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Created January 5, 2018 05:58
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Playing with Algebraic Graphs (port from Swift Sandbox)
// Paper located:
infix operator <>: AdditionPrecedence
protocol Semigroup {
static func <>(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
protocol Monoid: Semigroup {
static var empty: Self { get }
protocol CommutativeMonoid: Monoid { }
protocol BoundedSemilattice: CommutativeMonoid { }
/*protocol Graphish {
associatedtype Vertex
static func vertex(_ v: Vertex) -> Self
static var empty: Self { get }
associatedtype Overlay: BoundedSemilattice
// actually a monoid we want a unified empty
associatedtype Connect: Semigroup
extension Graphish {
static var empty: Self {
return Overlay.empty
static func overlay(_ g1: Self, _ g2: Self) -> Self {
return Overlay.<>(g1, g2)
static func connect(_ g1: Self, _ g2: Self) -> Self {
return Connect.<>(g1, g2)
/// Algebraic graphs are characterised by the following 8 axioms:
/// • + is commutative and associative, i.e. x + y = y + x and
/// x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z. (idempotence implied by decomposition)
/// • (G, →,ε) is a monoid, i.e. ε → x = x, x → ε = x and
/// x → (y → z) = (x → y) → z.
/// • → distributes over +: x → (y + z) = x → y + x → z and
/// (x + y) → z = x → z + y → z.
/// • Decomposition: x → y → z = x → y + x → z + y → z
protocol Graphish {
associatedtype Vertex
static var empty: Self { get }
static func vertex(_ v: Vertex) -> Self
static func overlay(_ g1: Self, _ g2: Self) -> Self
static func connect(_ g1: Self, _ g2: Self) -> Self
/// • → is commutative
protocol UndirectedGraphish: Graphish {}
/// • vertex x = vertices [x] and edge x y = clique [x,y].
/// • vertices xs ⊆ clique xs, where x ⊆ y means x is a
/// subgraph of y, i.e. Vx ⊆ Vy and Ex ⊆ Ey hold.
/// • clique (xs + ys) = connect (clique xs) (clique ys).
extension Graphish {
static func edge(_ x: Self.Vertex, _ y: Self.Vertex) -> Self {
return Self.connect(Self.vertex(x), Self.vertex(y))
static func edges<S: Sequence>(_ vs: S) -> Self where S.Element == (Self.Vertex, Self.Vertex) {
return{ (x, y) in Self.edge(x, y) }.reduce(Self.empty) { Self.overlay($0, $1) }
static func vertices<S: Sequence>(_ vs: S) -> Self where S.Element == Self.Vertex {
return{ Self.vertex($0) }.reduce(Self.empty) { Self.overlay($0, $1) }
static func clique<S: Sequence>(_ vs: S) -> Self where S.Element == Self.Vertex {
return{ Self.vertex($0) }.reduce(Self.empty) { Self.connect($0, $1) }
/*static func path<S: Sequence>(_ vs: S) -> Self where S.Element == Self.Vertex {
if let f = vs.first {
} else { // count == 0
// return{ Self.vertex($0) }.reduce(Self.empty) { Self.}
/*struct AnyGraph<V>: Graphish {
associatedtype Vertex = V
private var _empty: AnyGraph<V>
private var _vertex: (V) -> AnyGraph<V>
private var _overlay: (AnyGraph<V>, AnyGraph<V>) -> AnyGraph<V>
private var _connect: (AnyGraph<V>, AnyGraph<V>) -> AnyGraph<V>
init<G: Graphish>(g: G) where G.Vertex == V {
_empty = G.empty
_vertext = G.vertex
_overlay = G.overlay
_connect = G.connect
static var empty: Self {
return _empty
static func vertex(_ v: Vertex) -> Self {
return _vertex(v)
static func overlay(_ g1: Self, _ g2: Self) -> Self {
return _overlay(g1, g2)
static func connect(_ g1: Self, _ g2: Self) -> Self {
return _connect(g1, g2)
struct TupleOf<A: Equatable & Hashable> {
var t: (A, A)
extension TupleOf: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: TupleOf, rhs: TupleOf) -> Bool {
return lhs.t.0 == rhs.t.0 && lhs.t.1 == rhs.t.1
extension TupleOf: Hashable {
var hashValue: Int {
return t.0.hashValue ^ t.1.hashValue
struct Relation<A: Equatable & Hashable> {
var domain: Set<A>
var relation: Set<TupleOf<A>>
extension Relation: Graphish {
typealias Vertex = A
static var empty: Relation<A> { return Relation<A>(domain: Set(), relation: Set()) }
static func vertex(_ v: Vertex) -> Relation<A> {
return Relation(domain: [v], relation: Set())
static func overlay(_ g1: Relation, _ g2: Relation) -> Relation {
return Relation(domain: g1.domain.union(g2.domain), relation: g1.relation.union(g2.relation))
static func connect(_ g1: Relation, _ g2: Relation) -> Relation {
return Relation(domain: g1.domain.union(g2.domain), relation:
Set(g1.domain.flatMap { a in{ b in TupleOf(t: (a, b)) }
// Deep embedding
/*indirect enum Graph<A> {
case _empty
case _vertex(A)
case _overlay(Graph<A>, Graph<A>)
case _connect(Graph<A>, Graph<A>)
extension Graph: Graphish {
typealias Vertex = A
var empty: Graph<A> {
return ._empty
static func vertex(_ v: Vertex) -> Graph<A> {
return ._vertex(v)
static func overlay(_ g1: Graph<A>, _ g2: Graph<A>) -> Graph<A> {
return ._overlay(g1, g2)
static func connect(_ g1: Graph<A>, _ g2: Graph<A>) -> Graph<A> {
return ._connect(g1, g2)
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