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Created December 1, 2018 08:56
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module Y2018.M11.D26.Exercise where
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad(foldM)
import Data.List(sort)
An IQ puzzler:
Four (A, B, C and D) suspects were interrogated:
A said: C won't cheat unless B cheated.
B said: Either A or B cheated.
C said: B didn't cheat, I cheated.
D said: B cheated.
Only one person is lying. Who is lying and who(st(s)) cheated?
data Suspect = A | B | C | D
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show)
type Cheated = Bool
type Liar = Bool
data Statement = Statement { suspect :: Suspect, declaration :: Declaration } deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Ord Statement where
compare (Statement _ a) (Statement _ b) = compare a b
data Declaration = HasCheated Suspect
| HasNotCheated Suspect
| And Declaration Declaration
| Or Declaration Declaration
| OnlyIf Declaration Declaration
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Ord Declaration where
compare a b = compare (index a) (index b)
where index :: Declaration -> Int
index x = case x of
HasCheated _ -> 0
HasNotCheated _ -> 1
And _ _ -> 2
Or _ _ -> 3
OnlyIf _ _ -> 4
statements :: [Statement]
statements = [
Statement A $ OnlyIf (HasNotCheated B) (HasNotCheated C)
, Statement B $ Or (HasCheated A) (HasCheated B)
, Statement C $ And (HasNotCheated B) (HasCheated C)
, Statement D $ HasCheated B
data Answer = Ans { liar :: Suspect, cheaters :: [Suspect] }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Status = Status { suspectedLiar :: Suspect, notCheated :: S.Set Suspect, cheated :: S.Set Suspect }
solver :: [Statement] -> [Answer]
solver xs = map extractAnswer $ concatMap (\i -> foldM solve i statements') initialStatus
where statements' :: [Statement]
statements' = sort xs
initialStatus :: [Status]
initialStatus = map (\s -> Status s S.empty S.empty) allSuspects
extractAnswer :: Status -> Answer
extractAnswer x = Ans (suspectedLiar x) (S.elems $ cheated x)
giveTruth :: Status -> Statement -> Declaration
giveTruth s x = if suspectedLiar s == suspect x then reverseDeclaration (declaration x) else declaration x
solve :: Status -> Statement -> [Status]
solve s x = solve' s $ giveTruth s x
solve' :: Status -> Declaration -> [Status]
solve' s x = case x of
HasCheated v -> if S.notMember v (notCheated s) then [s { cheated = S.insert v (cheated s) }] else []
HasNotCheated v -> if S.notMember v (cheated s) then [s { notCheated = S.insert v (notCheated s) }] else []
And a b -> concatMap (flip solve' b) (solve' s a)
Or a b -> solve' s a ++ solve' s b
OnlyIf a b -> solve' s (And a b) ++ solve' s (And (reverseDeclaration a) (reverseDeclaration b))
allSuspects :: [Suspect]
allSuspects = enumFrom A
reverseDeclaration :: Declaration -> Declaration
reverseDeclaration x = case x of
HasCheated s -> HasNotCheated s
HasNotCheated s -> HasCheated s
And a b -> Or (reverseDeclaration a) (reverseDeclaration b)
Or a b -> And (reverseDeclaration a) (reverseDeclaration b)
OnlyIf a b -> Or (OnlyIf (reverseDeclaration a) b) (OnlyIf a (reverseDeclaration b))
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Franchement Gauthier, ton code est très beau ! C'en est presque émouvant…

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