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Last active February 25, 2022 03:48
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Benchmark map creation and the proposed lists:uniq/1
run() ->
Limit = 2_000_000,
Data = gen_data(0, Limit, []),
io:format("generated ~p data items\n", [Limit]),
%%io:format("~P\n", [Data,10]),
Tests = [{"one_by_one/1",fun one_by_one/1},
{"all_at_once/1",fun all_at_once/1},
{"uniq_one_by_one/1",fun uniq_one_by_one/1},
{"uniq_by_sofs/1",fun uniq_by_sofs/1},
{"uniq_indexes/1",fun uniq_indexes/1},
{"uniq_by_usort/1",fun uniq_by_usort/1}],
run(Tests, Data).
gen_data(Limit, Limit, Acc) ->
gen_data(N, Limit, Acc) ->
%% Item = N,
Item = erlang:phash2(N),
gen_data(N+1, Limit, [Item|Acc]).
run([{Name,Test}|Ts], Data) ->
{Pid,Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
{Time,_Res} = timer:tc(Test, [Data]),
%% io:format("~P\n", [_Res,10]),
{'DOWN',Ref,process,Pid,Time} ->
io:format("~.20ts: ~p\n", [Name,Time / 1_000_000]),
run(Ts, Data)
run([], _Data) ->
one_by_one(Data) ->
one_by_one(Data, #{}).
one_by_one([Key|T], Map) ->
one_by_one(T, Map#{Key => {Key, Key+1}});
one_by_one([], Map) ->
all_at_once(Data) ->
all_at_once(Data, []).
all_at_once([Key|T], Acc) ->
all_at_once(T, [{Key, Key+1}|Acc]);
all_at_once([], Acc) ->
uniq_one_by_one(L) ->
uniq_one_by_one(L, #{}).
uniq_one_by_one([X|Xs], M) ->
case is_map_key(X, M) of
true ->
uniq_one_by_one(Xs, M);
false ->
[X|uniq_one_by_one(Xs, M#{X => true})]
uniq_one_by_one([], _) ->
uniq_by_usort(L) ->
uniq_by_sofs(L0) ->
L = number(L0, 0),
S0 = sofs:relation(L),
S1 = sofs:relation_to_family(S0),
S2 = sofs:converse(S1),
S3 = sofs:to_external(S2),
[E || {_,E} <- S3].
number([H|T], N) ->
[{H,N}|number(T, N+1)];
number([], _) ->
uniq_indexes(L0) ->
L1 = add_index(L0, 0, []),
L2 = lists:usort(fun([_|A], [_|B]) -> A =< B end, L1),
L3 = lists:sort(L2),
take_indexed(L0, 0, L3).
add_index([H1 | T], I, [[_ | H2] | _]=Acc) when H1 == H2 ->
add_index(T, I + 1, Acc);
add_index([H | T], I, Acc) ->
add_index(T, I + 1, [[I | H] | Acc]);
add_index([], _I, Acc) ->
take_indexed([H | T], I, [[I | _] | Is]) ->
[H | take_indexed(T, I + 1, Is)];
take_indexed([_ | T], I, [_ | _]=Is) ->
take_indexed(T, I + 1, Is);
take_indexed([_ | _], _I, []) ->
take_indexed([], _I, []) ->
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