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Created February 16, 2023 13:18
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  • Save blackpiglet/fa25ca51ec7e0f1739fa908e59005d64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save blackpiglet/fa25ca51ec7e0f1739fa908e59005d64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The basic E2E test result of restore controller refactor
GOOS=linux \
GOARCH=amd64 \
VERSION=main \
REGISTRY=velero \ \
BIN=velero \
GIT_SHA=2a4daf4336a2a1bd921d439debd73093f6fb47f6 \
OUTPUT_DIR=$(pwd)/_output/bin/linux/amd64 \
make -e VERSION=main -C test/e2e run
make[1]: Entering directory '/root/go/src/'
go install
Using credentials from /root/credentials-velero
Using bucket jxun to store backups from E2E tests
Using cloud provider gcp
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
STEP: Create test client instance
Running Suite: E2e Suite
Random Seed: 1676547088
Will run 7 of 44 specs
[Basic][Restic] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and Restic for volume backups when kibishii is the sample workload
should be successfully backed up and restored to the default BackupStorageLocation
Running cmd "/root/go/src/ install --namespace velero --image blackpiglet/velero:restore-controller-refactor-3 --use-node-agent --provider gcp --bucket jxun --secret-file /root/credentials-velero --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.6.1 --dry-run --output json --crds-only"
Applying velero CRDs... created created created created created created created created created created created
Waiting velero CRDs ready... condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met
Running cmd "/root/go/src/ install --namespace velero --image blackpiglet/velero:restore-controller-refactor-3 --use-node-agent --provider gcp --bucket jxun --secret-file /root/credentials-velero --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.6.1 --dry-run --output json"
image pull secret "image-pull-secret" set for velero serviceaccount
Running cmd "/usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f -" unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged
namespace/velero created created
serviceaccount/velero created
secret/cloud-credentials created created created
deployment.apps/velero created
daemonset.apps/node-agent created
secret/image-pull-secret created
Waiting for Velero deployment to be ready.
Waiting for node-agent daemonset to be ready.
Velero is installed and ready to be tested in the velero namespace! ⛵
Install Kibishii cmd: /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -n kibishii-workload -k --timeout=90s
Waiting for kibishii jump-pad pod to be ready
Waiting for kibishii pods to be ready
kibishiiGenerateCmd cmd =/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -n kibishii-workload jump-pad -- /usr/local/bin/ 2 10 10 1024 1024 0 2
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create backup backup-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7 --wait --include-namespaces kibishii-workload --default-volumes-to-fs-backup --snapshot-volumes=false
Backup request "backup-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7" submitted successfully.
Waiting for backup to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your backup will continue in the background.
Backup completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero backup describe backup-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7` and `velero backup logs backup-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7`.
get backup cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero backup get -o json backup-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7
Simulating a disaster by removing namespace kibishii-workload
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create restore restore-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7 --from-backup backup-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7 --wait
Restore request "restore-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7" submitted successfully.
Waiting for restore to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your restore will continue in the background.
Restore completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero restore describe restore-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7` and `velero restore logs restore-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7`.
get restore cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero restore get -o json restore-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7
Waiting for kibishii pods to be ready
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
running kibishii verify
kibishiiVerifyCmd cmd =/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -n kibishii-workload jump-pad -- /usr/local/bin/ 2 10 10 1024 1024 0 2
kibishii test completed successfully
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
STEP: Clean backups after test
Backup backup-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7 is going to be deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero delete backup backup-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7 --confirm
Request to delete backup "backup-8ebd456a-8cb8-49b5-acfe-2bb2f36611d7" submitted successfully.
The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (disk snapshots, backup files, restores) are removed.
Backup backup-rbacba64060d-fff6-4fec-937c-29c4885be506 is going to be deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero delete backup backup-rbacba64060d-fff6-4fec-937c-29c4885be506 --confirm
Request to delete backup "backup-rbacba64060d-fff6-4fec-937c-29c4885be506" submitted successfully.
