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Last active May 31, 2024 03:45
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gen.nvim update to support multiple providers, including openai and groq
local get_api_key = function(path)
local expanded_path = vim.fn.expand(path)
local file =, "r")
if file then
local content = file:read("*all"):gsub("\n", "")
return content
error("Could not open file!")
-- local default_model = "mistral:instruct"
local default_model = "phi3:instruct"
local function merge_options(defaults, options)
options.body = options.body or {}
for k, v in pairs(defaults) do
options.body[k] = v
local function build_curl_command(api_key, api_endpoint, extra_headers)
local curl_cmd = "curl --silent --no-buffer -X POST"
local header_options = "-H 'Authorization: Bearer " .. api_key .. "'"
if extra_headers then
header_options = header_options .. " " .. extra_headers
return curl_cmd .. " " .. header_options .. " " .. api_endpoint .. " -d $body"
local function get_api_details(api_url, api_key_path)
local api_key = get_api_key(api_key_path)
return api_key, api_url
local modelCommands = {
["groq"] = function(options)
local new_body = { model = "llama3-70b-8192", max_tokens = 1024, temperature = 0.4, top_p = 1, stop = nil }
merge_options(new_body, options)
local api_key, api_url = get_api_details("", "~/.groq/creds")
local api_endpoint = api_url .. "/openai/v1/chat/completions"
return build_curl_command(api_key, api_endpoint)
["gpt4o"] = function(options)
local new_body = { model = "gpt-4o", max_tokens = 1024, temperature = 0.4, top_p = 1 }
merge_options(new_body, options)
local api_key, api_url = get_api_details("", "~/.openai/creds")
local api_endpoint = api_url .. "/v1/chat/completions"
return build_curl_command(api_key, api_endpoint, "-H 'Content-Type: application/json'")
[default_model] = function(options)
local new_body = { model = options.model, stream = true }
merge_options(new_body, options)
return "curl --silent --no-buffer -X POST http://" .. .. ":" .. options.port .. "/api/chat -d $body"
-- Add more models as needed
return {
config = function()
local g = require("gen")
model = default_model, -- The default model to use.
host = "localhost", -- The host running the Ollama service.
port = "11434", -- The port on which the Ollama service is listening.
quit_map = "q", -- set keymap for close the response window
retry_map = "<c-r>", -- set keymap to re-send the current prompt
init = function(_)
pcall(io.popen, "ollama serve > /dev/null 2>&1 &")
-- Function to initialize Ollama
command = function(options)
local commandFunction = modelCommands[options.model]
if not commandFunction then -- check if command function for given model exists
return commandFunction["mistral:instruct"]
return commandFunction(options)
-- The command for the Ollama service. You can use placeholders $prompt, $model and $body (shellescaped).
-- This can also be a command string.
-- The executed command must return a JSON object with { response, context }
-- (context property is optional).
-- list_models = '<omitted lua function>', -- Retrieves a list of model names
display_mode = "split", -- The display mode. Can be "float" or "split".
show_prompt = true, -- Shows the prompt submitted to Ollama.
show_model = true, -- Displays which model you are using at the beginning of your chat session.
no_auto_close = false, -- Never closes the window automatically.
debug = false, -- Prints errors and the command which is run.
g.prompts["groq:Ask"] = {
model = "groq",
prompt = "Regarding the following text, $input:\n$text",
g.prompts["groq:Chat"] = {
model = "groq",
prompt = "$input",
g.prompts["gpt4o:Ask"] = {
model = "gpt4o",
prompt = "Regarding the following text, $input:\n$text",
g.prompts["gpt4o:Chat"] = {
model = "gpt4o",
prompt = "$input",
g.prompts["Commit Message"] = {
prompt = function(content, filetype)
local git_diff = vim.fn.system({ "git", "diff", "--staged" })
if not git_diff:match("^diff") then
error("Git error:\n" .. git_diff)
return "Write a terse commit message according to the Conventional Commits specification. Try to stay below 80 characters total. ONLY reply with the commit message and nothing else. Staged git diff: ```"
.. git_diff
.. "\n```"
replace = true,
model = "groq",
keys = {
desc = "Show Menu",
mode = { "n", "v", "x" },
desc = "Show Menu",
mode = { "n", "v", "x" },
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