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Created January 6, 2014 18:56
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Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching gem metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Installing rake (10.1.1)
Installing beefcake (0.3.7)
Installing builder (3.2.2)
Using bundler (1.3.5)
Installing diff-lcs (1.2.5)
Installing excon (0.31.0)
Installing fakeweb (1.3.0)
Installing i18n (0.6.9)
Installing innertube (1.0.2)
Installing multi_json (1.8.2)
Installing rack (1.5.2)
Using riak-client (1.4.3) from source at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3
Installing rspec-core (2.13.1)
Installing rspec-expectations (2.13.0)
Installing rspec-mocks (2.13.1)
Installing rspec (2.13.0)
Installing yajl-ruby (1.2.0)
Your bundle is complete!
Gems in the group guard were not installed.
It was installed into ./vendor/bundle
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'pp'
require 'tmpdir'
dir = Dir.mktmpdir 'riak-ruby-client-jared'
Dir.chdir dir do
puts "in #{Dir.pwd}"
`gem fetch riak-client`
gemname = Dir.glob("*.gem").first
puts "gem named #{gemname}"
`gem unpack #{gemname}`
dirname = gemname.gsub(/\.gem$/,'')
puts "directory #{dirname}"
bundle_file ='bundle_out.txt', 'w')
rspec_file ='rspec_out.txt', 'w')
Dir.chdir dirname do
bundle_results = `bundle install --without=guard --binstubs --no-color --path=vendor/bundle`
bundle_file.write bundle_results
rspec_results = `bin/rspec --profile --tag integration --tag ~nodegen --no-color`
rspec_file.write rspec_results
Run options:
include {:focus=>true, :integration=>true}
exclude {:nodegen=>true}
clearing bucket properties
should reset a previously set property to the default (FAILED - 1)
should return false when unsupported (FAILED - 2)
searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier)
should find indexed documents, returning documents (FAILED - 3)
should find indexed documents, returning ids (FAILED - 4)
using Luwak
should store an IO with a server-defined key (FAILED - 5)
should store a String with a given key (FAILED - 6)
should store a String with a server-defined key (FAILED - 7)
should store an IO with a given key (FAILED - 8)
it should behave like Unified backend API
should ping the server (FAILED - 9)
performing MapReduce
should not raise an error without phases (FAILED - 10)
should raise an error without phases (FAILED - 11)
should return an ordered array of results when multiple phases are kept (FAILED - 12)
should perform a simple MapReduce request (FAILED - 13)
should not remove empty phase results when multiple phases are kept (FAILED - 14)
streaming results through a block
should allow requests issued inside the block to execute (FAILED - 15)
should pass phase number and result to the block (FAILED - 16)
fetching an object
should find a stored object (FAILED - 17)
should accept a PR value of :default for the request (FAILED - 18)
should accept a R value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 19)
should accept a PR value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 20)
should accept a R value of :one for the request (FAILED - 21)
should accept a R value of :default for the request (FAILED - 22)
should accept a PR value of :one for the request (FAILED - 23)
should accept a PR value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 24)
should raise an error when the object is not found (FAILED - 25)
should accept a R value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 26)
should accept a R value of :all for the request (FAILED - 27)
should accept a R value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 28)
should accept a PR value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 29)
should marshal indexes properly (FAILED - 30)
should accept a PR value of :all for the request (FAILED - 31)
should accept a R value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 32)
should accept a PR value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 33)
storing an object
should save the object (FAILED - 34)
should accept a DW value of :default for the request (FAILED - 35)
should accept a W value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 36)
should accept a PW value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 37)
should accept a DW value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 38)
should accept a PW value of :all for the request (FAILED - 39)
should accept a W value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 40)
should accept a W value of :one for the request (FAILED - 41)
should accept a W value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 42)
should modify the object with the returned data if returnbody (FAILED - 43)
should accept a DW value of :one for the request (FAILED - 44)
should accept a DW value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 45)
should accept a W value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 46)
should store an object with indexes (FAILED - 47)
should accept a DW value of :all for the request (FAILED - 48)
should accept a PW value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 49)
should accept a PW value of :one for the request (FAILED - 50)
should accept a PW value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 51)
should accept a DW value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 52)
should accept a DW value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 53)
should accept a PW value of :default for the request (FAILED - 54)
should accept a W value of :default for the request (FAILED - 55)
should accept a PW value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 56)
should accept a W value of :all for the request (FAILED - 57)
deleting an object
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of :all for the request (FAILED - 58)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 59)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 60)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should remove the object (FAILED - 61)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 62)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 63)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of :one for the request (FAILED - 64)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of :default for the request (FAILED - 65)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a vclock value for the request (FAILED - 66)
fetching bucket properties
should fetch a hash of bucket properties (FAILED - 67)
querying secondary indexes
should find keys for a range query (FAILED - 68)
should find keys for an equality query (FAILED - 69)
should return an empty array for a query that does not match any keys (FAILED - 70)
listing buckets
should fetch a list of string bucket names (FAILED - 71)
searching fulltext indexes
should find indexed documents, returning documents (FAILED - 72)
should find indexed documents, returning ids (FAILED - 73)
reloading an existing object
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of :default for the request (FAILED - 74)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 75)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 76)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should modify the object with the reloaded data (FAILED - 77)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of :all for the request (FAILED - 78)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 79)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of :all for the request (FAILED - 80)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 81)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of :one for the request (FAILED - 82)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 83)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 84)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of :default for the request (FAILED - 85)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 86)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 87)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of :one for the request (FAILED - 88)
listing keys in a bucket
should fetch an array of string keys (FAILED - 89)
streaming through a block
should pass an array of keys to the block (FAILED - 90)
should handle a large number of keys (FAILED - 91)
should allow requests issued inside the block to execute (FAILED - 92)
setting bucket properties
should store properties for the bucket (FAILED - 93)
clearing bucket properties
should reset a previously set property to the default (FAILED - 94)
should return false when unsupported (FAILED - 95)
searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier)
should find indexed documents, returning documents (FAILED - 96)
should find indexed documents, returning ids (FAILED - 97)
using Luwak
should store an IO with a server-defined key (FAILED - 98)
should store a String with a given key (FAILED - 99)
should store a String with a server-defined key (FAILED - 100)
should store an IO with a given key (FAILED - 101)
it should behave like Unified backend API
should ping the server (FAILED - 102)
performing MapReduce
should not raise an error without phases (FAILED - 103)
should raise an error without phases (FAILED - 104)
should return an ordered array of results when multiple phases are kept (FAILED - 105)
should perform a simple MapReduce request (FAILED - 106)
should not remove empty phase results when multiple phases are kept (FAILED - 107)
streaming results through a block
should allow requests issued inside the block to execute (FAILED - 108)
should pass phase number and result to the block (FAILED - 109)
fetching an object
should find a stored object (FAILED - 110)
should accept a PR value of :default for the request (FAILED - 111)
should accept a R value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 112)
should accept a PR value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 113)
should accept a R value of :one for the request (FAILED - 114)
