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Created February 10, 2012 19:11
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nth-activated pseudos
"title": "Nth-Activated State Filters",
"type": "selector",
"description": "Provides pseudo-classes for selecting elements based on the number of times activated",
"package": "bkardell.nth-activated",
"version": "2"
<h2>Nth-Activated State pseudo-class filters</h2>
<p>Nth-Activated psudeo-classes provide a mechanism for selecting elements based on the number
of times the element has been activated, that is, clicked and entered the active state.</p>
<p class="note">Note: unlike the :active state, nth-activated persists in time beyond the activation event itself.</p>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<li><a href="#nth-activated">:-nth-activated</a></li>
<h3 class="sectionnumber"><a name="nth-activated">1. The -nth-activated pseudo-class</a></h3>
<p>The activated pseudo class <span class="sig">:-nth-activated(<span class="arg"><em>a</em>n+<em>b</em></span>)</span>,
is a funtional notation taking one required, simple, non-negative integer or basic (standard)
aN+b form algebraic expression. It represents the number of times an element has been clicked and entered the active state.
<div class="example">
<p>Given the markup: </p>
<pre>&lt;div class="foo"&gt;Hello&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div class="bar"&gt;World&lt;/div&gt;
<p>and the rules:</p>
<pre>.foo, .bar{ background-color: red; }
.foo:-nth-activated(1){ background-color: white; }
.bar:-nth-activated(2n){ background-color: blue; }
<li>.bar will initially have a white background.</li>
<li>Upon entering the active state for an odd numbered time, the background of .bar will become red (and stay that way) as the -nth-activated filter will be false.</li>
<li>Upon entering the active state for an even numbered time, the background of .bar will become white (and stay that way) as the -nth-activated filter will be true.</li>
<li>.foo will initially have a red background.</li>
<li>Upon entering the active state the first time, the background of .foo will become white and stay that way as the -nth-active filter will be an exact match.</li>
<li>Upon entering the active state any subsequent time, the background will revert to (or stay) red as the -nth-active filter will be false/not match.</li>
name: '-nth-activated',
base: '*,[data-nth-activated]',
type: 'selector',
filter: function(m,args,o){
var i = 0,
pArgs = args.split("n"),
n = args.indexOf('n') !== -1,
mod = (n) ? 0 : pArgs[1],
isNum = !isNaN(root),
if(isNum || args===':-most-recent'){
m.setAttribute('data-nth-activated', 1);
m.setAttribute('data-nth-activated', 1 + parseInt(m.getAttribute('data-nth-activated') || 1),10);
m.setAttribute('data-nth-activated-at', new Date().getTime());
my = m.getAttribute('data-nth-activated-at') || 1;
if((o.siblings[i].getAttribute('data-nth-activated-at') || (my + 1)) > my){
return false;
return true;
}else if(n){
return parseInt(m.getAttribute('data-nth-activated') || 1, 10 ) % ( parseInt(root,10) + parseInt(mod,10) ) === 0;
return m.getAttribute('data-nth-activated') == root;
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