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Created October 13, 2013 09:25
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Save bjpirt/6960179 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An applescript to export the events for a specific calendar for the month you choose in order to use as a timesheet.
on monthsAgo(m) -- returns a date formatted for the select box
set m to -m
set newDate to current date
-- Convert the month-offset parameter to years and months
set {y, m} to {m div 12, m mod 12}
-- If the month offset is negative (-1 to -11), make it positive from a year previously
if m < 0 then set {y, m} to {y - 1, m + 12}
-- Add the year offset into the new date's year
set newDate's year to (newDate's year) + y
-- Add the odd months (at 32 days per month) and set the day
repeat m times
if m is not 0 then tell newDate to set {day, day} to {32, day}
end repeat
return (the month of newDate & " " & the year of newDate) as text
end monthsAgo
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
set the item_list to every text item of this_text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
set this_text to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return this_text
end replace_chars
-- Choose the month to export
set monthList to {monthsAgo(0), monthsAgo(1), monthsAgo(2), monthsAgo(3), monthsAgo(4), monthsAgo(5)}
set selected_month to choose from list monthList with prompt "Select the month to export: " OK button name "Continue" cancel button name "Cancel"
if selected_month is false then return
set startDate to date ("1 " & selected_month)
copy startDate to endDate
tell endDate to set {day, day} to {32, day}
set fileName to (the year of startDate & "-" & (the month of startDate as integer) & "_timesheet.csv") as text
-- Choose the calendar
tell application "Calendar" to set calendarNames to the name of every calendar
set calendar_name to choose from list calendarNames with prompt "Select the timesheet calendar: " OK button name "Continue" cancel button name "Cancel"
if calendar_name is false then return
set calendar_name to the first item of calendar_name
-- Collect the calendar events as CSV
tell application "Calendar"
set cal to first calendar whose name is calendar_name
set selectedEvents to every event of cal whose start date ≥ startDate and end date < endDate
set output to {}
repeat with myEvent in selectedEvents
set duration to (((end date of myEvent) - (start date of myEvent)) / 60) as integer
set hours to duration div 60
set days to hours div 24
set hours to hours mod 24
set minutes to duration mod 60
set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:h, minutes:min} to the start date of myEvent
tell (100000000 + (d * 1000000 + m * 10000 + y)) as string to text 2 thru 3 & "/" & text 4 thru 5 & "/" & text 6 thru 9
set outputDate to the result
tell (10000 + (h * 100 + min)) as string to text 2 thru 3 & ":" & text 4 thru 5 & ":00"
set outputTime to the result
tell (1000000 + (days * 10000 + hours * 100 + minutes)) as string to text 2 thru 3 & ":" & text 4 thru 5 & ":" & text 6 thru 7
set outputDuration to the result
set summaryText to my replace_chars(the summary of myEvent, "\"", "\"\"")
set outputLine to (outputDate) & " " & outputTime & "," & outputDuration & ",\"" & (summaryText) & "\""
set end of output to outputLine as text
end repeat
end tell
-- Write the CSV out to a file
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {ASCII character 10}
set saveFile to choose file name with prompt "Save timesheet as:" default name fileName
set the open_target_file to open for access saveFile with write permission
write (output as text) to the open_target_file starting at 0
close access the open_target_file
-- Sort the file so the events are in the correct order
do shell script "sort -o " & quoted form of POSIX path of saveFile & " " & quoted form of POSIX path of saveFile
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I get the following error: error "Invalid date and time date 1 September 2014 of «script»." number -30720. I have a hunch that it's because I've set all my region format to US. Any other ideas?

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I'm getting the same error:
error "Invalid date and time date 1 March 2015 of «script»." number -30720

Any ideas to resolve this would be awesome!

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