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Last active April 24, 2024 21:20
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  • Save bl0x/fcb89ec42d8299e521c71577b616d558 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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/* Automatically generated by Amaranth 0.4.dev183+gfc85feb.d2 | /* Automatically generated by Amaranth 0.4.dev184+g8c4a15a.d2
/* Generated by Yosys 0.40 (git sha1 a1bb0255d, ccache clang /* Generated by Yosys 0.40 (git sha1 a1bb0255d, ccache clang
module top(clk100_0__io, rst_0__io, led_0__io); module top(clk100_0__io, rst_0__io, led_0__io);
reg \$auto$$2 = 0; reg \$auto$$2 = 0;
> wire [32:0] \$1 ;
wire [32:0] \$2 ; wire [32:0] \$2 ;
wire [32:0] \$3 ; <
(* keep = "TRUE" *) (* keep = "TRUE" *)
wire cd_sync_clk100_0__i; wire cd_sync_clk100_0__i;
wire cd_sync_rst_0__i; wire cd_sync_rst_0__i;
wire clk; wire clk;
input clk100_0__io; input clk100_0__io;
wire clk100_0__io; wire clk100_0__io;
reg [31:0] counter = 32'd0; reg [31:0] counter = 32'd0;
reg [31:0] \counter$next ; reg [31:0] \counter$next ;
output led_0__io; output led_0__io;
wire led_0__io; wire led_0__io;
wire [12:0] mem_r_addr; wire [12:0] mem_r_addr;
wire [31:0] mem_r_data; wire [31:0] mem_r_data;
> wire mem_r_en;
wire [12:0] mem_w_addr; wire [12:0] mem_w_addr;
wire [31:0] mem_w_data; wire [31:0] mem_w_data;
wire mem_w_en; wire mem_w_en;
wire pin_led_0_led_0__o; wire pin_led_0_led_0__o;
wire rst; wire rst;
input rst_0__io; input rst_0__io;
wire rst_0__io; wire rst_0__io;
reg [31:0] mem [7999:0]; | reg [31:0] \$read [7999:0];
initial begin <
mem[0] = 32'd0; <
mem[1] = 32'd0; <
mem[2] = 32'd0; <
# omitting lines
mem[7999] = 32'd0; <
end <
always @(posedge clk) begin always @(posedge clk) begin
mem[mem_w_addr] <= mem_w_data; | \$read [mem_w_addr] <= mem_w_data;
end end
reg [12:0] _0_; | reg [31:0] _0_;
always @(posedge clk) begin always @(posedge clk) begin
_0_ <= mem_r_addr; | _0_ <= \$read [mem_r_addr];
end | if (1'h1 && mem_r_addr == mem_w_addr)
assign mem_r_data = mem[_0_]; | _0_ <= mem_w_data;
assign \$3 = counter + 1'h1; | end
> initial _0_ = 32'd0;
> assign mem_r_data = _0_;
> assign \$2 = counter + 1'h1;
always @(posedge clk) always @(posedge clk)
counter <= \counter$next ; counter <= \counter$next ;
cd_sync cd_sync ( cd_sync cd_sync (
.clk(clk), .clk(clk),
.clk100_0__i(cd_sync_clk100_0__i), .clk100_0__i(cd_sync_clk100_0__i),
.rst(rst), .rst(rst),
.rst_0__i(cd_sync_rst_0__i) .rst_0__i(cd_sync_rst_0__i)
); );
pin_clk100_0 pin_clk100_0 ( pin_clk100_0 pin_clk100_0 (
.clk100_0__i(cd_sync_clk100_0__i), .clk100_0__i(cd_sync_clk100_0__i),
.clk100_0__io(clk100_0__io) .clk100_0__io(clk100_0__io)
); );
pin_led_0 pin_led_0 ( pin_led_0 pin_led_0 (
.led_0__io(led_0__io), .led_0__io(led_0__io),
.led_0__o(pin_led_0_led_0__o) .led_0__o(pin_led_0_led_0__o)
); );
pin_rst_0 pin_rst_0 ( pin_rst_0 pin_rst_0 (
.rst_0__i(cd_sync_rst_0__i), .rst_0__i(cd_sync_rst_0__i),
.rst_0__io(rst_0__io) .rst_0__io(rst_0__io)
); );
> write write (
> );
always @* begin always @* begin
if (\$auto$$2 ) begin if (\$auto$$2 ) begin
\counter$next = \$3 [31:0]; | \counter$next = \$2 [31:0];
if (rst) begin if (rst) begin
\counter$next = 32'd0; \counter$next = 32'd0;
end end
end end
assign \$2 = \$3 ; | assign \$1 = \$2 ;
> assign mem_r_en = 1'h1;
assign pin_led_0_led_0__o = mem_r_data[0]; assign pin_led_0_led_0__o = mem_r_data[0];
assign mem_r_addr = counter[14:2]; assign mem_r_addr = counter[14:2];
assign mem_w_en = 1'h1; assign mem_w_en = 1'h1;
assign mem_w_data = counter; assign mem_w_data = counter;
assign mem_w_addr = counter[12:0]; assign mem_w_addr = counter[12:0];
> endmodule
> module write();
> wire \$empty_module_filler ;
endmodule endmodule
from amaranth import Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Const
from amaranth.hdl.mem import Memory
from amaranth_boards.cmod_s7 import CmodS7_Platform
from amaranth.back import verilog
# This tests whether or not memory is instantiated as block RAM or
# distributed RAM.
# Test with these commits of amaranth-hdl:
# 8c4a15a -> infers distributed RAM
# fc85feb -> infers block RAM
class MemoryBramRegression(Elaboratable):
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
# led as output
led = platform.request('led', 0)
# counter to produce data
counter = Signal(32)
# memory to be instantiated as BRAM
mem = Memory(width=32, depth=8000)
w = m.submodules.write = mem.write_port()
r = = mem.read_port()
# Increase counter on every clock cycle
m.d.sync += counter.eq(counter + 1)
# Connect mem to counter and led
# Address increments on every clock cycle,
# Write data is the full counter value
# Enable is only active on every other clock cycle
# Read address is running slower by a factor 4
# Led should blink (but that is irrelevant for the test case)
m.d.comb += [
return m
if __name__ == "__main__":
top = MemoryBramRegression()
platform = CmodS7_Platform(toolchain="Vivado")
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