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Last active March 12, 2023 11:55
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Save bkozora/d4f1cf0e5cf26acdd377 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AWS Lambda Function to Delete AMIs and Snapshots
# Automated AMI and Snapshot Deletion
# @author Bobby Kozora
# This script will search for all instances having a tag named "Backup" with a value of "Backup".
# As soon as we have the instances list, we loop through each instance
# and reference the AMIs of that instance. We check that the latest daily backup
# succeeded then we store every image that's reached its DeleteOn tag's date for
# deletion. We then loop through the AMIs, deregister them and remove all the
# snapshots associated with that AMI.
import boto3
import collections
import datetime
import time
import sys
ec = boto3.client('ec2', 'us-east-1')
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', 'us-east-1')
images = ec2.images.filter(Owners=["self"])
def lambda_handler(event, context):
reservations = ec.describe_instances(Filters=[
'Name': 'tag-key',
'Values': ['backup', 'Backup']
]).get('Reservations', [])
instances = sum([[i for i in r['Instances']] for r in reservations], [])
print("Found %d instances that need evaluated" % len(instances))
to_tag = collections.defaultdict(list)
date =
date_fmt = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
imagesList = []
# Set to true once we confirm we have a backup taken today
backupSuccess = False
# Loop through all of our instances with a tag named "Backup"
for instance in instances:
imagecount = 0
# Loop through each image of our current instance
for image in images:
# Our other Lambda Function names its AMIs Lambda - i-instancenumber.
# We now know these images are auto created
if'Lambda - ' + instance['InstanceId']):
# print "FOUND IMAGE " + + " FOR INSTANCE " + instance['InstanceId']
# Count this image's occcurance
imagecount = imagecount + 1
if image.tags is not None:
deletion_date = [
t.get('Value') for t in image.tags
if t['Key'] == 'DeleteOn'
delete_date = time.strptime(deletion_date, "%m-%d-%Y")
except IndexError:
deletion_date = False
delete_date = False
today_time ='%m-%d-%Y')
# today_fmt = today_time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
today_date = time.strptime(today_time, '%m-%d-%Y')
# If image's DeleteOn date is less than or equal to today,
# add this image to our list of images to process later
if delete_date <= today_date:
# Make sure we have an AMI from today and mark backupSuccess as true
# Our latest backup from our other Lambda Function succeeded
backupSuccess = True
print("Latest backup from " + date_fmt + " was a success")
print("instance " + instance['InstanceId'] + " has " +
str(imagecount) + " AMIs")
print("About to process the following AMIs:")
if backupSuccess == True:
myAccount = boto3.client('sts').get_caller_identity()['Account']
snapshots = ec.describe_snapshots(MaxResults=1000,
# loop through list of image IDs
for image in imagesList:
print("deregistering image %s" % image)
amiResponse = ec.deregister_image(
for snapshot in snapshots:
if snapshot['Description'].find(image) > 0:
snap = ec.delete_snapshot(
print("Deleting snapshot " + snapshot['SnapshotId'])
print("No current backup found. Termination suspended.")
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tyrrell commented Aug 9, 2019

If anyone is running into issues with indentation, note that lines 52 and 64 begin with tabs -- you should replace each tab character with 8 spaces. If you already copied/pasted the source, it's possible your text editor replaced the tabs with some number of spaces. (Yes, I started from the raw source; @bkozora should correct this.)

52: imagecount = 0 # line should begin with 8 spaces
64: imagecount = imagecount + 1 # line should begin with 16 spaces

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bkozora commented Sep 17, 2019

thanks @tyrrell. That's embarrassing, I'm a dork. Most of my configs will auto convert to spaces, I'm not sure how that slipped in.

Regardless, I've run the code through YAPF to ensure it's proper. Sorry everyone.

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@bkozora, I tried to run updated code but still not works. pls find enclosed for your reference

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sstalon commented Oct 24, 2019

I found the solution to poor performance and timeouts.
First, I modified the backup script to create a tag of InstanceID on the AMI. This way we can filter the AMIs on the For instance in instances loop to only list the AMIs relating to that instance instead of it looping through every AMI in the account (in our account we have over 4000 and 80 instances. So it would loop through 4000 AMIs 80 times!!).

Here is the code. See my comment on the bkozora's backup script to see the code inserted to add the tag to instances.

    # Loop through all of our instances with a tag named "Backup"
    for instance in instances:
	imagecount = 0
	instance_ID = instance['InstanceId']
        # Loop through each image of our current instance
        images = ec2.images.filter(
            'Name': 'tag:InstanceID',
            'Values': [instance_ID
        for image in images:

When i run the clean up it detects the instances, and is about to process the ones that need to be deleted, but it says no backup found. I noticed if i have more than 10 instances (even though they are not part of my backup tags) it gives me that. Did you run into issues like this?

