
-Wextra \
-pedantic \
-Wdouble-promotion \
-Wformat=2 \
-Winvalid-pch \
-Wnull-dereference \
-Wmissing-include-dirs \
-Wswitch-enum \
-Wswitch-default \
ifeq (,$(findstring clang++,$(CXX)))
-Wduplicated-branches \
-Wduplicated-cond \
-Wlogical-op \
-Wrestrict \
FAILURE_HANDLER=exit 1; echo
DEBNFO ?=-g3
AR ?= ar # llvm-ar
CONTEXT ?= # e.g. valgrind, /usr/bin/time -v, LSAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 gdb -q -ex r -args
CXXFLAGS :=$(FLAGS_WARN) -Werror -std=c++20 $(OPTFLAG) $(DEBNFO) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEFINES)
LDFLAGS := $(shell eval echo $$LDFLAGS)
# reference:
test-jenkins-traub-rpoly \
test-jenkins-traub-rpoly-qd \
.PHONY: test clean
test: $(TEST_DEPS)
$(CONTEXT) ./test-jenkins-traub-rpoly
$(CONTEXT) ./test-jenkins-traub-rpoly-qd
$(CONTEXT) ./test-jenkins-traub-rpoly-boostmp
$(RM) -r ./build/temp.*/ ./build/lib.*/
test-jenkins-traub-rpoly: test-jenkins-traub-rpoly.o jenkins-traub-rpoly.o
$(CXXLD) -o $@ $(CXXFLAGS) $^ $(LDFLAGS)
jenkins-traub-rpoly-qd.o: $(SRC)/jenkins-traub-rpoly-qd.cpp jenkins-traub-rpoly.ipp jenkins-traub-rpoly.hpp
test-jenkins-traub-rpoly-qd: $(SRC)/test-jenkins-traub-rpoly-qd.cpp jenkins-traub-rpoly-qd.o
test-jenkins-traub-rpoly-boostmp: test-jenkins-traub-rpoly-boostmp.o
$(CXXLD) -o $@ $(CXXFLAGS) $^ $(LDFLAGS)
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_dec_float.hpp>
namespace {
int to_int(boost::multiprecision::cpp_dec_float_50 arg) { return static_cast<int>(arg); }
// #ifndef __clang__
// //
// #include <boost/multiprecision/float128.hpp>
// namespace {
// int to_int(boost::multiprecision::float128 arg) { return static_cast<int>(arg); }
// }
// #endif
#include "jenkins-traub-rpoly.hpp"
#include "jenkins-traub-rpoly.ipp"
#include <algorithm>
#include "testing.hpp"
#include "test-jenkins-traub-rpoly.ipp"
int main() {
int result = 0;
result += test_rpoly<boost::multiprecision::cpp_dec_float_50>(1.0);
result += test_rpoly_from_paper<boost::multiprecision::cpp_dec_float_50>(4e38 /* TODO: outrageous */);
result += test_rpoly_ill_conditioned3a<boost::multiprecision::cpp_dec_float_50>(2e47 /* TODO: outrageous */);
// #ifndef __clang__
// result += test_rpoly<boost::multiprecision::float128>();
// #endif
return result;
#include "jenkins-traub-rpoly.hpp"
#include <qd/dd_real.h>
#include <qd/qd_real.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "testing.hpp"
#include "test-jenkins-traub-rpoly.ipp"
int main() {
int result = 0;
result += test_rpoly<dd_real>(6.0);
result += test_rpoly<qd_real>(6.0);
result += test_rpoly_from_paper<dd_real>(8e20 /* TODO: outrageous */);
result += test_rpoly_from_paper<qd_real>(4e52 /* TODO: outrageous */);
result += test_rpoly_ill_conditioned3a<dd_real>(1.0);
result += test_rpoly_ill_conditioned3a<qd_real>(1.0);
return result;
#include "jenkins-traub-rpoly.hpp"
#include "testing.hpp"
using std::abs;
using std::max;
#include <cmath>
using std::log;
#include "test-jenkins-traub-rpoly.ipp"
int main() {
int result = 0;
result += test_rpoly<double>(1.0);
result += test_rpoly<float>(30.0);
result += test_rpoly<long double>(5.0);
result += test_rpoly_from_paper<double>(1.0);
result += test_rpoly_from_paper<float>(30.0);
result += test_rpoly_from_paper<long double>(4e8 /* TODO: outrageous, fix RPoly. */);
result += test_rpoly_ill_conditioned3a<double>(1.0);
result += test_rpoly_ill_conditioned3a<float>(1.0);
result += test_rpoly_ill_conditioned3a<long double>(1.0);
return result;
#include "jenkins-traub-rpoly.hpp" /* for IDE */
#include "testing.hpp" /* for IDE */
