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Created September 20, 2022 08:51
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-- New listened tracks will be pushed to the tmp_music table, and normalized by
-- a trigger.
drop table if exists tmp_music cascade;
create table tmp_music(
id serial not null,
artist varchar(255) not null,
title varchar(255) not null,
album varchar(255),
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
primary key(id)
-- This table will store the tracks' info
drop table if exists music_track cascade;
create table music_track(
id serial not null,
artist varchar(255) not null,
title varchar(255) not null,
album varchar(255),
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
primary key(id),
unique(artist, title)
-- Create an index on (artist, title), and ensure that the (artist, title) pair
-- is unique
create unique index track_artist_title_idx on music_track(lower(artist), lower(title));
create index track_artist_idx on music_track(lower(artist));
-- music_activity holds the listened tracks
drop table if exists music_activity cascade;
create table music_activity(
id serial not null,
track_id int not null,
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
primary key(id)
-- music_similar keeps track of the similar tracks
drop table if exists music_similar cascade;
create table music_similar(
source_track_id int not null,
target_track_id int not null,
match_score float not null,
primary key(source_track_id, target_track_id),
foreign key(source_track_id) references music_track(id),
foreign key(target_track_id) references music_track(id)
-- music_discovery_playlist keeps track of the generated discovery playlists
drop table if exists music_discovery_playlist cascade;
create table music_discovery_playlist(
id serial not null,
name varchar(255),
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
primary key(id)
-- This table contains the track included in each discovery playlist
drop table if exists music_discovery_playlist_track cascade;
create table music_discovery_playlist_track(
id serial not null,
playlist_id int not null,
track_id int not null,
primary key(id),
unique(playlist_id, track_id),
foreign key(playlist_id) references music_discovery_playlist(id),
foreign key(track_id) references music_track(id)
-- This table contains the new releases from artist that we've listened to at
-- least once
drop table if exists new_release cascade;
create table new_release(
id serial not null,
artist varchar(255) not null,
album varchar(255) not null,
genre varchar(255),
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
primary key(id),
constraint u_artist_title unique(artist, album)
-- This trigger normalizes the tracks inserted into tmp_track
create or replace function sync_music_data()
returns trigger as
track_id int;
insert into music_track(artist, title, album)
values(new.artist, new.title, new.album)
on conflict(artist, title) do update
set album = coalesce(excluded.album, old.album)
returning id into track_id;
insert into music_activity(track_id, created_at)
values (track_id, new.created_at);
delete from tmp_music where id =;
return new;
language 'plpgsql';
drop trigger if exists on_sync_music on tmp_music;
create trigger on_sync_music
after insert on tmp_music
for each row
execute procedure sync_music_data();
-- (Optional) accessory view to easily peek the listened tracks
drop view if exists vmusic;
create view vmusic as
select as track_id
, t.artist
, t.title
, t.album
, a.created_at
from music_track t
join music_activity a
on = a.track_id;
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