This is the error msg

instance i-0d92511eef8axxxx has 1 AMIs

About to process the following AMIs:
No current backup found. Termination suspended.
END RequestId: e27c4424-1ce5-437a-9756-f83e390a6a3e
REPORT RequestId: e27c4424-1ce5-437a-9756-f83e390a6a3e Duration: 1851.28 ms Billed Duration: 1900 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 95 MB Init Duration: 515.93 ms

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@sstalon @glekoliveira

I was also having same issues and found that on line 44 there is a parameter mentioned 'backupSuccess = False' & I made it to 'backupSuccess = True' and Voila!, this script started deregistering AMIs


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sstalon commented Nov 4, 2019

@sstalon @glekoliveira

I was also having same issues and found that on line 44 there is a parameter mentioned 'backupSuccess = False' & I made it to 'backupSuccess = True' and Voila!, this script started deregistering AMIs


Omg! Thank you! that worked!!!! mine was on line 46, but yes i changed it from False to True and now they started deregistering!

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@mcalr3 @bkozora

I have modified my codes to create ami after every two hours
the ami creation is working fine but cleanup isnt working, please check the codes i have mentioned below

getting error


START RequestId: 2588433b-cf23-4a74-ac4e-5a0d573c8275 Version: $LATEST

Found 2 instances that need evaluated

Present date and time:20-11-2019:03.11.1574221595

instance i-01c761f3ac6d9bf56 has 5 AMIs

instance i-0bfa6653317e482ea has 5 AMIs


About to process the following AMIs:



About to process the following Snapshots associated with above Images:


The timer is started for 5 seconds to wait for images to deregister before deleting the snapshots associated to it


END RequestId: 2588433b-cf23-4a74-ac4e-5a0d573c8275

REPORT RequestId: 2588433b-cf23-4a74-ac4e-5a0d573c8275 Duration: 12531.54 ms Billed Duration: 12600 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory U

ami creation code

Automated AMI Backups

This code refered with slight changes:

This script will search for all instances having a tag with "Backup"

on it and are in 'running' state. As soon as it has the instances list, it loop through each instance

and create an AMI of it. Also, it will look for a "Retention" tag key which

will be used as a retention policy number in days. If there is no tag with

that name, it will use a 4 days default value for each AMI.If there is no tag with that name, it will use a 7 days default value for each AMI.

After creating the AMI it creates a "DeleteOn" tag on the AMI indicating when

it will be deleted using the Retention value and another Lambda function

import boto3
import collections
import datetime

#By the time I used this script, the Lamda is not available in Mumbai region. So, I chosen Singapore region.
#Specify the region in which EC2 Instances located and to create AMI's. Ex: Mumbai region (ap-south-1)
ec = boto3.client('ec2', 'ap-south-1')
#ec = boto3.client('ec2')

def lambda_handler(event, context):

reservations = ec.describe_instances(
        {'Name': 'tag:Hourly', 'Values': ['twohours']},
        { 'Name': 'instance-state-name','Values': ['running'] }
    'Reservations', []

instances = sum(
        [i for i in r['Instances']]
        for r in reservations
    ], [])

print "Found %d instances that need backing up" % len(instances)

to_tag = collections.defaultdict(list)

for instance in instances:
    print "Instance name:" + [res['Value'] for res in instance['Tags'] if res['Key'] == 'Name'][0]
    #Default retention for 7 days if the tag is not specified
        retention_days = [
            int(t.get('Value')) for t in instance['Tags']
            if t['Key'] == 'Retention'][0]
    except IndexError:
        retention_days = 1
    except ValueError:
        retention_days = 1
    except Exception as e:    
        retention_days = 1
        create_time =
        create_fmt = create_time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y.%H.%M.%S')
        #create_fmt = create_time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')

