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Created January 17, 2024 21:02
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constantine bug in G2 scalar multiplication, simpler version
import constantine/math/arithmetic
import constantine/math/io/io_fields
import constantine/math/io/io_bigints
import constantine/math/config/curves
import constantine/math/extension_fields/towers
import constantine/math/elliptic/ec_shortweierstrass_affine
import constantine/math/elliptic/ec_shortweierstrass_projective
import constantine/math/elliptic/ec_scalar_mul
type B = BigInt[254]
type F = Fp[BN254Snarks]
type F2 = QuadraticExt[F]
type G = ECP_ShortW_Prj[F2, G2]
# size of the scalar field
let r : B = fromHex( B , "0x30644e72e131a029b85045b68181585d2833e84879b9709143e1f593f0000001" )
let expo : B = fromHex( B, "0x7b17fcc286b01af79176aa7da3a8615020eacda89a90e4ff5d0a085483f0448" )
let expoA : B = fromHex( B, "0x1234567890123456789001234567890" )
var expoB : B = expo
expoB -= expoA
let zeroF : F = fromHex( F, "0x00" )
let oneF : F = fromHex( F, "0x01" )
# standard generator of G2
let gen2_xi : F = fromHex( F, "0x1adcd0ed10df9cb87040f46655e3808f98aa68a570acf5b0bde23fab1f149701" )
let gen2_xu : F = fromHex( F, "0x09e847e9f05a6082c3cd2a1d0a3a82e6fbfbe620f7f31269fa15d21c1c13b23b" )
let gen2_yi : F = fromHex( F, "0x056c01168a5319461f7ca7aa19d4fcfd1c7cdf52dbfc4cbee6f915250b7f6fc8" )
let gen2_yu : F = fromHex( F, "0x0efe500a2d02dd77f5f401329f30895df553b878fc3c0dadaaa86456a623235c" )
let gen2_x : F2 = F2( coords: [gen2_xi, gen2_xu] )
let gen2_y : F2 = F2( coords: [gen2_yi, gen2_yu] )
let gen2_z : F2 = F2( coords: [oneF , zeroF ] )
let gen2 : G = G( x: gen2_x, y: gen2_y, z: gen2_z )
proc printF( x: F ) =
echo(" = " & x.toDecimal)
proc printF2( z: F2) =
echo(" 1 ~> " & z.coords[0].toDecimal )
echo(" u ~> " & z.coords[1].toDecimal )
proc printG( pt: G ) =
var aff : ECP_ShortW_Aff[F2, G2];
echo(" affine x coord: "); printF2( aff.x )
echo(" affine y coord: "); printF2( aff.y )
var p : G
var q : G
echo("sanity check: g2^r should be infinity")
p = gen2
echo("LHS = g2^expo")
p = gen2
let lhs : G = p
echo("RHS = g2^expoA * g2^expoB, where expo = expoA + expoB")
p = gen2
q = gen2
p += q
let rhs : G = p
echo("reference from SageMath")
echo(" sage x coord:")
echo(" 1 -> 17216390949661727229956939928583223226083668728437958793715435751523027888005 ")
echo(" u -> 3082945034329785101034278215941854680789766318859358488904629243958221738137 ")
echo(" sage y coord:")
echo(" 1 -> 20108673238932196920264801702661201943173809015346082727725783869161803474440 ")
echo(" u -> 10405477402946058176045590740070709500904395284580129777629727895349459816649 ")
echo("LHS - RHS = ")
p = lhs
p -= rhs
SageMath code
# BN128 elliptic curve
p = 21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583
r = 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617
h = 1
Fp = GF(p)
Fr = GF(r)
A = Fp(0)
B = Fp(3)
E = EllipticCurve(Fp,[A,B])
gx = Fp(1)
gy = Fp(2)
gen = E(gx,gy) # subgroup generator
print("scalar field check: ", gen.additive_order() == r )
print("cofactor check: ", E.cardinality() == r*h )
# extension field
R.<x> = Fp[]
Fp2.<u> = Fp.extension(x^2+1)
# twisted curve
B_twist = Fp2(19485874751759354771024239261021720505790618469301721065564631296452457478373 + 266929791119991161246907387137283842545076965332900288569378510910307636690*u )
E2 = EllipticCurve(Fp2,[0,B_twist])
size_E2 = E2.cardinality();
cofactor_E2 = size_E2 / r;
gen2_xi = Fp( 0x1adcd0ed10df9cb87040f46655e3808f98aa68a570acf5b0bde23fab1f149701 )
gen2_xu = Fp( 0x09e847e9f05a6082c3cd2a1d0a3a82e6fbfbe620f7f31269fa15d21c1c13b23b )
gen2_yi = Fp( 0x056c01168a5319461f7ca7aa19d4fcfd1c7cdf52dbfc4cbee6f915250b7f6fc8 )
gen2_yu = Fp( 0x0efe500a2d02dd77f5f401329f30895df553b878fc3c0dadaaa86456a623235c )
gen2_x = gen2_xi + u * gen2_xu
gen2_y = gen2_yi + u * gen2_yu
gen2 = E2(gen2_x, gen2_y)
print("g2^r: ", gen2*r )
expo = 0x7b17fcc286b01af79176aa7da3a8615020eacda89a90e4ff5d0a085483f0448
print("g2^expo: ")
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