should accept a R value of :default for the request (FAILED - 115)
should accept a PR value of :one for the request (FAILED - 116)
should accept a PR value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 117)
should raise an error when the object is not found (FAILED - 118)
should accept a R value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 119)
should accept a R value of :all for the request (FAILED - 120)
should accept a R value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 121)
should accept a PR value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 122)
should marshal indexes properly (FAILED - 123)
should accept a PR value of :all for the request (FAILED - 124)
should accept a R value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 125)
should accept a PR value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 126)
storing an object
should save the object (FAILED - 127)
should accept a DW value of :default for the request (FAILED - 128)
should accept a W value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 129)
should accept a PW value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 130)
should accept a DW value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 131)
should accept a PW value of :all for the request (FAILED - 132)
should accept a W value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 133)
should accept a W value of :one for the request (FAILED - 134)
should accept a W value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 135)
should modify the object with the returned data if returnbody (FAILED - 136)
should accept a DW value of :one for the request (FAILED - 137)
should accept a DW value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 138)
should accept a W value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 139)
should store an object with indexes (FAILED - 140)
should accept a DW value of :all for the request (FAILED - 141)
should accept a PW value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 142)
should accept a PW value of :one for the request (FAILED - 143)
should accept a PW value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 144)
should accept a DW value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 145)
should accept a DW value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 146)
should accept a PW value of :default for the request (FAILED - 147)
should accept a W value of :default for the request (FAILED - 148)
should accept a PW value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 149)
should accept a W value of :all for the request (FAILED - 150)
deleting an object
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of :all for the request (FAILED - 151)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 152)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 153)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should remove the object (FAILED - 154)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 155)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 156)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of :one for the request (FAILED - 157)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of :default for the request (FAILED - 158)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a vclock value for the request (FAILED - 159)
fetching bucket properties
should fetch a hash of bucket properties (FAILED - 160)
querying secondary indexes
should find keys for a range query (FAILED - 161)
should find keys for an equality query (FAILED - 162)
should return an empty array for a query that does not match any keys (FAILED - 163)
listing buckets
should fetch a list of string bucket names (FAILED - 164)
searching fulltext indexes
should find indexed documents, returning documents (FAILED - 165)
should find indexed documents, returning ids (FAILED - 166)
reloading an existing object
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of :default for the request (FAILED - 167)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 168)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 169)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should modify the object with the reloaded data (FAILED - 170)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of :all for the request (FAILED - 171)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 172)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of :all for the request (FAILED - 173)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 174)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of :one for the request (FAILED - 175)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 176)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 177)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of :default for the request (FAILED - 178)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 179)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 180)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of :one for the request (FAILED - 181)
listing keys in a bucket
should fetch an array of string keys (FAILED - 182)
streaming through a block
should pass an array of keys to the block (FAILED - 183)
should handle a large number of keys (FAILED - 184)
should allow requests issued inside the block to execute (FAILED - 185)
setting bucket properties
should store properties for the bucket (FAILED - 186)
Sized reader
should upload without error (FAILED - 187)
should upload without error (FAILED - 188)
Sizeless reader
should upload without error (FAILED - 189)
Protocol Buffers
searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier)
should find document IDs via MapReduce (FAILED - 190)
it should behave like Unified backend API
should ping the server (FAILED - 191)
performing MapReduce
should not raise an error without phases (FAILED - 192)
should raise an error without phases (FAILED - 193)
should return an ordered array of results when multiple phases are kept (FAILED - 194)
should perform a simple MapReduce request (FAILED - 195)
should not remove empty phase results when multiple phases are kept (FAILED - 196)
streaming results through a block
should allow requests issued inside the block to execute (FAILED - 197)
should pass phase number and result to the block (FAILED - 198)
fetching an object
should find a stored object (FAILED - 199)
should accept a PR value of :default for the request (FAILED - 200)
should accept a R value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 201)
should accept a PR value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 202)
should accept a R value of :one for the request (FAILED - 203)
should accept a R value of :default for the request (FAILED - 204)
should accept a PR value of :one for the request (FAILED - 205)
should accept a PR value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 206)
should raise an error when the object is not found (FAILED - 207)
should accept a R value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 208)
should accept a R value of :all for the request (FAILED - 209)
should accept a R value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 210)
should accept a PR value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 211)
should marshal indexes properly (FAILED - 212)
should accept a PR value of :all for the request (FAILED - 213)
should accept a R value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 214)
should accept a PR value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 215)
storing an object
should save the object (FAILED - 216)
should accept a DW value of :default for the request (FAILED - 217)
should accept a W value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 218)
should accept a PW value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 219)
should accept a DW value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 220)
should accept a PW value of :all for the request (FAILED - 221)
should accept a W value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 222)
should accept a W value of :one for the request (FAILED - 223)
should accept a W value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 224)
should modify the object with the returned data if returnbody (FAILED - 225)
should accept a DW value of :one for the request (FAILED - 226)
should accept a DW value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 227)
should accept a W value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 228)
should store an object with indexes (FAILED - 229)
should accept a DW value of :all for the request (FAILED - 230)
should accept a PW value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 231)
should accept a PW value of :one for the request (FAILED - 232)
should accept a PW value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 233)
should accept a DW value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 234)
should accept a DW value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 235)
should accept a PW value of :default for the request (FAILED - 236)
should accept a W value of :default for the request (FAILED - 237)
should accept a PW value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 238)
should accept a W value of :all for the request (FAILED - 239)
deleting an object
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of :all for the request (FAILED - 240)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 241)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 242)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should remove the object (FAILED - 243)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 244)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 245)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of :one for the request (FAILED - 246)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept an RW value of :default for the request (FAILED - 247)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `bucket' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:160:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a vclock value for the request (FAILED - 248)
