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Created January 13, 2023 11:55
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public class SignatureStamp {
public static byte[] Create(
Size size,
string name,
float fontSize,
string signatureSVG,
string documentID = "",
Color? color = null,
Color? highlightColor = null,
int offsetX = 70,
int offsetY = 20,
int highlights = 10) {
// default colors
color = color ?? Color.LightGray;
highlightColor = highlightColor ?? Color.Blue;
// write svg header
string sSvgImage = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><svg version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" viewBox=\"0 0 " + size.Width.ToString() + " " + size.Height.ToString() + "\" xml:space=\"preserve\">";
int countOffsetX = -offsetX;
int countOffsetY = 0;
int countX = 0;
int countY = 0;
// generate
int[][] positions = CreateRandomPositions(size, offsetX, countOffsetY, offsetY, 10);
// loop through all rows
do {
string textColor;
// loop through all columns
do {
// change highlight color based on random positions
if (Array.Exists(positions, element => (element[0] == countX) && (element[1] == countY)))
textColor = HexConverter(highlightColor);
textColor = HexConverter(color);
// render the text
sSvgImage += "<g><text style=\"font-size: " + fontSize.ToString() + "px; font-family: Arial; fill: " + textColor + ";\" transform=\"matrix(1 -0.17 0.17 1 " + countOffsetX.ToString() + " " + countOffsetY.ToString() + ")\">" + name + "</text><text style=\"font-size: " + fontSize.ToString() + "px; font-family: Arial; fill: " + textColor + ";\" transform=\"matrix(1 -0.17 0.17 1 " + (countOffsetX + 30).ToString() + " " + (countOffsetY + 0.4).ToString() + ")\">" + name + "</text></g>";
// increase offset
countOffsetX += offsetX;
} while (countOffsetX < size.Width + offsetX);
countOffsetY += offsetY;
countOffsetX = -offsetX;
countY++; countX = 0;
} while (countOffsetY < size.Height + offsetY);
// do all required calculations in Signature object
var signature = new Signature(signatureSVG, size);
// center the signature in stamp
var posX = (size.Width - (signature.Size.Width * signature.ScalingFactor)) / 2;
var posY = (size.Height - (signature.Size.Height * signature.ScalingFactor)) / 2;
sSvgImage += "<g transform=\"scale(" + signature.ScalingFactor + ") translate(" + posX + " " + posY + ")\">";
// render the signature
sSvgImage += signatureSVG;
sSvgImage += "</g>";
// adding document ID
sSvgImage += "<g transform=\"translate(10 20)\"><text style=\"font-family: Arial; fill: #000;\">Document ID: " + documentID + "</text></g>";
// close the SVG
sSvgImage += "</svg>";
// return the SVG as a byte array
return Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sSvgImage);
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