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Last active May 8, 2018 13:52
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Worldcup Brazil 2014 Google Calendar Matches widget for Dashing


A Dashing widget for displaying next Brazil 2014 World Cup matches from calendar event on Google Calendar

It was designed to be used against this calendar worldcupbrazilcalendar

screen shot

Made by platanus in Chile


Add it to dashing's gemfile:

gem 'google-api-client'
gem 'activesupport'

and run bundle install.


To use this widget, you'll first need to set up a Google API project.

  1. Create and download a new private key for Google API access.

    1. Go to
    2. Click 'Create Project' and accept TOS's
    3. Enable 'Calendar API' service and accept TOS's
    4. Under 'APIs & auth.' click 'Credentials' in the left-hand nav menu
    5. Pick the OAuth option by clicking 'Create new Client ID'
    6. Select 'Service Account' and click 'Create Client ID'. Download of your Private key is about to start. Save it securely.
    7. Note the password for your new private key ('notasecret')
    8. Next to the OAuth tab you will find the details for the service account you just created. Copy it's email address which will look something like this: - you'll need it in environmental variables later.
  2. Subscribe to matches calendar

    1. Go to and subscribe the matches calender to your google account.
    2. Go to the other calendar settings in google calendar, and the click in the WorldCup 2014 calendar.
    3. Find the callendar id, it should be something like
  3. Setup your widget

    1. You can install the widget with dashing install 1efd7332c3cf59d3c3f9, or manually add each file in the corresponding location

    2. Setup your environmental variables

      GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL # Email of service account
      GOOGLE_SERVICE_PK_FILE # File containing your private key
      GOOGLE_SERVICE_KEY_SECRET # Password to unlock private key 'notasecret'
      WORLDCUP_CALENDAR # Calendar ID.
      WORLDCUP_MY_TEAM # The team you want to follow, refer to the worldcup.rb job to know how to spell it
    3. Add the widget HTML to your dashboard

      <li data-row="1" data-col="4" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="2">
        <div data-id="worldcup"
             data-title="Brazil 2014"
             data-my-team-title="Chile Matches"
        <img class="icon-background" src="/assets/brazil-back.png" />


To set your PK12 certificate in heroku you can follow this guide

class Dashing.Worldcup extends Dashing.Widget
ready: ->
onData: (data) ->
refresh: (data) ->
nextTitle = if @get('next_matches').length > 1 then "Next Matches" else "Next Match"
@set('next-title', nextTitle)
# Set a global next match formatted time
nextMatch = @get('next_matches')[0]
@set('next-match-time', @formatDate(nextMatch.start, nextMatch.end))
# Set the formatted time for each of my team matches
match.start.formatted = @formatDate(match.start, match.end) for match in @get('my_team_matches')
formatDate: (startDate, endDate) ->
nowMoment = moment()
startMoment = moment(new Date startDate.dateTime)
endMoment = moment(new Date endDate.dateTime)
if nowMoment > startMoment and nowMoment < endMoment
else if nowMoment > endMoment
moment(new Date startDate.dateTime).fromNow()
<h1 class="title">
<span data-bind="title"></span>
<span data-bind="next-title"></span>
<div class="next-time">
<span class="team-name" data-bind="next-match-time"></span>
<tr class="match" data-foreach-match="next_matches" >
<td class="left-team team-col">
<span class="team-name" data-bind="match.teams[0].code" ></span>
<img data-bind-src="match.teams[0].flag_large" />
<td class="vs-col">
<span> vs </span>
<td class="right-team team-col">
<img data-bind-src="match.teams[1].flag_large" />
<span class="team-name" data-bind="match.teams[1].code" ></span>
<div data-renderif="my_team_matches.length">
<h5 class="my-team-header" data-bind="myTeamTitle"></h5>
<tr class="match" data-foreach-match="my_team_matches" >
<td class="flag-col">
<img data-bind-src="match.my_team_opponent.flag_mid" />
<td class="name-col col-base">
<span class="team-name" data-bind="match.my_team_opponent.code" ></span>
<td class="col-base">
<span class="team-name" data-bind="match.start.formatted"></span>
<p class="updated-at" data-bind="updatedAtMessage"></p>
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'google/api_client'
require 'date'
require 'time'
require 'active_support'
require 'active_support/all'
# require 'pry'
# Update these to match your own apps credentials
service_account_email = ENV['GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL'] # Email of service account
key_file = ENV['GOOGLE_SERVICE_PK_FILE'] # File containing your private key
key_secret = ENV['GOOGLE_SERVICE_KEY_SECRET'] # Password to unlock private key
calendarID = ENV['WORLDCUP_CALENDAR'] # Calendar ID.
# Get the Google API client
client = => 'Platanus Dashboard',
:application_version => '0.0.1')
# Load your credentials for the service account
if not key_file.nil? and File.exists? key_file
key = Google::APIClient::KeyUtils.load_from_pkcs12(key_file, key_secret)
key = ENV['GOOGLE_SERVICE_PK'], key_secret
client.authorization =
:token_credential_uri => '',
:audience => '',
:scope => '',
:issuer => service_account_email,
:signing_key => key)
flags = {
"Brazil" => 'bra',
"Croatia" => 'cro',
"Mexico" => 'mex',
"Cameroon" => 'cmr',
"Spain" => 'esp',
"Netherlands" => 'ned',
"Chile" => 'chi',
"Australia" => 'aus',
"Colombia" => 'col',
"Greece" => 'gre',
"Ivory Coast" => 'civ',
"Japan" => 'jpn',
"Uruguay" => 'uru',
"Costa Rica" => 'crc',
"England" => 'eng',
"Italy" => 'ita',
"Switzerland" => 'sui',
"Ecuador" => 'ecu',
"France" => 'fra',
"Honduras" => 'hon',
"Argentina" => 'arg',
"Bosnia and Herzegovina" => 'bih',
"Iran" => 'irn',
"Nigeria" => 'nig',
"Germany" => 'ger',
"Portugal" => 'por',
"Ghana" => 'gha',
"USA" => 'usa',
"Belgium" => 'bel',
"Algeria" => 'alg',
"Russia" => 'rus',
"South Korea" => 'kor'
# Start the scheduler
SCHEDULER.every '60s', :first_in => 4 do |job|
# Request a token for our service account
# Get the calendar API
calendar = client.discovered_api('calendar','v3')
# Start and end dates
startDate = ( - 20.minutes).rfc3339 #+ 32.days
endDate = Date.parse("2014-07-15").rfc3339
# Get the events
events = client.execute(:api_method =>,
:parameters => {
:calendarId => calendarID,
:timeMin => startDate,
:timeMax => endDate,
:orderBy => 'startTime',
:singleEvents => true
# The worldcup matches
matches =;
matches = matches.each do |match|
match[:teams] = match.summary.match(/(.*) v (.*)/i)[1,2].map do |team|
next if not flags[team]
flag_small: "{flags[team]}.png",
flag_mid: "{flags[team]}.png",
flag_large: "{flags[team]}.png",
name: team,
code: flags[team].upcase
# Set the event if there is one found
if > 0
# Next Match
nextMatch = matches.first
nextMatches = {|match| match.start.dateTime == nextMatch.start.dateTime}
# My team matches
myTeamMatches = do |match|
if match.summary.match(/#{myTeam}/i)
match[:my_team_opponent] = match[:teams].find{|team| not team[:name].match(/#{myTeam}/i) }
# Update the dashboard
send_event('worldcup', {
next_matches: nextMatches,
my_team_matches: myTeamMatches
.widget-worldcup {
font-size: 14px;
width: 43%;
padding: 4px 0;
width: 14%;
text-align: left;
width: 25%;
text-align: right;
padding-right: 5px;
width: 14%;
margin-top: 10px;
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fheuer commented May 21, 2014

