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Created September 22, 2011 20:21
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Spatial indicies
# Indexes for units table
"units_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"index_units_on_normalization" UNIQUE, btree (normalization)
"index_units_on_city_id" btree (city_id)
"index_units_on_coordinates" gist (coordinates)
"index_units_on_neighborhood_id" btree (neighborhood_id)
"index_units_on_price" btree (price)
"index_units_on_zip_code_id" btree (zip_code_id)
"units_community_id" btree (community_id)
# using index - good
select from units, cities where (ST_Intersects(cities.polygon, units.coordinates)) and = 235;
Nested Loop (cost=0.00..42.85 rows=73 width=4) (actual time=46.055..462.111 rows=4355 loops=1)
Join Filter: _st_intersects(cities.polygon, units.coordinates)
-> Index Scan using cities_pkey on cities (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=49005) (actual time=0.049..0.050 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: (id = 235)
-> Index Scan using index_units_on_coordinates on units (cost=0.00..32.74 rows=7 width=104) (actual time=45.867..366.072 rows=4509 loops=1)
Index Cond: (cities.polygon && units.coordinates)
Total runtime: 462.697 ms
(7 rows)
# not using index - why?
explain analyze SELECT id,community_id,bed,bath,lat,lon,photo_0_id,price,price_max,neighborhood_id FROM "units" WHERE (ST_Point_Inside_Circle(coordinates, -121.44, 38.5691, 0.025));
Seq Scan on units (cost=0.00..170371.35 rows=458703 width=54) (actual time=6.564..1241.207 rows=113 loops=1)
Filter: st_point_inside_circle(coordinates, (-121.44)::double precision, 38.5691::double precision, 0.025::double precision)
Total runtime: 1241.271 ms
(3 rows)
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