            #Check for instance in running state
           # if(ec.describe_instance_status(InstanceIds=[instance['InstanceId']],Filters=[{ 'Name': 'instance-state-name','Values': ['running'] }])['InstanceStatuses'][0]['InstanceState']['Name'] == 'running'):    
            #To make sure instance NoReboot enabled and to name the AMI
            AMIid = ec.create_image(InstanceId=instance['InstanceId'], Name="Lambda-2hour - " + [result['Value'] for result in instance['Tags'] if result['Key'] == 'Name'][0] + " - " + " From " + create_fmt, Description="Lambda created AMI of instance " + instance['InstanceId'], NoReboot=True, DryRun=False)

            print "Retaining AMI %s of instance %s for %d days" % (
            for retention_days in to_tag.keys():
                delete_date = + datetime.timedelta(days=retention_days)
                delete_fmt = delete_date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
                print "Will delete %d AMIs on %s" % (len(to_tag[retention_days]), delete_fmt)
                #To create a tag to an AMI when it can be deleted after retention period expires
                        {'Key': 'DeleteOn', 'Value': delete_fmt},
        #If the instance is not in running state        
        except IndexError as e:
            print "Unexpected error, instance "+[res['Value'] for res in instance['Tags'] if res['Key'] == 'Name'][0]+"-"+"\""+instance['InstanceId']+"\""+" might be in the state other then 'running'. So, AMI creation skipped."

cleanup code

Automated AMI and Snapshot Deletion

This code refered with slight changes:

This script will search for all instances having a tag with "Backup"

on it. As soon as it has the instances list, it loop through each instance

and reference the AMIs of that instance. It check that the latest daily backup

succeeded then it store every image that's reached its DeleteOn tag's date for

deletion. It then loop through the AMIs, deregister them and remove all the

snapshots associated with that AMI.

import boto3
import collections
import datetime
import time
import sys

#specify the region in which EC2 Instances located and to cleanup AMI's. Ex: Mumbai region (ap-south-1)
ec = boto3.client('ec2', 'ap-south-1')
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', 'ap-south-1')
images = ec2.images.filter(Owners=["XXXXX"])# Specify your AWS account owner id in place of "XXXXX" at all the places in this script

def lambda_handler(event, context):

reservations = ec.describe_instances(
        {'Name': 'tag:Hourly', 'Values': ['twohours']},
        { 'Name': 'instance-state-name','Values': ['running'] }
    'Reservations', []

instances = sum(
        [i for i in r['Instances']]
        for r in reservations
    ], [])

print "Found %d instances that need evaluated" % len(instances)

to_tag = collections.defaultdict(list)

date =
date_fmt = date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
print "Present date and time:" + date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y:%H.%m.%s')

imagesList = []

# Set to true once we confirm we have a backup taken today
backupSuccess = True

# Loop through all of our instances with a tag named "Backup"
for instance in instances:
imagecount = 0

    # Loop through each image of our current instance
    for image in images:

        # Our other Lambda Function names its AMIs Lambda - Instance Name.
        # We now know these images are auto created
        if'Lambda - ' + [result['Value'] for result in instance['Tags'] if result['Key'] == 'Name'][0]):
        #if'Lambda ec2 tag - ' + [result['Value'] for result in instance['Tags'] if result['Key'] == 'Name'][0]):

            #print "FOUND IMAGE " + + " FOR INSTANCE " + instance['InstanceId']

            # Count this image's occcurance
        imagecount = imagecount + 1

                if image.tags is not None:
                    deletion_date = [
                        t.get('Value') for t in image.tags
                        if t['Key'] == 'DeleteOn'][0]
                    delete_date = time.strptime(deletion_date, "%d-%m-%Y")
            except IndexError:
                deletion_date = False
                delete_date = False
            today_time ='%d-%m-%Y')
            # today_fmt = today_time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
            today_date = time.strptime(today_time, '%d-%m-%Y')

            # If image's DeleteOn date is less than or equal to today,
            # add this image to our list of images to process later
            if delete_date <= today_date:
            # Make sure we have an AMI from today and mark backupSuccess as true
                # Our latest backup from our other Lambda Function succeeded
                backupSuccess = True
                print "Latest backup from " + date_fmt + " was a success"

    print "instance " + instance['InstanceId'] + " has " + str(imagecount) + " AMIs"

print "============="

print "About to process the following AMIs:"
print imagesList

if backupSuccess == True:
    snapshotList = []
    for image in imagesList:
        #print image
        desc_image_snapshots = ec.describe_images(ImageIds=[image],Owners=['XXXXX',])['Images'][0]['BlockDeviceMappings']
       # print (desc_image_snapshots)
            for desc_image_snapshot in desc_image_snapshots:
                snapshot = ec.describe_snapshots(SnapshotIds=[desc_image_snapshot['Ebs']['SnapshotId'],], OwnerIds=['XXXXX'])['Snapshots'][0]
                #if snapshot['Description'].find(image) > 0:
                #   continue
                #     print "Snapshot is not associated with an AMI"
        except Exception as e:
            print "Ignore Index Error:%s" % e.message
        print "Deregistering image %s" % image
        amiResponse = ec.deregister_image(

    print "============="
    print "About to process the following Snapshots associated with above Images:"
    print (snapshotList)
    print "The timer is started for 5 seconds to wait for images to deregister before deleting the snapshots associated to it"    
    time.sleep(5)# This should be set to higher value if the image in the imagesList takes more time to deregister
    for snapshot in snapshotList:
            snap = ec.delete_snapshot(SnapshotId=snapshot)
            print "Deleted snapshot " + snapshot
        except Exception as e:
            print "%s" % e.message
    print "-------------"

    print "No current backup found. Termination suspended."

