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Created March 8, 2024 18:19
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sealed trait Thing[+A]
object Thing {
case class SomeThing[A](value: A, next: Thing[A]) extends Thing[A]
case object NotAThing extends Thing[Nothing]
// I can use `Thing` as a Linked List
//These are the two most important...
def headOption[A](xs: Thing[A]): Option[A] = xs match {
case SomeThing(a, _) => Some(a)
case NotAThing => None
def tail[A](xs: Thing[A]): Thing[A] = xs match {
case SomeThing(_, rest) => rest
case NotAThing => NotAThing
// But I can also do things like...
def take[A](xs: Thing[A])(n: Int): Thing[A] =
if(n <= 0) NotAThing else xs match {
case SomeThing(first, rest) => SomeThing(first, take(rest)(n - 1))
case NotAThing => NotAThing
def map[A,B](xs: Thing[A])(f: A => B): Thing[B] = xs match {
case SomeThing(first, rest) => SomeThing(f(first), map(rest)(f))
case NotAthing => NotAThing
// You get the idea
// But you can also use this like a stack
def peek[A](stack: Thing[A]): Option[A] = stack match {
case SomeThing(first, _) => Some(first)
case NotAThing => None
def push[A](stack: Thing[A])(a: A): Thing[A] = SomeThing(a, stack)
def pop(stack: Thing[A]): (Option[A], Thing[A]) = stack match {
case SomeThing(first, rest) => (Some(first), rest)
case NotAThing => (None, stack)
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bkyrlach commented Mar 9, 2024

@OmarShehata You have single-handedly restored my faith in humanity. I think your analysis/understanding of my argument and what happened in that Twitter thread are spot on.

Thank you so much. I’ve been feeling so crappy watching all of these notifications come in calling me terrible things. I hope you’re having a lovely day wherever you are.

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