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Created February 13, 2016 18:25
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import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
data XmlElement =
RegularNode String [XmlElement]
| EndNode String
| TextNode String
deriving (Show, Eq)
getTagName :: XmlElement -> String
getTagName e = case e of
RegularNode n _ -> n
EndNode n -> n
TextNode _ -> "#text"
getChildren :: XmlElement -> [XmlElement]
getChildren e = case e of
RegularNode _ n -> n
EndNode _ -> []
TextNode _ -> []
data Trie a =
RootTrie [Trie a]
| NodeTrie a [Trie a]
| EmptyTrie
deriving (Show, Eq)
document :: XmlElement
document = RegularNode "/" [
RegularNode "a" [
EndNode "B"
, RegularNode "b" [
RegularNode "C" [
RegularNode "d" [
TextNode "coucou"
, EndNode "E"
, RegularNode "f" [EndNode "g"]
, RegularNode "A" []
weakXpaths :: [String]
weakXpaths = [
, "d/m/a"
, "a/B"
, "A/b/C/d/e/f/g"
, "a/B/E/f"
, "a/B/e"
, "A"
strongXpaths :: Trie String
strongXpaths = toTrie weakXpaths
toTrie :: [String] -> Trie String
toTrie = toTrieRoot . regroup . map (splitOn (== '/')) . sort
splitOn :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String]
splitOn p s = case dropWhile p s of
"" -> []
s' -> w : splitOn p s''
where (w, s'') = break p s'
regroup :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
regroup = groupBy ((==) `on` listToMaybe)
toTrieRoot :: [[[String]]] -> Trie String
toTrieRoot = RootTrie . map toTrieRootOne
toTrieRootOne :: [[String]] -> Trie String
toTrieRootOne l = NodeTrie name (map toTrieDeepOne (regroup ts))
where name = head (head l)
ts = map tail l
toTrieDeepOne :: [[String]] -> Trie String
toTrieDeepOne l = maybe EmptyTrie createNode getName
where getName = join $ fmap listToMaybe (listToMaybe l)
createNode name = NodeTrie name (map toTrieDeepOne (regroup (map tail l)))
evaledDocument :: [XmlElement]
evaledDocument = evalXpathsTrie strongXpaths document
evalXpathsTrie :: Trie String -> XmlElement -> [XmlElement]
evalXpathsTrie e d = case e of
RootTrie xs -> concatMap (flip evalXpathsTrie d) xs
NodeTrie n xs -> join $ join $ map (flip map (filterNode n d)) (map evalXpathsTrie xs)
EmptyTrie -> [d]
filterNode :: String -> XmlElement -> [XmlElement]
filterNode p = filter ((p ==) . getTagName) . getChildren
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