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I tried running the code with python 3.6 but it is throwing following error.

=======Error Message===========
"errorMessage": "'<=' not supported between instances of 'bool' and 'time.struct_time'",
"errorType": "TypeError",
"stackTrace": [
" File "/var/task/", line 66, in lambda_handler\n if delete_date <= today_date:\n"

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@mohanish12 For those of you who changed line 65 in the backup function script:

create_fmt = create_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
create_fmt = create_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S')

The cleanup function is looking for if on line 86. Since the strftime variable does not now end with today's date (now time), then it will throw error.

My workaround was to put the time in front of the date, like this:
create_fmt = create_time.strftime('%H-%M-%S(UTC)--on--%Y-%m-%d')

Hope this helps someone.

Thank you so much for such solution.

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Here is the cleanup code & the output: It able to detect the instance but not able to delete the ami created today, even I changed backupSuccess = True

Test Event Name


Function Logs
START RequestId: 3f72e0b7-59bb-433e-a46d-4f097c8acb45 Version: $LATEST
Found 1 instances that need evaluated
instance i-0acbe212ea7c31c7e has 0 AMIs

About to process the following AMIs:
END RequestId: 3f72e0b7-59bb-433e-a46d-4f097c8acb45

import boto3
import collections
import datetime
import time
import sys

ec = boto3.client('ec2', 'ap-south-1')
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', 'ap-south-1')
images = ec2.images.filter(Owners=["self"])

def lambda_handler(event, context):

reservations = ec.describe_instances(Filters=[
        'Name': 'tag-key',
        'Values': ['backup', 'Backup']
]).get('Reservations', [])

instances = sum([[i for i in r['Instances']] for r in reservations], [])

print("Found %d instances that need evaluated" % len(instances))

to_tag = collections.defaultdict(list)

date =
date_fmt = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

imagesList = []

# Set to true once we confirm we have a backup taken today
backupSuccess = True

# Loop through all of our instances with a tag named "Backup"
for instance in instances:
    imagecount = 0

    # Loop through each image of our current instance
    for image in images:

        # Our other Lambda Function names its AMIs Lambda - i-instancenumber.
        # We now know these images are auto created
        if'Lambda - ' + instance['InstanceId']):

            # print "FOUND IMAGE " + + " FOR INSTANCE " + instance['InstanceId']

            # Count this image's occcurance
            imagecount = imagecount + 1

                if image.tags is not None:
                    deletion_date = [
                        t.get('Value') for t in image.tags
                        if t['Key'] == 'DeleteOn'
                    delete_date = time.strptime(deletion_date, "%m-%d-%Y")
            except IndexError:
                deletion_date = False
                delete_date = False

            today_time ='%m-%d-%Y')
            # today_fmt = today_time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
            today_date = time.strptime(today_time, '%m-%d-%Y')

            # If image's DeleteOn date is less than or equal to today,
            # add this image to our list of images to process later
            if delete_date <= today_date:

            # Make sure we have an AMI from today and mark backupSuccess as true
                # Our latest backup from our other Lambda Function succeeded
                backupSuccess = True
                print("Latest backup from " + date_fmt + " was a success")

    print("instance " + instance['InstanceId'] + " has " +
          str(imagecount) + " AMIs")


print("About to process the following AMIs:")

if backupSuccess == True:

    myAccount = boto3.client('sts').get_caller_identity()['Account']
    snapshots = ec.describe_snapshots(MaxResults=1000,

    # loop through list of image IDs
    for image in imagesList:
        print("deregistering image %s" % image)
        amiResponse = ec.deregister_image(

        for snapshot in snapshots:
            if snapshot['Description'].find(image) > 0:
                snap = ec.delete_snapshot(
                print("Deleting snapshot " + snapshot['SnapshotId'])

    print("No current backup found. Termination suspended.")

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bm2git commented Feb 13, 2023

I have code to have the retention backup days for 7, however, how to exclude the weekends snapshots for the last 35 days in deletion.
I want to have the snapshots for last 7 days and last 5 weekend Saturdays snapshots without using tags.

Kindly let me know the code if possible

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