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Last active February 19, 2016 23:03
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import Data.List(groupBy, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe(listToMaybe)
import Control.Applicative((<|>))
data Trie k v = RootTrie [Trie k v]
| NodeTrie k [Trie k v]
| EndTrie v
| EmptyTrie
toTrie :: (Eq k, Ord k) => [([k], v)] -> Trie k v
toTrie = toTrieRoot . regroup . sortBy (\a b -> fst a `compare` fst b)
toTrieRoot :: Eq k => [[([k], v)]] -> Trie k v
toTrieRoot = RootTrie . map toTrieRoot'
toTrieRoot' :: Eq k => [([k], v)] -> Trie k v
toTrieRoot' l = NodeTrie name (map toTrieDeep (regroup ts))
where name = head (fst (head l))
ts = nextLevel l
toTrieDeep :: Eq k => [([k], v)] -> Trie k v
toTrieDeep l = if 1 == length l && null (fst (head l)) then EndTrie (snd $ head l) else maybe EmptyTrie createNode getName
where getName = join $ fmap (listToMaybe . fst) (listToMaybe l)
createNode name = NodeTrie name (map toTrieDeep (regroup (nextLevel l)))
nextLevel :: [([k], v)] -> [([k], v)]
nextLevel = map (\(n, v) -> (tail n, v))
regroup :: Eq k => [([k], v)] -> [[([k], v)]]
regroup = groupBy (\a b -> listToMaybe (fst a) == listToMaybe (fst b))
findTrie :: Eq k => Trie k v -> [k] -> Maybe v
findTrie t s = case t of
NodeTrie k n -> join $ fmap (\c -> if c == k then fn ns n else Nothing) nc
EndTrie v -> if null s then Just v else Nothing
RootTrie n -> fn s n
EmptyTrie -> Nothing
where nc = listToMaybe s
ns = tail s
fn :: Eq k => [k] -> [Trie k v] -> Maybe v
fn fs n = foldr (<|>) Nothing $ map (flip findTrie fs) n
-- multiple
data Trie k v = RootTrie [Trie k v]
| NodeTrie k [Trie k v]
| EndTrie [v]
| EmptyTrie
deriving Show
toTrieDeep :: Eq k => [([k], v)] -> Trie k v
toTrieDeep l = if 1 <= length l && null (fst (head l))
then EndTrie (map snd l)
else maybe EmptyTrie createNode getName
where getName = join $ fmap (listToMaybe . fst) (listToMaybe l)
createNode name = NodeTrie name (map toTrieDeep (regroup (nextLevel l)))
findsTrie :: Eq k => Trie k v -> [k] -> [v]
findsTrie t s = case t of
NodeTrie k n -> join $ fmap (\c -> if c == k then fn ns n else []) $ maybeToList nc
EndTrie v -> v
RootTrie n -> fn s n
EmptyTrie -> []
where nc = listToMaybe s
ns = tail s
fn :: Eq k => [k] -> [Trie k v] -> [v]
fn fs ft = join [findsTrie ftt fss | ftt <- ft, fss <- tails fs]
-- Samples
find :: Table -> String -> String
find t ext = maybe "UNKNOWN" id $ findTrie t ext
countElements :: Trie k v -> Int
countElements t = case t of
NodeTrie k n -> r n
EndTrie v -> 0
RootTrie n -> r n - 1
EmptyTrie -> 0
where r n = foldr (+) 1 (map countElements n)
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