fetching bucket properties
should fetch a hash of bucket properties (FAILED - 249)
querying secondary indexes
should find keys for a range query (FAILED - 250)
should find keys for an equality query (FAILED - 251)
should return an empty array for a query that does not match any keys (FAILED - 252)
listing buckets
should fetch a list of string bucket names (FAILED - 253)
searching fulltext indexes
should find indexed documents, returning documents (FAILED - 254)
should find indexed documents, returning ids (FAILED - 255)
reloading an existing object
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of :default for the request (FAILED - 256)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 257)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 258)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should modify the object with the reloaded data (FAILED - 259)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of :all for the request (FAILED - 260)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 261)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of :all for the request (FAILED - 262)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of 1 for the request (FAILED - 263)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of :one for the request (FAILED - 264)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 265)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of 2 for the request (FAILED - 266)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of :default for the request (FAILED - 267)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of :quorum for the request (FAILED - 268)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid PR value of 3 for the request (FAILED - 269)
An error occurred in an after hook
NoMethodError: undefined method `vclock' for nil:NilClass
occurred at /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:85:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
should accept a valid R value of :one for the request (FAILED - 270)
listing keys in a bucket
should fetch an array of string keys (FAILED - 271)
streaming through a block
should pass an array of keys to the block (FAILED - 272)
should handle a large number of keys (FAILED - 273)
should allow requests issued inside the block to execute (FAILED - 274)
setting bucket properties
should store properties for the bucket (FAILED - 275)
searching fulltext indexes (1.2 and later)
should return documents with UTF-8 fields (GH #75) (FAILED - 276)
should read and update (FAILED - 277)
should read and update (FAILED - 278)
Multithreaded client
{:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP}
should put in parallel (FAILED - 279)
should get in parallel (FAILED - 280)
should list-keys and get in parallel (FAILED - 281)
should put conflicts in parallel (FAILED - 282)
should mapreduce in parallel (FAILED - 283)
{:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake}
should put in parallel (FAILED - 284)
should get in parallel (FAILED - 285)
should list-keys and get in parallel (FAILED - 286)
should put conflicts in parallel (FAILED - 287)
should mapreduce in parallel (FAILED - 288)
{:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:Excon}
should put in parallel (FAILED - 289)
should get in parallel (FAILED - 290)
should list-keys and get in parallel (FAILED - 291)
should put conflicts in parallel (FAILED - 292)
should mapreduce in parallel (FAILED - 293)
Retried examples: 6
HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should marshal indexes properly
[5/5] ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:50
HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should marshal indexes properly
[5/5] ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:50
Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should marshal indexes properly
[5/5] ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:50
Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake} should mapreduce in parallel
[3/3] ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:156
Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP} should mapreduce in parallel
[3/3] ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:156
Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:Excon} should mapreduce in parallel
[3/3] ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:156
1) HTTP NetHTTPBackend clearing bucket properties should reset a previously set property to the default
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
2) HTTP NetHTTPBackend clearing bucket properties should return false when unsupported
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
3) HTTP NetHTTPBackend searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier) should find indexed documents, returning documents
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
4) HTTP NetHTTPBackend searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier) should find indexed documents, returning ids
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
5) HTTP NetHTTPBackend using Luwak should store an IO with a server-defined key
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
6) HTTP NetHTTPBackend using Luwak should store a String with a given key
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
7) HTTP NetHTTPBackend using Luwak should store a String with a server-defined key
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
8) HTTP NetHTTPBackend using Luwak should store an IO with a given key
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
9) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API should ping the server
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
10) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should not raise an error without phases
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
11) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should raise an error without phases
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
12) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should return an ordered array of results when multiple phases are kept
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
13) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should perform a simple MapReduce request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
14) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should not remove empty phase results when multiple phases are kept
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
15) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce streaming results through a block should allow requests issued inside the block to execute
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
16) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce streaming results through a block should pass phase number and result to the block
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
17) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should find a stored object
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
18) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
19) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
20) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
21) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
22) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
23) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
24) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
25) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should raise an error when the object is not found
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
26) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
27) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
28) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
29) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
30) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should marshal indexes properly
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass[Retried 5 times]
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:9:in `block in run_with_retries'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:6:in `times'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:6:in `run_with_retries'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:27:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
31) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
32) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
33) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
34) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should save the object
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
35) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
36) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
37) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
38) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
39) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
40) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
41) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
42) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
43) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should modify the object with the returned data if returnbody
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
44) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
45) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
46) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
47) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should store an object with indexes
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
48) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
49) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
50) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
51) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
52) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
53) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
54) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
55) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
56) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
57) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
58) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
59) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
60) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
61) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should remove the object
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
62) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
63) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
64) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
65) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
66) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept a vclock value for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
67) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching bucket properties should fetch a hash of bucket properties
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
68) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should find keys for a range query
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
69) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should find keys for an equality query
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
70) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should return an empty array for a query that does not match any keys
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
71) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing buckets should fetch a list of string bucket names
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
72) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API searching fulltext indexes should find indexed documents, returning documents
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
73) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API searching fulltext indexes should find indexed documents, returning ids
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
74) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
75) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
76) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
77) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should modify the object with the reloaded data
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
78) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
79) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
80) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
81) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
82) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
83) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
84) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
85) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
86) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
87) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
88) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
89) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket should fetch an array of string keys
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
90) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should pass an array of keys to the block
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
91) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should handle a large number of keys
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
92) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should allow requests issued inside the block to execute
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
93) HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API setting bucket properties should store properties for the bucket
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
94) HTTP ExconBackend clearing bucket properties should reset a previously set property to the default
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
95) HTTP ExconBackend clearing bucket properties should return false when unsupported
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
96) HTTP ExconBackend searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier) should find indexed documents, returning documents
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
97) HTTP ExconBackend searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier) should find indexed documents, returning ids
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
98) HTTP ExconBackend using Luwak should store an IO with a server-defined key
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
99) HTTP ExconBackend using Luwak should store a String with a given key
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
100) HTTP ExconBackend using Luwak should store a String with a server-defined key
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
101) HTTP ExconBackend using Luwak should store an IO with a given key
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
102) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API should ping the server
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
103) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should not raise an error without phases
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
104) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should raise an error without phases
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
105) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should return an ordered array of results when multiple phases are kept
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
106) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should perform a simple MapReduce request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
107) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should not remove empty phase results when multiple phases are kept
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
108) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce streaming results through a block should allow requests issued inside the block to execute
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
109) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce streaming results through a block should pass phase number and result to the block
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
110) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should find a stored object
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
111) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
112) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
113) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
114) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
115) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
116) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
117) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
118) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should raise an error when the object is not found
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
119) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
120) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
121) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
122) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
123) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should marshal indexes properly
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass[Retried 5 times]
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:9:in `block in run_with_retries'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:6:in `times'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:6:in `run_with_retries'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:27:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
124) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
125) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
126) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
127) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should save the object
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
128) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
129) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
130) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
131) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
132) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
133) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
134) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
135) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
136) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should modify the object with the returned data if returnbody
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
137) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
138) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
139) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
140) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should store an object with indexes
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
141) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
142) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
143) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
144) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
145) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
146) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
147) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
148) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
149) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
150) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
151) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
152) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
153) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
154) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should remove the object
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
155) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
156) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
157) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
158) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
159) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept a vclock value for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
160) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching bucket properties should fetch a hash of bucket properties
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
161) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should find keys for a range query
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
162) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should find keys for an equality query
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
163) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should return an empty array for a query that does not match any keys
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
164) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing buckets should fetch a list of string bucket names
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
165) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API searching fulltext indexes should find indexed documents, returning documents
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
166) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API searching fulltext indexes should find indexed documents, returning ids
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
167) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
168) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
169) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
170) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should modify the object with the reloaded data
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
171) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
172) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
173) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
174) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
175) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
176) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
177) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
178) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
179) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
180) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
181) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
182) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket should fetch an array of string keys
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
183) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should pass an array of keys to the block
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
184) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should handle a large number of keys
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
185) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should allow requests issued inside the block to execute
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
186) HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API setting bucket properties should store properties for the bucket
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:17
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
187) HTTP NetHTTPBackend Sized reader should upload without error
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
188) HTTP NetHTTPBackend File should upload without error
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
189) HTTP NetHTTPBackend Sizeless reader should upload without error
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
190) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier) should find document IDs via MapReduce
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
191) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API should ping the server
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
192) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should not raise an error without phases
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
193) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should raise an error without phases
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
194) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should return an ordered array of results when multiple phases are kept
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
195) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should perform a simple MapReduce request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
196) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should not remove empty phase results when multiple phases are kept
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
197) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce streaming results through a block should allow requests issued inside the block to execute
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
198) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce streaming results through a block should pass phase number and result to the block
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
199) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should find a stored object
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
200) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
201) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
202) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
203) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
204) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
205) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
206) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
207) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should raise an error when the object is not found
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
208) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
209) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
210) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
211) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
212) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should marshal indexes properly
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass[Retried 5 times]
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:9:in `block in run_with_retries'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:6:in `times'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:6:in `run_with_retries'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:27:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
213) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
214) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
215) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
216) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should save the object
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
217) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
218) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
219) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
220) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
221) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
222) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
223) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
224) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
225) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should modify the object with the returned data if returnbody
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
226) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
227) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
228) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
229) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should store an object with indexes
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
230) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
231) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
232) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
233) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
234) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
235) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
236) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
237) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
238) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
239) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
240) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
241) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
242) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
243) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should remove the object
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
244) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
245) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
246) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
247) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
248) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept a vclock value for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
249) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching bucket properties should fetch a hash of bucket properties
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
250) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should find keys for a range query
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
251) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should find keys for an equality query
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
252) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should return an empty array for a query that does not match any keys
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
253) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing buckets should fetch a list of string bucket names
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
254) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API searching fulltext indexes should find indexed documents, returning documents
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
255) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API searching fulltext indexes should find indexed documents, returning ids
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
256) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
257) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
258) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
259) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should modify the object with the reloaded data
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
260) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
261) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
262) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :all for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
263) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 1 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
264) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
265) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
266) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 2 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
267) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :default for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
268) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :quorum for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
269) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 3 for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
270) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :one for the request
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
271) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket should fetch an array of string keys
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
272) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should pass an array of keys to the block
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
273) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should handle a large number of keys
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
274) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should allow requests issued inside the block to execute
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
275) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API setting bucket properties should store properties for the bucket
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
Shared Example Group: "Unified backend API" called from ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:18
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
276) Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend searching fulltext indexes (1.2 and later) should return documents with UTF-8 fields (GH #75)
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
277) Riak::Counter pbc should read and update
Failure/Error: http_port: test_server.http_port,
undefined method `http_port' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/integration/riak/counters_spec.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
278) Riak::Counter http should read and update
Failure/Error: http_port: test_server.http_port,
undefined method `http_port' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/integration/riak/counters_spec.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
279) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP} should put in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
280) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP} should get in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
281) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP} should list-keys and get in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
282) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP} should put conflicts in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
283) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP} should mapreduce in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml[Retried 3 times]
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:9:in `block in run_with_retries'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:6:in `times'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:6:in `run_with_retries'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:27:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
284) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake} should put in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
285) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake} should get in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
286) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake} should list-keys and get in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
287) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake} should put conflicts in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
288) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake} should mapreduce in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml[Retried 3 times]
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:9:in `block in run_with_retries'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:6:in `times'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:6:in `run_with_retries'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:27:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
289) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:Excon} should put in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
290) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:Excon} should get in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
291) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:Excon} should list-keys and get in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
292) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:Excon} should put conflicts in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `version' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/support/version_filter.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
293) Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:Excon} should mapreduce in parallel
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Test server not working: No such file or directory - /private/var/folders/5y/204fb7bs1l9b8rxltfyc0x4w0000gn/T/riak-ruby-client-jared20140106-36979-1m3x6zo/riak-client-1.4.3/spec/support/test_server.yml[Retried 3 times]
# ./spec/support/test_server.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:9:in `block in run_with_retries'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:6:in `times'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:6:in `run_with_retries'
# ./spec/support/sometimes.rb:27:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Top 10 slowest examples (0.03719 seconds, 34.5% of total time):
Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :all for the request
0.01878 seconds ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43
HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 1 for the request
0.0111 seconds ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118
HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should marshal indexes properly
0.00134 seconds ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:50
HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should marshal indexes properly
0.00124 seconds ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:50
Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should marshal indexes properly
0.00123 seconds ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:50
HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should save the object
0.00099 seconds ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:99
HTTP NetHTTPBackend clearing bucket properties should reset a previously set property to the default
0.00074 seconds ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:45
HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :all for the request
0.00069 seconds ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74
Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP} should mapreduce in parallel
0.00057 seconds ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:156
Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake} should mapreduce in parallel
0.00052 seconds ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:156
Finished in 0.13884 seconds
293 examples, 293 failures
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:45 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend clearing bucket properties should reset a previously set property to the default
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:41 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend clearing bucket properties should return false when unsupported
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:30 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier) should find indexed documents, returning documents
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:22 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier) should find indexed documents, returning ids
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:91 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend using Luwak should store an IO with a server-defined key
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:84 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend using Luwak should store a String with a given key
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:98 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend using Luwak should store a String with a server-defined key
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:77 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend using Luwak should store an IO with a given key
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:3 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API should ping the server
