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Last active April 5, 2023 03:33
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Copilot story for workshop

Write a comment giving overall context

  • Go to LostPet.razor
  • Create a new line after 50 (after step 2)
  • Create a comment that says
<!-- Step 2.5  - pet’s last location h2 element followed by dropdown -->
  • On the next line, GitHub Copilot should suggest
<h2>Step 2.5: Where was your pet last seen?</h2>
  • On the next line write a comment that says
<!— dropdown menu with location —>
  • On the next line GitHub Copilot should suggest a list of locations
  • We want to make the locations even more specific
  • Delete the dropdown menu that GitHub Copilot
  • Edit the comment from
<!— dropdown menu with location —> 


<!— dropdown menu with locations in Washington state —>
  • GitHub Copilot suggested a few locations to us, but maybe too many. We can make our comment even more specific
  • Edit the comment to say
<!— dropdown menu with 5 locations in Washington state —>
  • Let Copilot give a suggestion
  • We will see that the petModel doesn’t have a Location, so it’s throwing an error
  • On line 13, type the word “Public” and GitHub Copilot should suggest
public string Location { get; set; }
  • Make a new line on line 25 and GitHub Copilot should suggest
Location = “”;
  • Let’s run the app to see the changes
        <!-- Step 2.5  - pet’s last location h2 element followed by dropdown -->
        <h2>Step 2.5: Where was your pet last seen?</h2>
        <!-- dropdown menu with 5 locations in Washington state -->
        <div class="form-group row justify-content-center">
            <label for="petLocation" class="col-2 col-form-label">Pet Location</label>
            <div class="col-4">
                <InputSelect id="location" @bind-Value="petModel.Location">


  • Add these values to the backend to make sure it gets added to the database
class pet:
    def __init__(self, ID, Name, Type, Breed, Images, State, OwnerEmail, Location):
        self.ID = ID
        self.Name = Name
        self.Type = Type
        self.Breed = Breed
        self.Images = Images
        self.State = State
        self.OwnerEmail = OwnerEmail
        self.Location = Location
    p = pet(


  • We are going to create a new page with a list of tips for owners who lost their pets
  • Create a new line on line 18
  • Create a comment that
<!— create a link for tips —>
  • Accept the suggestion
  • Run the app to see the changes
  • Click the link to see that it only renders a blank page, so we need to add something to the page
  • Create a new page called Tips.razor in the Pages folder
  • In the Tips.razor file add the following lines
@page "/tips"

<PageTitle>Tips for Pet Owners</PageTitle>
  • Write this comment
<!-- Create an unordered list of tips with advice for pet owners who lost their pets include tips for places to search and ways to stay calm and an h2-->
  • Let Copilot suggest , and it should give you something similar:
<!-- Create an unordered list of tips with advice for pet owners who lost their pets include tips for places to search and ways to stay calm and an h2-->
<h2 class="tips">Tips for Pet Owners</h2>
<ul class="tips">
<li>Check your yard and the surrounding area for your pet.</li>
<li>Check your home for your pet.</li>
<li>Check your neighborhood for your pet.</li>
<li>Check your local animal shelters and animal control facilities.</li>
  • Let’s check the app for changes

Write some tests

  • Create a new file in your playwright/tests file called lostpage.spec.ts
  • Write a comment giving context that says
// create playwright tests for LostPage.razor 
  • On the next line, write a comment that says
// import dependencies
  • On the next line GitHub Copilot will suggest
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
  • Write a comment that says,
// test that h2 element with the words "Step 1: Tell us about your pet and how to contact you" renders
  • On the next lines GitHub Copilot should suggest,
test('h2 element with the words "Step 1: Tell us about your pet and how to contact you" renders', async ({ page }) => {
    await page.goto('http://localhost:5000/lostpage');
    const h2 = page.locator('h2');
    expect(await h2.innerText()).toContain('Step 1: Tell us about your pet and how to contact you');
  • Write a comment that says,
// test that dropdown menu renders
  • GitHub Copilot should suggest
test('dropdown menu renders', async ({ page }) => {
    await page.goto('http://localhost:5000/lostpage');
    const dropdown = page.locator('select');
    expect(await dropdown.innerText()).toContain('Dog');
  • Write a comment that says,
// test that you can upload images when you click button with button 
  • GitHub Copilot will suggest the below
test('you can upload images when you click button with button', async ({ page }) => {
    await page.goto('http://localhost:5000/lostpage');
    const button = page.locator('button');
    const input = page.locator('input');
    await input.setInputFiles('C:/Users/Owner/Desktop/IMG_20201015_135244.jpg');
    expect(await input.innerText()).toContain('IMG_20201015_135244.jpg');
} );
  • Try Copilot Labs use the custom brush to delete comments (results may very — experimental)
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