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Created January 2, 2023 09:46
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public IActionResult Sign([FromBody] SignatureData data, string signerId) {
DocumentFlow flow = new DocumentFlow(data.UniqueId);
Signer signer = flow.Signers.Find(x => x.Id == signerId);
signer.SignatureComplete = true;
byte[] imageData = Convert.FromBase64String(data.SignatureImage);
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("App_Data/documentflows/" + flow.EnvelopeId + "/signature_" + signer.Id + ".svg", imageData);
bool allSigned = flow.Signers.All(y => y.SignatureComplete == true);
if (allSigned == true) {
using (TXTextControl.ServerTextControl tx = new TXTextControl.ServerTextControl()) {
// load the signed document
tx.Load("App_Data/documentflows/" + flow.EnvelopeId + "/template.tx", TXTextControl.StreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);
List<TXTextControl.DigitalSignature> digitalSignatures = new List<DigitalSignature>();
foreach (SignatureField field in tx.SignatureFields) {
signer = flow.Signers.Find(x => x.SignatureFieldName == field.Name);
field.Image = new SignatureImage("App_Data/documentflows/" + flow.EnvelopeId + "/signature_" + signer.Id + ".svg", 4);
field.SignerData = new SignerData(signer.Name, "", "", "", "Text Control Signature Demo");
// provide unique field name
field.Name = field.Name + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
digitalSignatures.Add(new DigitalSignature(
new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(
"App_Data/textcontrolself.pfx", "123"), null, field.Name));
SaveSettings saveSettings = new SaveSettings() {
SignatureFields = digitalSignatures.ToArray()
tx.Save("App_Data/documentflows/" + flow.EnvelopeId + "/results.pdf", TXTextControl.StreamType.AdobePDF, saveSettings);
flow.Closed = true;
return Ok();
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