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:286 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should not raise an error without phases
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:281 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should raise an error without phases
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:295 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should return an ordered array of results when multiple phases are kept
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:291 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should perform a simple MapReduce request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:300 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should not remove empty phase results when multiple phases are kept
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:315 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce streaming results through a block should allow requests issued inside the block to execute
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:306 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce streaming results through a block should pass phase number and result to the block
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:19 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should find a stored object
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:26 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should raise an error when the object is not found
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:50 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should marshal indexes properly
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:99 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should save the object
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:103 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should modify the object with the returned data if returnbody
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:123 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should store an object with indexes
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:144 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should remove the object
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:155 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept a vclock value for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:166 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching bucket properties should fetch a hash of bucket properties
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:262 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should find keys for a range query
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:258 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should find keys for an equality query
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:266 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should return an empty array for a query that does not match any keys
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:239 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing buckets should fetch a list of string bucket names
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:350 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API searching fulltext indexes should find indexed documents, returning documents
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:342 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API searching fulltext indexes should find indexed documents, returning ids
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:69 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should modify the object with the reloaded data
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:190 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket should fetch an array of string keys
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:208 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should pass an array of keys to the block
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:195 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should handle a large number of keys
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:214 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should allow requests issued inside the block to execute
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:175 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend it should behave like Unified backend API setting bucket properties should store properties for the bucket
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:45 # HTTP ExconBackend clearing bucket properties should reset a previously set property to the default
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:41 # HTTP ExconBackend clearing bucket properties should return false when unsupported
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:30 # HTTP ExconBackend searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier) should find indexed documents, returning documents
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:22 # HTTP ExconBackend searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier) should find indexed documents, returning ids
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:91 # HTTP ExconBackend using Luwak should store an IO with a server-defined key
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:84 # HTTP ExconBackend using Luwak should store a String with a given key
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:98 # HTTP ExconBackend using Luwak should store a String with a server-defined key
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:77 # HTTP ExconBackend using Luwak should store an IO with a given key
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:3 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API should ping the server
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:286 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should not raise an error without phases
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:281 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should raise an error without phases
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:295 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should return an ordered array of results when multiple phases are kept
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:291 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should perform a simple MapReduce request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:300 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should not remove empty phase results when multiple phases are kept
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:315 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce streaming results through a block should allow requests issued inside the block to execute
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:306 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce streaming results through a block should pass phase number and result to the block
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:19 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should find a stored object
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:26 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should raise an error when the object is not found
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:50 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should marshal indexes properly
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:99 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should save the object
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:103 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should modify the object with the returned data if returnbody
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:123 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should store an object with indexes
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:144 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should remove the object
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:155 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept a vclock value for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:166 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching bucket properties should fetch a hash of bucket properties
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:262 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should find keys for a range query
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:258 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should find keys for an equality query
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:266 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should return an empty array for a query that does not match any keys
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:239 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing buckets should fetch a list of string bucket names
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:350 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API searching fulltext indexes should find indexed documents, returning documents
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:342 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API searching fulltext indexes should find indexed documents, returning ids
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:69 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should modify the object with the reloaded data
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:190 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket should fetch an array of string keys
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:208 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should pass an array of keys to the block
