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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Adhearsion GSoC Announcement
Hello everyone,
I'm very excited to be able to announce that, for the first time ever, Adhearsion will be participating in the Google Summer of Code! More specifically, Google has accepted the application from a consortium of open source Ruby projects, which include such distinguished company as Celluloid, Bundler, Rake, and even MRI and JRuby themselves.
We in the Adhearsion community have come up with a list of ideas for students interested in participating, and are willing to provide mentorship for anyone who is interested. Now all we need are motivated students who want to get their hands dirty with an exciting and unique Open Source project.
Are you a current college student? Do you know one who has an interest in furthering THE state-of-the-art, Open Source communications application framework? Apply today! Some links:
* To learn more about Google Summer of Code in general:
* To see the list of GSoC ideas for Adhearsion:
Applications open on March 16th and close on March 27th. Don't miss this window! Apply on the GSoC site when student registration opens on March 16th:
Anyone who is interested in this, feel free to ask questions here on the mailing list, or contact any of the listed mentors directly.
Good luck!
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