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Created April 17, 2017 01:24
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Application Contract for Town Crier
contract Application {
event Request(int64 requestId, address requester, uint dataLength, bytes32[] data);
event Response(int64 requestId, address requester, uint64 error, uint data);
event Cancel(uint64 requestId, address requester, bool success);
uint constant MIN_GAS = 30000 + 20000;
uint constant GAS_PRICE = 5 * 10 ** 10;
uint constant TC_FEE = MIN_GAS * GAS_PRICE;
uint constant CANCELLATION_FEE = 25000 * GAS_PRICE;
bytes4 constant TC_CALLBACK_FID = bytes4(sha3("response(uint64,uint64,bytes32)"));
TownCrier public TC_CONTRACT;
address owner;
address[2**64] requesters;
uint[2**64] fee;
function() public payable {} // must be payable
function Application(TownCrier tcCont) public {
owner = msg.sender;
function request(uint8 requestType, bytes32[] requestData) public payable {
if (msg.value < TC_FEE) {
if (!msg.sender.send(msg.value)) {
Request(-1, msg.sender, requestData.length, requestData);
uint64 requestId = TC_CONTRACT.request.value(msg.value)(requestType, this, TC_CALLBACK_FID, 0, requestData);
if (requestId == 0) {
if (!msg.sender.send(msg.value)) {
Request(-2, msg.sender, requestData.length, requestData);
requesters[requestId] = msg.sender;
fee[requestId] = msg.value;
Request(int64(requestId), msg.sender, requestData.length, requestData);
function response(uint64 requestId, uint64 error, bytes32 respData) public {
if (msg.sender != address(TC_CONTRACT)) {
Response(-1, msg.sender, 0, 0);
address requester = requesters[requestId];
requesters[requestId] = 0;
if (error < 2) {
Response(int64(requestId), requester, error, uint(respData));
} else {
Response(int64(requestId), msg.sender, error, 0);
function cancel(uint64 requestId) public {
if (requestId == 0 || requesters[requestId] != msg.sender) {
Cancel(requestId, msg.sender, false);
bool tcCancel = TC_CONTRACT.cancel(requestId);
if (tcCancel) {
requesters[requestId] = 0;
if (!msg.sender.send(fee[requestId] - CANCELLATION_FEE)) {
Cancel(requestId, msg.sender, false);
Cancel(requestId, msg.sender, true);
} else {
Cancel (requestId, msg.sender, false);
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