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Created June 14, 2012 20:34
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F# and Scala stuff...
//Here's some F# code...
type Expression =
| Number of int
| Add of Expression * Expression
| Multiply of Expression * Expression
| Variable of string
let rec Evaluate (env:Map<string,int>) exp =
match exp with
| Number n -> n
| Add (x, y) -> Evaluate env x + Evaluate env y
| Multiply (x, y) -> Evaluate env x * Evaluate env y
| Variable id -> env.[id]
let environment = Map.ofList [ "a", 1 ;
"b", 2 ;
"c", 3 ]
// Create an expression tree that represents
// the expression: a + 2 * b.
let expressionTree1 = Add(Variable "a", Multiply(Number 2, Variable "b"))
// Evaluate the expression a + 2 * b, given the
// table of values for the variables.
let result = Evaluate environment expressionTree1
//Here's the Scala version...
abstract class Expression
case class Number(i: Int) extends Expression
case class Add(x: Expression, y: Expression) extends Expression
case class Multiply(x: Expression, y: Expression) extends Expression
case class Variable(id: Symbol) extends Expression
object Maths extends App {
val environment = Map('a -> 1,
'b -> 2,
'c -> 3)
def evaluate(env: Map[Symbol, Int], exp: Expression): Int = exp match {
case Number(n: Int) => n
case Add(x, y) => evaluate(env, x) + evaluate(env, y)
case Multiply(x, y) => evaluate(env, x) * evaluate(env, y)
case Variable(id: Symbol) => env(id)
val expressionTree1 = Add(Variable('a), Multiply(Number(2), Variable('b)))
println(evaluate(environment, expressionTree1))
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