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Created January 17, 2024 18:39
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constantine G2 scalar multiplication bug
import strutils
import constantine/math/arithmetic
import constantine/math/io/io_fields
import constantine/math/io/io_bigints
import constantine/math/config/curves
import constantine/math/extension_fields/towers
import constantine/math/elliptic/ec_shortweierstrass_affine as aff
import constantine/math/elliptic/ec_shortweierstrass_projective as prj
import constantine/math/elliptic/ec_scalar_mul
type FFr = Fr[BN254Snarks]
type FFp = Fp[BN254Snarks]
type FFp2 = QuadraticExt[FFp]
type GG1 = ECP_ShortW_Aff[FFp , aff.G1]
type GG2 = ECP_ShortW_Aff[FFp2, aff.G2]
type ProjG1 = ECP_ShortW_Prj[FFp , prj.G1]
type ProjG2 = ECP_ShortW_Prj[FFp2, prj.G2]
const oneFr : FFr = fromHex( FFr, "0x01" )
const twoFr : FFr = fromHex( FFr, "0x02" )
func isZeroFp (x: FFp ): bool = bool(isZero(x))
func isZeroFp2(x: FFp2): bool = bool(isZero(x))
func isZeroFr (x: FFr ): bool = bool(isZero(x))
func isEqualFp (x, y: FFp ): bool = bool(x == y)
func isEqualFp2(x, y: FFp2): bool = bool(x == y)
func isEqualFr (x, y: FFr ): bool = bool(x == y)
func `+`*(x, y: FFp ): FFp = ( var z : FFp = x ; z += y ; return z )
func `+`*(x, y: FFp2): FFp2 = ( var z : FFp2 = x ; z += y ; return z )
func `+`*(x, y: FFr ): FFr = ( var z : FFr = x ; z += y ; return z )
func `-`*(x, y: FFp ): FFp = ( var z : FFp = x ; z -= y ; return z )
func `-`*(x, y: FFp2): FFp2 = ( var z : FFp2 = x ; z -= y ; return z )
func `-`*(x, y: FFr ): FFr = ( var z : FFr = x ; z -= y ; return z )
func `*`*(x, y: FFp ): FFp = ( var z : FFp = x ; z *= y ; return z )
func `*`*(x, y: FFp2): FFp2 = ( var z : FFp2 = x ; z *= y ; return z )
func `*`*(x, y: FFr ): FFr = ( var z : FFr = x ; z *= y ; return z )
func mkFp2 (i: FFp, u: FFp) : FFp2 =
let c : array[2, FFp] = [i,u]
return QuadraticExt[FFp]( coords: c )
func squareFp2(y: FFp2): FFp2 = ( var z : FFp2 = y ; square(z) ; return z )
func unsafeMkG2 ( X, Y: FFp2 ) : GG2 =
return aff.ECP_ShortW_Aff[FFp2, aff.G2](x: X, y: Y)
const zeroFp : FFp = fromHex( FFp, "0x00" )
const zeroFr : FFr = fromHex( FFr, "0x00" )
const zeroFp2 : FFp2 = mkFp2( zeroFp, zeroFp )
const infG2 : GG2 = unsafeMkG2( zeroFp2 , zeroFp2 )
# y^2 = x^3 + B
# B = b1 + bu*u
# b1 = 19485874751759354771024239261021720505790618469301721065564631296452457478373
# b2 = 266929791119991161246907387137283842545076965332900288569378510910307636690
const twistCoeffB_1 : FFp = fromHex(FFp, "0x2b149d40ceb8aaae81be18991be06ac3b5b4c5e559dbefa33267e6dc24a138e5")
const twistCoeffB_u : FFp = fromHex(FFp, "0x009713b03af0fed4cd2cafadeed8fdf4a74fa084e52d1852e4a2bd0685c315d2")
const twistCoeffB : FFp2 = mkFp2( twistCoeffB_1 , twistCoeffB_u )
func checkCurveEqG2( x, y: FFp2 ) : bool =
if isZeroFp2(x) and isZeroFp2(y):
# the point at infinity is on the curve by definition
return true
var x2 : FFp2 = squareFp2(x)
var y2 : FFp2 = squareFp2(y)
var x3 : FFp2 = x2 * x;
var eq : FFp2
eq = x3
eq += twistCoeffB
eq -= y2
return isZeroFp2(eq)
func isOnCurveG2 ( p: GG2 ) : bool =
return checkCurveEqG2( p.x, p.y )
func mkG2( x, y: FFp2 ) : GG2 =
if isZeroFp2(x) and isZeroFp2(y):
return infG2