The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (disk snapshots, backup files, restores) are removed.
Velero uninstalled ⛵
• [SLOW TEST:352.107 seconds]
[Basic][Restic] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and Restic for volume backups
when kibishii is the sample workload
should be successfully backed up and restored to the default BackupStorageLocation
[Basic][Restic] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and Restic for volume backups when kibishii is the sample workload
should successfully back up and restore to an additional BackupStorageLocation with unique credentials
Running cmd "/root/go/src/ install --namespace velero --image blackpiglet/velero:restore-controller-refactor-3 --use-node-agent --provider gcp --bucket jxun --secret-file /root/credentials-velero --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.6.1 --dry-run --output json --crds-only"
Applying velero CRDs... created created created created created created created created created created created
Waiting velero CRDs ready... condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met
Running cmd "/root/go/src/ install --namespace velero --image blackpiglet/velero:restore-controller-refactor-3 --use-node-agent --provider gcp --bucket jxun --secret-file /root/credentials-velero --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.6.1 --dry-run --output json"
image pull secret "image-pull-secret" set for velero serviceaccount
Running cmd "/usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f -" unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged
namespace/velero created created
serviceaccount/velero created
secret/cloud-credentials created created created
deployment.apps/velero created
daemonset.apps/node-agent created
secret/image-pull-secret created
Waiting for Velero deployment to be ready.
Waiting for node-agent daemonset to be ready.
Velero is installed and ready to be tested in the velero namespace! ⛵
Get Version Command:/root/go/src/ version --timeout 60s --client-only
Version:Client: Version: main Git commit: 2a4daf4336a2a1bd921d439debd73093f6fb47f6-dirty
addPlugins cmd =
provider cmd = aws
plugins cmd = [velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:main]
installPluginCmd cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero plugin add velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:main
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create backup-location bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23 --provider aws --bucket mqiu-bucket --credential bsl-credentials-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23=creds-aws
Backup storage location "bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23" configured successfully.
Install Kibishii cmd: /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -n kibishii-workload -k --timeout=90s
Waiting for kibishii jump-pad pod to be ready
Waiting for kibishii pods to be ready
kibishiiGenerateCmd cmd =/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -n kibishii-workload jump-pad -- /usr/local/bin/ 2 10 10 1024 1024 0 2
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create backup backup-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23 --wait --include-namespaces kibishii-workload --default-volumes-to-fs-backup --snapshot-volumes=false --storage-location default
Backup request "backup-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23" submitted successfully.
Waiting for backup to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your backup will continue in the background.
Backup completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero backup describe backup-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23` and `velero backup logs backup-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23`.
get backup cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero backup get -o json backup-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23
Simulating a disaster by removing namespace kibishii-workload
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create restore restore-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23 --from-backup backup-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23 --wait
Restore request "restore-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23" submitted successfully.
Waiting for restore to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your restore will continue in the background.
Restore completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero restore describe restore-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23` and `velero restore logs restore-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23`.
get restore cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero restore get -o json restore-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23
Waiting for kibishii pods to be ready
Pod kibishii-deployment-1 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
running kibishii verify
kibishiiVerifyCmd cmd =/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -n kibishii-workload jump-pad -- /usr/local/bin/ 2 10 10 1024 1024 0 2
kibishii test completed successfully
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
Install Kibishii cmd: /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -n kibishii-workload -k --timeout=90s
Waiting for kibishii jump-pad pod to be ready
Waiting for kibishii pods to be ready
kibishiiGenerateCmd cmd =/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -n kibishii-workload jump-pad -- /usr/local/bin/ 2 10 10 1024 1024 0 2
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create backup backup-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23 --wait --include-namespaces kibishii-workload --default-volumes-to-fs-backup --snapshot-volumes=false --storage-location bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23
Backup request "backup-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23" submitted successfully.