namespace {
template <typename T>
void ignore(T&) { }
template <typename T>
int verify_roots(const RPoly<T>& rp, const T * const coeffs, const T * const roots_r, const T * const roots_i, const T atol) {
for (int i=0; i<; ++i) {
const Complex<T> ev = rp.evalPoly(coeffs, roots_r[i], roots_i[i]);
if (fabs( > atol || fabs( > atol) {
return i;
return -1;
template <typename T>
int verify_real_roots(const RPoly<T>& rp, const T * const coeffs, const T * const roots_r, const T * const roots_i, const T atol) {
for (int i=0; i<; ++i) {
if (fabs(roots_i[i]) > atol) {
return i;
const T ev = rp.evalPoly(coeffs, roots_r[i]);
if (fabs(ev) > atol) {
return i;
return -1;
template <typename T>
int check_roots(const int degree, const T * const roots_r, const T * const roots_i, const T * const ref_r, const T * const ref_i, const T atol, const T rtol) {
assert(rtol >= 0);
assert(atol >= 0);
for (int i=0; i<degree; ++i) {
T delta_r = roots_r[i] - ref_r[i];
T delta_i = roots_i[i] - ref_i[i];
double ddelta = delta_r.template convert_to<double>();
double overshoot = (fabs(delta_r) / (fabs(ref_r[i]) * rtol + atol)).template convert_to<double>();
ignore(overshoot); ignore(ddelta);
if (fabs(ref_r[i]) * rtol + atol < fabs(delta_r)) {
return i;
if (fabs(ref_i[i]) * rtol + atol < fabs(delta_i)) {
return i;
return -1;
template <typename T>
int test_rpoly_ill_conditioned3a(double slack) {
const T eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
const T N = exp2(T(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits - 7));
T coeffs[4] = {N+1, 1 - N, -1 - N, N - 1};
RPoly<T> rp3(3);
T re3[3], im3[3];
int nroots = rp3.findRoots(coeffs, re3, im3);
if (nroots != 3) {
if (verify_roots<T>(rp3, coeffs, re3, im3, 2.1) >= 0) {
const T re_ref[3] = {1, -1, (N-1)/(N+1)};
const T im_ref[3] = {0, 0, 0};
if (check_roots<T>(3, re3, im3, re_ref, im_ref, 100*eps*slack, 100*eps*slack) >= 0){
template <typename T>
int test_rpoly_from_paper(double slack)
const T eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
RPoly<T> rp7(7);
T re7[7], im7[7];
T coeffs[8] = {1, -6.01, 12.54, -8.545, -5.505, 12.545, -8.035, 2.01};
int nroots = rp7.findRoots(coeffs, re7, im7);
if (nroots != 7) {
In [1]: from flint import *
In [4]: p = fmpq_poly([2010, -8035, 12545, -5505, -8545, 12540, -6010, 1000], 1000)
In [5]: p.roots()
[([-1.00000000000000 +/- 1e-19], 1),
([2.00000000000000 +/- 1e-19], 1),
([2.01000000000000 +/- 1e-19], 1),
(0.500000000000000 + 0.500000000000000j, 1),
(0.500000000000000 - 0.500000000000000j, 1),
(1.00000000000000, 2)]
const T re_ref[7] = { 0.5, 0.5, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.01 };
const T im_ref[7] = { 0.5, -0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
T re7r[7];
for (int i=0; i<7; ++i) {
T err = re7[i] - re_ref[i];
if (im_ref[i] == 0) {
T refined = rp7.refineRealRoot(coeffs, re7[i]);
T err_refined = refined - re_ref[i];
if (fabs(err_refined) > (1 + slack/67)*fabs(err)) {
re7r[i] = refined;
} else {
re7r[i] = re7[i];
if (verify_roots<T>(rp7, coeffs, re7r, im7, 3e4*eps*slack) >= 0) {
T atol = T(1000*eps) > T(1e-9) ? T(1000*eps) : T(1e-9) /* 1e-9 here should be based on eps... */;
if (check_roots<T>(7, re7r, im7, re_ref, im_ref, atol, 1000*eps*slack) >= 0){
template <typename T>
int test_rpoly(double slack) {
const T eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
RPoly<T> rp1(1);
T coeffs[2] = {2, 3}; /* 2*x + 3 */
T re, im;
int nroots = rp1.findRoots(coeffs, &re, &im);
if (nroots != 1) {
const T half { 0.5 };
if (fabs(re + 3*half) > 3*eps) {
RPoly<T> rp2(2);