assert( checkCurveEqG2(x,y) , "mkG2: not a G2 curve point" )
return unsafeMkG2(x,y)
func negG2*(p: GG2): GG2 =
var r : GG2 = p
return r
func addG2(p,q: GG2): GG2 =
var r, x, y : ProjG2
prj.fromAffine(x, p)
prj.fromAffine(y, q)
prj.sum(r, x, y)
var s : GG2
prj.affine(s, r)
return s
func `+`(p,q: GG2): GG2 = addG2(p,q)
func `-`(p,q: GG2): GG2 = addG2(p,negG2(q))
func `**`( coeff: FFr , point: GG2 ) : GG2 =
var q : ProjG2
prj.fromAffine( q , point )
scalarMul( q , coeff.toBig() )
var r : GG2
prj.affine( r, q )
return r
func toDecimalFp*(a : FFp): string =
var s : string = toDecimal(a)
s = s.strip( leading=true, trailing=false, chars={'0'} )
if s.len == 0: s="0"
return s
func toDecimalFr*(a : FFr): string =
var s : string = toDecimal(a)
s = s.strip( leading=true, trailing=false, chars={'0'} )
if s.len == 0: s="0"
return s
proc debugPrintFp*(prefix: string, x: FFp) =
echo(prefix & toDecimalFp(x))
proc debugPrintFp2*(prefix: string, z: FFp2) =
echo(prefix & " 1 ~> " & toDecimalFp(z.coords[0]))
echo(prefix & " u ~> " & toDecimalFp(z.coords[1]))
proc debugPrintFr*(prefix: string, x: FFr) =
echo(prefix & toDecimalFr(x))
proc debugPrintG1*(msg: string, pt: GG1) =
echo(msg & ":")
debugPrintFp( " x = ", pt.x )
debugPrintFp( " y = ", pt.y )
proc debugPrintG2*(msg: string, pt: GG2) =
echo(msg & ":")
debugPrintFp2( " x = ", pt.x )
debugPrintFp2( " y = ", pt.y )
let coeff : FFr = fromHex( FFr, "0x7b17fcc286b01af79176aa7da3a8615020eacda89a90e4ff5d0a085483f0448" )
#let coeff_good : FFr = fromHex( FFr, "0x7b17fcc286b01af79176aa7da3a8615020eacda89a90e4ff5d0a085483f044" ) # most coefficients work
let coeffA : FFr = fromHex( FFr, "0x12345678901234567890" )
let coeffB : FFr = coeff - coeffA
let gen2_xi : FFp = fromHex(FFp, "0x1adcd0ed10df9cb87040f46655e3808f98aa68a570acf5b0bde23fab1f149701")
let gen2_xu : FFp = fromHex(FFp, "0x09e847e9f05a6082c3cd2a1d0a3a82e6fbfbe620f7f31269fa15d21c1c13b23b")
let gen2_yi : FFp = fromHex(FFp, "0x056c01168a5319461f7ca7aa19d4fcfd1c7cdf52dbfc4cbee6f915250b7f6fc8")
let gen2_yu : FFp = fromHex(FFp, "0x0efe500a2d02dd77f5f401329f30895df553b878fc3c0dadaaa86456a623235c")
let gen2_x : FFp2 = mkFp2(gen2_xi, gen2_xu)
let gen2_y : FFp2 = mkFp2(gen2_yi, gen2_yu)
let gen2 : GG2 = mkG2(gen2_x, gen2_y)
debugPrintFr("coeff", coeff)
debugPrintG2("gen2 ", gen2 )
let lhs = coeff ** gen2 # WRONG
let rhs = (coeffA ** gen2) + (coeffB ** gen2) # CORRECT
let xxx = ((coeff - oneFr)**gen2) + gen2 # WRONG
let yyy = ((coeff - twoFr)**gen2) + (twoFr**gen2 ) # WRONG
debugPrintG2("coeff*gen2", lhs)
debugPrintG2("A*gen2 + (coeff-A)*gen2 ", rhs )
debugPrintG2("(coeff-1)*gen2 + gen2 ", xxx)
debugPrintG2("(coeff-2)*gen2 + 2*gen2", yyy)
echo("isOnCurve(lhs) = ",isOnCurveG2(lhs))
echo("isOnCurve(rhs) = ",isOnCurveG2(rhs))
debugPrintG2("lhs - rhs = ", lhs - rhs )
echo("and the result according to SageMath:")
echo(" x1 = 17216390949661727229956939928583223226083668728437958793715435751523027888005 ")
echo(" xu = 3082945034329785101034278215941854680789766318859358488904629243958221738137 ")
echo(" y1 = 20108673238932196920264801702661201943173809015346082727725783869161803474440 ")
echo(" yu = 10405477402946058176045590740070709500904395284580129777629727895349459816649 ")
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