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Created January 5, 2018 06:02
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Hashconsing and Sklansky (ported from Swift Sandbox)
// An exploration of
// Specifically focusing on Hashconsing and Sklansky
typealias NodeId = Int
enum Node: Equatable, Hashable {
case nconst(Int)
case nvar(String)
case nadd(NodeId, NodeId)
var hashValue: Int {
switch self {
case let .nconst(x): return x.hashValue
case let .nvar(x): return x.hashValue
case let .nadd(a, b): return a.hashValue ^ b.hashValue
static func == (lhs: Node, rhs: Node) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case let (.nconst(x), .nconst(y)):
return x == y
case let (.nvar(x), .nvar(y)):
return x == y
case let (.nadd(a, b), .nadd(a_, b_)):
return a == a_ && b == b_
case (.nconst(_), _): return false
case (.nvar(_), _): return false
case (.nadd(_, _), _): return false
struct Bimap<T: Equatable & Hashable> {
private var forwards: [T: Int] = [:]
private var backwards: [Int: T] = [:]
private var count = 0
func lookup(key: T) -> Int? {
return forwards[key]
func lookup(val: Int) -> T? {
return backwards[val]
mutating func insert(_ t: T) -> Int {
forwards[t] = count
backwards[count] = t
count += 1
return count-1
struct Dag {
var run: Bimap<Node>
// Instead of using a "State Monad" I attempted to use mutable struct state.
// Since structs are value types, I expected that this may actually be a nice
// representation in Swift. I was wrong.
struct ExprN {
var nodeId: NodeId
var state = Dag(run: Bimap<Node>())
init(nodeId: NodeId) {
self.nodeId = nodeId
mutating func hashcons(_ n: Node) -> NodeId {
nodeId = n) ??
return nodeId
mutating func constant(_ x: Int) -> NodeId {
return hashcons(.nconst(x))
mutating func variable(_ x: String) -> NodeId {
return hashcons(.nvar(x))
mutating func add(_ e1: ExprN, _ e2: ExprN) -> NodeId {
return hashcons(.nadd(e1.nodeId, e2.nodeId))
extension ExprN {
// This already seems a little strange since we're running some of the
// operations just for their side-effects
mutating func multiplied(by n: Int) -> NodeId {
switch (n, self) {
case (0, _):
return constant(0)
case let (1, x): return x.nodeId
case let (_, x) where n % 2 == 0:
add(x, x)
return multiplied(by: n / 2)
case let (_, x):
var y = x
y.multiplied(by: n-1)
return add(x, y)
print("\n*** Multiply ***")
var expr1 = ExprN(nodeId: 0)
expr1.multiplied(by: 4)
// Even though it's a little strange, this implementation seems to work
extension Array {
// This function fascinates me
// It's a scan that seems to depend on f being associative
func sklansky(_ f: (Element, Element) -> Element) -> [Element] {
if self.count == 0 {
return self
if self.count == 1 {
return self
let (left, right) = (Array(self[0..<self.count/2]), Array(self[self.count/2..<self.count]))
let left_ = left.sklansky(f)
let right_ = right.sklansky(f)
return left_ +{ f(left_.last!, $0) }
print("\n\n*** Sklansky ***")
// Sklansky seems to work
print(["a","b","c","d"].sklansky{ "(" + $0 + "+" + $1 + ")"})
// Here is where this "stateful" Expr implementation falls apart
var expr2 = ExprN(nodeId: 0)
.map{ (x: Int) in
var e = expr2
expr2.variable("v" + "\(x)")
return e
.sklansky{ (x: ExprN, y: ExprN) -> ExprN in
var e = expr2
e.add(x, y)
return e
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