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Last active September 18, 2023 16:04
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Rizel Scarlett is a Staff Developer Advocate at TBD, Block's newest business unit. With a diverse background spanning GitHub, startups, and non-profit organizations, Rizel has cultivated a passion for utilizing emerging technologies to champion equity within the tech industry. She moonlights as an Advisor at G{Code} House, an organization aimed at teaching women of color and non-binary people of color to code. Rizel believes in leveraging vulnerability, honesty, and kindness as means to educate early-career developers.

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My work

Human User Guide

Welcome to my human user guide. This includes a whole bunch of things that I would never tell y'all out loud, but would probably help you work best with me.

About me

  • Pronouns: she/her.
  • I've been about my money ever since I immigrated to America when I was a kid. I worked a lot of random jobs like I used to be a phebotomist (drawing blood) at one point. I got into software development after I quit my help desk job to attend a coding bootcamp with my boyfriend (now husband). I got a dev job, and wanted to learn more, so I earned my degree in Computer Science at Boston University. I was obsessed with coding, but I had a bad experience at one of my software engineering jobs where they made me feel like crap, so I developed a passion for making devs feel empowered. I helped create a non profit coding bootcamp for women of color and non binary people of color and became a dev advocate, so I can help foster a positive work environment for devs.
  • If you want to bounce ideas off me or you're looking for someone to collaborate with, I'm skilled at topics around open source, educating developers, and blogging.

What are some honest, unfiltered things about you?

  • I like to get a lot of work done, and I prefer little to no red tape/blockers for me to deliver that work.
  • I genuinely like learning to the point where I'm an expert or have ownership in a certain area because I want to be in a position where I could say, "I know how to help!"
  • I'm a recovering workaholic. It doesn't help that I struggle with ADHD hyperfocus, so I can work nonstop, which is super unhealthy. I'm working on learning how to unplug.
  • If you make plans to hang out with me, I might flake. Working on that.

What drives you nuts?

  • Saying "I need to talk to you" or putting a random meeting with no context on my calendar. Just tell me what we are going to talk about. No need to create random anxiety for me.
  • When people are unwilling to help coworkers. It's a team effort. If you win, we all win.
  • Too much bragging
  • Giving me short, artificial deadlines
  • Micromanaging

What are your quirks?

  • I speak loudly and I'm friendly, but I'm introverted and shy. I know how to feign extroversion. When I'm at a conference, there's only so much socializing I can do before I hide in my room to recharge my social battery.
  • I use social media a lot.
  • I'm not super..formal. From blog posts to Twitch streams, I take a casual approach.

What are some things that people might misunderstand about you that you should clarify?

  • I get my best thoughts through writing and taking time to think by myself, so if we are on a call to brainstorm, I may not think of anything until the call ends. Then, I will message you with my ideas.
  • I do my best work when you give me creative freedom and autonomy to experiment. My approach to DevRel can be unorthodox, but it's worth it.
  • I'm probably going to ask lots of ignorant questions every single day, but it's so I can get to a point where I'm the one answering questions. Thanks for your patience in advance!
  • Many assume and take my kindess for weakness, but I consider my kindness to be one of my greatest strengths. Don't take advantage of my kindness though, please and thank you!
  • I have general anxiety disorder, which gets worse once a month because of PMDD so I might ask for clarification or reassurance to avoid jumping to the wrong conclusion.
  • I promote my content and my peers content A LOT. I believe that's how you get people to view the content and learn about things like web5 and tbdex.

About my colleagues

What qualities do you particularly value in your colleagues?

  • Empathy.
  • Vulnerability.
  • Balanced work ethic.

What do you wish colleagues didn’t do?

  • Be know it alls like we get're smart. That's why we are all here. We're smart.

How can people earn an extra gold star with you?

  • Share knowledge with coworkers. That's how we all win
  • Vulnerability

About my interactions

How do you coach people to do their best work and develop their talents?

  • I like to let them have creative freedom, and if they make mistakes, help them fix it rather than berate them.

What’s the best way to communicate with you?

  • Slack me or Discord.

What’s the best way to convince you to do something?

  • Butter me up with kind words and then go for the ask. I probably won't say no 😆

How do you like to give feedback?

  • Negative: In a nice way mixed with a private setting
  • Positive: I try to recognize positive little things that people have done in a public setting

How do you like to get feedback?

  • I like positive reinforcement. The more you tell me I'm doing well, the harder I will work to be even better!
  • I'm still working on receiving negative feedback properly, but please deliver it as kindly as possible in a private setting. You can send me a slack giving me a heads up that I will receive negative feedback, then we can hop on a video call to discuss more. Maybe sandwich it between a few compliments because sometimes I take negative feedback to heart and I overwork until I burnout to redeem myself.
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