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Created June 26, 2024 10:07
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private void ConvertTableToText(TXTextControl.Table table, TXTextControl.TextControl textControl)
if (table.NestedTables.Count >= 1)
// throw an exception
throw new Exception("Nested tables are not supported.");
// Create a new StringBuilder object
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
var numRows = table.Rows.Count;
var numCols = table.Columns.Count;
int[] tabStopLocations = new int[14];
// Loop through all rows
for (int i = 1; i <= numRows; i++)
var offset = 0;
// Loop through all columns
for (int j = 1; j <= numCols; j++)
var position = table.Columns[j].Position;
if (j == 1)
if (position > 0)
tabStopLocations[j - 1] = position;
offset = 1;
tabStopLocations[j - 1 - offset] = position;
if (j > 1 || (j == 1 && position > 0))
sb.Append(table.Cells[i, j].Text);
// Append a new line character to the StringBuilder object
// Remove table
textControl1.Selection.ParagraphFormat.TabPositions = tabStopLocations;
// Set the text of the TextControl
textControl1.Selection.Text = sb.ToString();
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