I would like to know how I have to set the GOOGLE_SERVICE_PK_FILE environment variable.

Google changed their developer console interface. New steps are:

II. Click 'Create Project' and accept TOS's
III. Enable 'Calendar API' service and accept TOS's
IV. Under 'APIs & auth.' click 'Credentials' in the left-hand nav menu
V. Pick the OAuth option by clicking 'Create new Client ID'
VI. Select 'Service Account' and click 'Create Client ID'. Download of your Private key is about to start. Save it securely.
VII. Note the password for your new private key ('notasecret')
VIII. Next to the OAuth tab you will find the details for the service account you just created. Copy it's email address which will look something like this: - you'll need it in environmental variables later.

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You have to set it to the path to the file from the root folder of your dashing dashboard.

For example, if you copy the file to the root folder (beside the file), set GOOGLE_SERVICE_PK_FILE to '6332.......-privatekey.p12'

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@loicteixeira you're right, that was because I just copy/past that steps... It is Calendar API

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topka commented Jun 3, 2014

Great widget! I think it worth mentioning, however, that it also requires moment.js

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Thanks!, you're right, I just updated it mentioning about momentjs

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@fheuer thanks... updated...

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topka commented Jun 26, 2014

Any insight if the worldcupbrazilcalendar will update their calendar? The widget just stopped working because there are no country names in the events.
Any alternatives?

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Quick Fix:

  • Subscribe to this calendar instead
  • Update the WORLDCUP_CALENDAR environment variable accordingly.
  • Update line 99 to 108 of worldcup.rb with the following code:
match[:teams] = match.summary.match(/(?:.+: )?(.*) vs (.*)/i) do |team_regex|
  team_regex[1,2].map do |team|
    next if not flags[team]
      flag_small: "{flags[team]}.png",
      flag_mid: "{flags[team]}.png",
      flag_large: "{flags[team]}.png",
      name: team,
      code: flags[team].upcase


  • As before, it relies on the fact that the owner of the calendar will keep updating it (by replacing "Winner of..." by the team name).
  • At the moment, the playoffs and the final won't show. I tried to make the regex a bit forgiving but because I don't know what the final string will be (whether it will follow other event titles pattern or not), it may need to be updated later.

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topka commented Jun 27, 2014

Thanks Loic!
This worked. Appreciate the quick workaround!

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Um.. The owner of the calendar (live) update the title of the event with score information which means the second team does not display properly during the match. Replace the regexp with this one /(?:.+: )?(\w+(?: \w+)*) vs (\w+(?: \w+)*)/i

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Well, the WorldCup is over!, Germany won, totally deserved...
We'll be updating the widget for Russia 2018. Maybe is a good idea to spin over this widget with something more generic. Champion League, local leagues, etc... maybe one day

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jelofsson commented May 8, 2018

@blackjid any update planned for Russia 2018?

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