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:195 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should handle a large number of keys
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:214 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should allow requests issued inside the block to execute
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:175 # HTTP ExconBackend it should behave like Unified backend API setting bucket properties should store properties for the bucket
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:120 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend Sized reader should upload without error
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:120 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend File should upload without error
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/http_backends_spec.rb:120 # HTTP NetHTTPBackend Sizeless reader should upload without error
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:23 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend searching fulltext indexes (1.1 and earlier) should find document IDs via MapReduce
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:3 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API should ping the server
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:286 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should not raise an error without phases
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:281 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should raise an error without phases
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:295 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should return an ordered array of results when multiple phases are kept
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:291 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should perform a simple MapReduce request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:300 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce should not remove empty phase results when multiple phases are kept
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:315 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce streaming results through a block should allow requests issued inside the block to execute
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:306 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API performing MapReduce streaming results through a block should pass phase number and result to the block
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:19 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should find a stored object
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:26 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should raise an error when the object is not found
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:50 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should marshal indexes properly
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:37 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a R value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:43 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching an object should accept a PR value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:99 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should save the object
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:103 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should modify the object with the returned data if returnbody
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:123 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should store an object with indexes
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:114 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a DW value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:118 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a PW value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:109 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API storing an object should accept a W value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:144 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should remove the object
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:150 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept an RW value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:155 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API deleting an object should accept a vclock value for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:166 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API fetching bucket properties should fetch a hash of bucket properties
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:262 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should find keys for a range query
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:258 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should find keys for an equality query
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:266 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API querying secondary indexes should return an empty array for a query that does not match any keys
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:239 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing buckets should fetch a list of string bucket names
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:350 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API searching fulltext indexes should find indexed documents, returning documents
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:342 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API searching fulltext indexes should find indexed documents, returning ids
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:69 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should modify the object with the reloaded data
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :all for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of 1 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 2 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :default for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of :quorum for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:78 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid PR value of 3 for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:74 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API reloading an existing object should accept a valid R value of :one for the request
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:190 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket should fetch an array of string keys
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:208 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should pass an array of keys to the block
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:195 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should handle a large number of keys
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:214 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API listing keys in a bucket streaming through a block should allow requests issued inside the block to execute
rspec ./spec/support/unified_backend_examples.rb:175 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend it should behave like Unified backend API setting bucket properties should store properties for the bucket
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/protobuffs_backends_spec.rb:38 # Protocol Buffers BeefcakeProtobuffsBackend searching fulltext indexes (1.2 and later) should return documents with UTF-8 fields (GH #75)
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/counters_spec.rb:25 # Riak::Counter pbc should read and update
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/counters_spec.rb:25 # Riak::Counter http should read and update
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:86 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP} should put in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:72 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP} should get in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:133 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP} should list-keys and get in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:107 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP} should put conflicts in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:156 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:NetHTTP} should mapreduce in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:86 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake} should put in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:72 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake} should get in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:133 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake} should list-keys and get in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:107 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake} should put conflicts in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:156 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"pbc", :protobuffs_backend=>:Beefcake} should mapreduce in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:86 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:Excon} should put in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:72 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:Excon} should get in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:133 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:Excon} should list-keys and get in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:107 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:Excon} should put conflicts in parallel
rspec ./spec/integration/riak/threading_spec.rb:156 # Multithreaded client {:protocol=>"http", :http_backend=>:Excon} should mapreduce in parallel
Randomized with seed 14175
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