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Created April 29, 2017 22:28
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Effectful programming with callbacks
* A callback-base implementation of effectful computation that defers interpretation
* until after computation is expressed (so you can inject different interpreters
* onto the same computation).
* The downside is the results aren't expressed as values. They are callback calls.
* You probably don't actually want to use this, but it seems interesting to think about.
* Inspired by "Programming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers" by
* Andrej Bauer and Matija Pretnar 2012
* Tested on Swift 3.1.1
* see
* bkase @ 2017
// An effectful computation
// An effect handler takes some input and a sink and performs some effect to feed the sink some output based on the input zero or more times
typealias EffectHandler<I,O> = (I, (O) -> ()) -> ()
// A callback
typealias Callback<O> = (O) -> ()
// An effectful computation needs a handler and a sink to feed output
// By binding the handler later, we can reuse the same effectful computation
// but interpret the effects differently.
struct Effectful<EffIn,EffOut,Out> {
let handle: (@escaping EffectHandler<EffIn, EffOut>) -> (Callback<Out>) -> ()
// Nondeterministic choice as an effect
let effectful = Effectful<[Int],Int,Int> { decide in { next in
decide([0,5,8]) { y in
decide([10,20]) { x in
next(x - y)
} }
// Choose interpreter later
let chooseFirst = effectful.handle { choices, k in k(choices[0]) }
let chooseAll = effectful.handle { choices, k in
choices.forEach{ k($0) }
func toStdout<T>(t: T) -> () { print("\(t)") }
print("Choose first")
print("Choose all")
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