T work[3+2+2] = {-3, 2, 5, -99, -99, -99, -99}; /* -3x**2 + 2*x + 5*/
int nroots = rp2.findRoots(work, work + 3, work + 5);
if (nroots != 2) {
const T ref_roots_r[2] = {-1, T(5)/3};
const T ref_roots_i[2] = {0, 0};
if (verify_real_roots<T>(rp2, work, work+3, work+5, 10*eps*slack) != -1) {
if (check_roots<T>(2, work+3, work+5, ref_roots_r, ref_roots_i, 5*eps*slack, 5*eps*slack) != -1) {
RPoly<T> rp4(4);
T zeror4[4];
T zeroi4[4];
// >>> ((x-4)*(x-3)*(x-2)*(x-1)).expand()
// 4 3 2
// x - 10⋅x + 35⋅x - 50⋅x + 24
T coeffs[5] = {1, -10, 35, -50, 24};
int nroots = rp4.findRoots(coeffs, zeror4, zeroi4);
if (nroots != 4) {
const T ref_roots_r[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
const T ref_roots_i[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
if (verify_real_roots<T>(rp4, coeffs, zeror4, zeroi4, 250*eps*slack) >= 0) {
if (check_roots<T>(, zeror4, zeroi4, ref_roots_r, ref_roots_i, 10*eps*slack, 10*eps*slack) >= 0) {
// In [1]: 24*x**4 - 50*x**3 + 35*x**2 -10*x + 1
// Out[1]:
// 4 3 2
// 24⋅x - 50⋅x + 35⋅x - 10⋅x + 1
// In [2]: solveset(24*x**4 - 50*x**3 + 35*x**2 -10*x + 1)
// Out[2]: {1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 1}
T coeffs[5] = {24, -50, 35, -10, 1};
int nroots = rp4.findRoots(coeffs, zeror4, zeroi4);
if (nroots != 4) {
const T ref_roots_r[4] = { 1/T(4), 1/T(3), 1/T(2), 1 };
const T ref_roots_i[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
if (check_roots<T>(4, zeror4, zeroi4, ref_roots_r, ref_roots_i, 10*eps*slack, 10*eps*slack) >= 0) {
RPoly<T> rp6(6);
T re6[6], im6[6];
T coeffs[7] = { 1., 0.093099999999999988, 0.00057211940879762883, 1.4343090324181468e-6,
1.6097307763625053e-9, 6.6189348690786845e-13, -3.0418139616145048e-18 };
int nroots = rp6.findRoots(coeffs, re6, im6);
if (nroots != 6) {
if (verify_roots<T>(rp6, coeffs, re6, im6, 10*eps*slack) >= 0) {
const T re_ref[6] = {4.54517869625002e-6, -0.00122499999999999, -0.00122499999999999 , -0.00198292148034529,
-0.00198292148034529, -0.0866887022180057 };
const T im_ref[6] = {0, 1.12651985673021e-10, -1.12651985673021e-10, 0.0011011665837654, -0.0011011665837654, 0};
if (check_roots<T>(6, re6, im6, re_ref, im_ref, 1.2e-10, 10*eps*slack) >= 0){
T coeffs[7] = { 1., 0.021700000000000004, 0.00013355532616269355, 1.8068473626980300e-7, 6.2414644021223684e-11, 6.4036661086410838e-15, -6.8627441483352105e-22 };
int nroots = rp6.findRoots(coeffs, re6, im6);
if (nroots != 6) {
if (verify_roots<T>(rp6, coeffs, re6, im6, 10*eps*slack) >= 0) {
const T re_ref[6] = { 1.07057243683631e-7, -0.000226941898625434 , -0.000226941898625434,
-0.00124724614073959, -0.00896457624670489, -0.0110344008725483};
const T im_ref[6] = { 0.0, +2.13356769572618e-5, -2.13356769572618e-5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
if (check_roots<T>(6, re6, im6, re_ref, im_ref, 1.2e-10, 10*eps*slack) >= 0){
T coeffs[7] = { 1., 0.021700000000000004, 2.9889970904696875e-5, 1.0901272298136685e-8, -4.4822782160985054e-12, -2.6193432740351220e-15, -3.0900602527225053e-19};
int nroots = rp6.findRoots(coeffs, re6, im6);
if (nroots != 6) {
if (verify_roots<T>(rp6, coeffs, re6, im6, 10*eps*slack) >= 0) {
const T re_ref[6] = { -0.000227633733894355 , -0.000227633733894355, 0.000433826366836664, -0.000713709028258555, -0.000713709028258555, -0.0202511408425308};
const T im_ref[6] = { +3.53990853672026e-5, -3.53990853672026e-5, 0.0, +0.000391625935770687, -0.000391625935770687, 0.0 };
if (check_roots<T>(6, re6, im6, re_ref, im_ref, 1.2e-10, 10*eps*slack) >= 0){
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