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Created October 13, 2014 06:13
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module Gol where
import Text
import Graphics.Input as Input
import Dict
import Set
import Benchmark (..)
-- Import reset events from JS
port init : Signal ()
main = sim <~ foldp step emptyState commands.signal
-- main = let ev s = displayGrid editorView (getGrid s) (getSelected s)
-- pv s = displayGrid projectionView (getGrid s) (getSelected s)
-- events = [Watch (2, 2), Born (1, 2), Born (2, 1), Born (2, 3), Watch (2, 4), Watch (2, 2), Born (1, 1), Kill (1, 2), Kill (2, 4)]
-- states = scanl step emptyState events
-- in run [
-- render "print editorView" ev states
-- -- , render "print projectionView" pv states
-- -- logic "step" (foldl step emptyState) (map reverse <| scanl (::) [] events)
-- ]
sim : State -> Element
sim s = flow down [
flow right [
displayGrid editorView (getGrid s) (getSelected s)
, container buttonSize (buttonSize*gridSize) middle <| centered <| toText ">>="
, displayGrid projectionView (nextGridGeneration <| getGrid s) (getSelected s)
-- , asText s -- DEBUG
, leftAligned <| (if (length <| Set.toList <| getSelected s) == 0
then toText ""
else explain (getGrid s) (Set.toList <| getSelected s))
nextGridGeneration : Grid -> Grid
nextGridGeneration g = Dict.fromList <| map (\(p, c) -> (p, nextCellGeneration c (countAliveNeighbours p g))) <| Dict.toList g
countAliveNeighbours : Pos -> Grid -> Int
countAliveNeighbours (xi, yi) g = length <| filter isAlive <| catMaybies <| map (flip Dict.get g) <| map (\(xm, ym) -> (xi+xm, yi+ym)) [
(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1)
, (0, -1), (0, 1)
, (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)
nextCellGeneration : Cell -> Int -> Cell
nextCellGeneration c n = case n of
2 -> c
3 -> Alive
_ -> Dead
explain : Grid -> [Pos] -> Text
explain g = concatMap (\s -> s ++ (toText "\n")) << map (\p -> explainedNextCellGeneration p (Dict.getOrElse Dead p g) (countAliveNeighbours p g))
explainedNextCellGeneration : Pos -> Cell -> Int -> Text
explainedNextCellGeneration p c n = let msg i c b r = (bold <| toText <| show p) ++ (toText " Toute cellule ") ++ (italic <| toText i) ++ (toText " avec ") ++ (italic <| toText (c ++ " voisins vivant (" ++ (show n) ++ ") " ++ b)) ++ (toText " par ") ++ (bold <| toText r)
in case c of
Alive -> (case n of
0 -> msg "vivante" "moins de 2" "meurt" "sous-population"
1 -> msg "vivante" "moins de 2" "meurt" "sous-population"
2 -> msg "vivante" "2 ou 3" "survit" "défaut"
3 -> msg "vivante" "2 ou 3" "survit" "défaut"
_ -> msg "vivante" "plus de 3" "meurt" "surpopulation")
Dead -> (case n of
3 -> msg "morte" "exactement 3" "nait" "reproduction"
_ -> msg "morte" "n <> 3" "reste morte" "défaut")
-- Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under-population.
-- Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
-- Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
-- Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
displayGrid : Actions -> Grid -> Set.Set Pos -> Element
displayGrid actions g w = flow down <| map (flow right) <| getByLine <| Dict.fromList <| map (\(p, c) -> (p, displayCell actions p c (Set.member p w))) <| Dict.toList g
displayCell : Actions -> Pos -> Cell -> Bool -> Element
displayCell actions pos cell selected = let command = if cell == Dead then on else off
in button cell selected (command actions pos) (show pos)
displayedCellsCache : Dict.Dict (String, String, Float) Element
displayedCellsCache =
let bg c = if c == Alive then lightGreen else lightGrey
bgb = buttonBackgroundFactory
btn cell alpha selected =
layers [
color black <| container buttonSize buttonSize midLeft <| bgb selected (bg cell) (buttonSize-1) (buttonSize-1)
, color (rgba 0 0 0 alpha) (spacer buttonSize buttonSize)
in Dict.fromList <| map (\(f, (c, a)) -> ((show c, show a, f), btn c f a)) <| listsProduct [0, 0.1, 0.2] <| listsProduct [Dead, Alive] [False, True]
buttonSize : number
buttonSize = 80
txt : Float -> Color -> String -> Element
txt p clr string =
toText string
|> Text.color clr
|> typeface ["Helvetica Neue","Sans-serif"]
|> Text.height (p * buttonSize)
|> leftAligned
type BackgroundBuilder = Color -> Int -> Int -> Element
buttonBackgroundSelected : BackgroundBuilder
buttonBackgroundSelected background h w = let stripe = rotate (degrees -45) <| alpha 0.5 <| filled lightBlue <| rect 10 (toFloat w*2)
in collage h w [
filled background <| rect (toFloat h) (toFloat w)
, stripe
, move (-15, 10) <| stripe
, move (-30, 25) <| stripe
, move (-45, 35) <| stripe
, move (15, -10) <| stripe
, move (30, -25) <| stripe
, move (45, -35) <| stripe
buttonBackgroundNotSelected : BackgroundBuilder
buttonBackgroundNotSelected background w h = color background <| container w h bottomRight <| txt 0 white ""
buttonBackgroundFactory : Bool -> BackgroundBuilder
buttonBackgroundFactory f = case f of
True -> buttonBackgroundSelected
_ -> buttonBackgroundNotSelected
button : Cell -> Bool -> Command -> String -> Element
button cell selected command label =
let btn alpha =
layers [
Dict.getOrFail (show cell, show selected, alpha) displayedCellsCache
, container buttonSize buttonSize middle (txt 0.3 grey label) |> container (buttonSize-1) (buttonSize-1) midLeft
in Input.customButton commands.handle command (btn 0) (btn 0.1) (btn 0.2)
commands : Input.Input Command
commands = Input.input <| Initialise
-- State
data State = State Grid (Set.Set Pos)
emptyState : State
emptyState = State emptyGrid Set.empty
getGrid : State -> Grid
getGrid s = case s of
State g _ -> g
getSelected : State -> Set.Set Pos
getSelected s = case s of
State _ w -> w
step : Command -> State -> State
step command s =
case command of
Initialise -> s
Born p -> updateCellState p Alive s
Kill p -> updateCellState p Dead s
Watch p -> watchCell p s
updateCellState : Pos -> Cell -> State -> State
updateCellState p c s = case s of
State g w -> State (Dict.insert p c g) w
watchCell : Pos -> State -> State
watchCell p s = case s of
State g w -> State g <| if Set.member p w
then Set.remove p w
else Set.insert p w
-- Actions
data Actions = Actions (Pos -> Command) (Pos -> Command)
on : Actions -> Pos -> Command
on a = case a of
Actions f _ -> f
off : Actions -> Pos -> Command
off a = case a of
Actions _ f -> f
editorView : Actions
editorView = Actions Born Kill
projectionView : Actions
projectionView = Actions Watch Watch
data Command = Initialise | Watch Pos | Born Pos | Kill Pos
data Cell = Alive | Dead
isAlive : Cell -> Bool
isAlive c = case c of
Alive -> True
_ -> False
type Pos = (Int, Int)
type Grid = Dict.Dict Pos Cell
grid : Int -> Grid
grid s = Dict.fromList <| zip (listProduct s) (repeat (s*s) Dead)
gridSize : number
gridSize = 5
emptyGrid : Grid
emptyGrid = grid gridSize
getByLine : Dict.Dict Pos a -> [[a]]
getByLine es = map reverse <| Dict.values <| foldl (\((i, _), x) a -> Dict.insert i (x::Dict.getOrElse [] i a) a) Dict.empty <| Dict.toList es
-- helpers
listProduct : Int -> [(Int, Int)]
listProduct s = let l = [0..(s-1)]
in listsProduct l l
listsProduct : [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
listsProduct xs ys = let l = length ys
in concatMap (\x -> zip (repeat l x) ys) xs
nub : [comparable] -> [comparable]
nub = nubBy (==)
nubBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
nubBy eq s = case s of
[] -> []
(x::xs) -> x :: nubBy eq (filter (\ y -> not (eq x y)) xs)
catMaybies : [Maybe a] -> [a]
catMaybies = reverse << foldl (\x a -> case x of
Just v -> v :: a
Nothing -> a) []
<title>Embedding Elm</title>
<script src="resources/elm-runtime.js"></script>
<script src="build/Gol.js"></script>
body {
background-image: url('resources/texture.png');
background-color: #d3d7cf;
font-family: "Lucida Grande","Trebuchet MS","Bitstream Vera Sans",Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
#elm-stamps {
width: 400px;
height: 400px;
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid #babdb6;
#column {
width: 420px;
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
<div id="column">
<div id="elm-stamps"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Show the stamp module in the "elm-stamps" div.
var div = document.getElementById('elm-stamps');
var stamps = Elm.embed(Elm.Gol, div, { init:[] });
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