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When you delete jobs in Jenkins, the corresponding workspaces in the build slaves won't be deleted automatically. This Jenkins script will go to each slave and check if the jobs are already deleted in Jenkins master and delete the workspace.
import com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder
import hudson.FilePath
import jenkins.model.Jenkins
def boolean isFolder(String name) {
def item = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(name)
return item instanceof Folder
def deleteUnusedWorkspace(FilePath root, String path, Boolean dryRun) {
root.list().each { child ->
String fullName = path +
if (isFolder(fullName)) {
deleteUnusedWorkspace(root.child(, "$fullName/", dryRun)
} else {
if (Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(fullName) == null) {
println "Deleting: $fullName "
if (dryRun) {
// do nothing
} else {
def cleanupWS(Boolean dryRun, String nodeType) {
if (nodeType == "s") {
for (node in Jenkins.instance.nodes) {
println "Processing $node.displayName"
def workspaceRoot = node.rootPath.child("workspace");
deleteUnusedWorkspace(workspaceRoot, "", dryRun)
} else {
def masterWorkspaceRoot = Jenkins.instance.rootPath.child("workspace");
deleteUnusedWorkspace(masterWorkspaceRoot, "", dryRun)
cleanupWS(true, "m") // cleanup master node, dry run
cleanupWS(true, "s") // cleanup all salve nodes, dry run
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need to test

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Updated for cleaning up master node. added dryRun flag

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