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// suppose I have the following:
const x = { a: 1 }
x.a = 2
// if I want to make x.a itself sort of like a const, i have to do it like this:
const x = {}
Object.defineProperty(x, 'a', { value: 1 })
// since that's not the default, so this argument goes, what's the point of const?
// as an aside, note that with the Object.defineProperty case
x.a = 2
// doest throw an error but doesn't rebind x.a either, so it's actually
// different than const where attempting to rebind a const throws an error
// another attempt to make const behave like some javascript devs thinks it should
// is to use Object.freeze()
const x = Object.freeze({ a: 1 })
// but again,
x.a = 2
// does not throw an error, so it still isn't really analagous to const
// keep in mind one of the biggest benefits of const is that rebinding throws an error
// and so helps speed up catching problems.
// and Object.freeze isn't a deep freeze. So,
const x = Object.freeze({ a: { b: 1}})
//doesn't prevent
x.a.b = 2
// and Object.defineProperty has exactly the same issue
// the real solution these devs are looking for is probably something like immutable.js
const x = Immutable.Map({ a: { b: 1}})
// only in that case
x.set(a, {b: 2})
// etc won't work, will throw an error
// for me, the easy mental model is to simply remember that
// const is not about immutability.
// it's just about preventing accidental rebinding. (unrebindability?)
// it just so happens that preventing rebinding of primitive types
// such as numbers and strings is
// essentially the same thing as immutability, yet for arrays and objects,
// const only means you can't rebind.
// if you want true immutability, use immutable.js.
// I'm fine with that, haven't run into any problems.
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