Waiting for backup to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your backup will continue in the background.
Backup completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero backup describe backup-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23` and `velero backup logs backup-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23`.
get backup cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero backup get -o json backup-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23
Simulating a disaster by removing namespace kibishii-workload
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create restore restore-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23 --from-backup backup-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23 --wait
Restore request "restore-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23" submitted successfully.
Waiting for restore to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your restore will continue in the background.
Restore completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero restore describe restore-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23` and `velero restore logs restore-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23`.
get restore cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero restore get -o json restore-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23
Waiting for kibishii pods to be ready
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
running kibishii verify
kibishiiVerifyCmd cmd =/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -n kibishii-workload jump-pad -- /usr/local/bin/ 2 10 10 1024 1024 0 2
kibishii test completed successfully
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
STEP: Clean backups after test
Backup backup-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23 is going to be deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero delete backup backup-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23 --confirm
Request to delete backup "backup-bsl-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23" submitted successfully.
The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (disk snapshots, backup files, restores) are removed.
Backup backup-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23 is going to be deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero delete backup backup-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23 --confirm
Request to delete backup "backup-default-f40dec76-4b1b-4a6f-9f2e-211a7a900d23" submitted successfully.
The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (disk snapshots, backup files, restores) are removed.
Backup t0 is going to be deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero delete backup t0 --confirm
Request to delete backup "t0" submitted successfully.
The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (disk snapshots, backup files, restores) are removed.
Velero uninstalled ⛵
• [SLOW TEST:600.871 seconds]
[Basic][Restic] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and Restic for volume backups
when kibishii is the sample workload
should successfully back up and restore to an additional BackupStorageLocation with unique credentials
[Basic][Snapshot] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups when kibishii is the sample workload
should be successfully backed up and restored to the default BackupStorageLocation
Running cmd "/root/go/src/ install --namespace velero --image blackpiglet/velero:restore-controller-refactor-3 --use-volume-snapshots --provider gcp --bucket jxun --secret-file /root/credentials-velero --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.6.1 --dry-run --output json --crds-only"
Applying velero CRDs... created created created created created created created created created created created
Waiting velero CRDs ready... condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met
Running cmd "/root/go/src/ install --namespace velero --image blackpiglet/velero:restore-controller-refactor-3 --use-volume-snapshots --provider gcp --bucket jxun --secret-file /root/credentials-velero --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.6.1 --dry-run --output json"
image pull secret "image-pull-secret" set for velero serviceaccount
Running cmd "/usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f -" unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged
namespace/velero created created
serviceaccount/velero created
secret/cloud-credentials created created created
deployment.apps/velero created
secret/image-pull-secret created
Waiting for Velero deployment to be ready.
Velero is installed and ready to be tested in the velero namespace! ⛵
Install Kibishii cmd: /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -n kibishii-workload -k --timeout=90s
Waiting for kibishii jump-pad pod to be ready
Waiting for kibishii pods to be ready
kibishiiGenerateCmd cmd =/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -n kibishii-workload jump-pad -- /usr/local/bin/ 2 10 10 1024 1024 0 2
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create backup backup-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee --wait --include-namespaces kibishii-workload --snapshot-volumes
Backup request "backup-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee" submitted successfully.
Waiting for backup to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your backup will continue in the background.
Backup completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero backup describe backup-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee` and `velero backup logs backup-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee`.
get backup cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero backup get -o json backup-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee
{kibishii-workload [] 2 [kibishii-deployment-0 kibishii-deployment-1] false}
|| VERIFICATION || - Snapshots should exist in cloud, backup backup-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee
Snapshot count 2 is as expected 0
|| EXPECTED || - Snapshots exist in cloud, backup backup-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee
Simulating a disaster by removing namespace kibishii-workload
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
Waiting 5 minutes to make sure the snapshots are ready...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create restore restore-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee --from-backup backup-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee --wait
Restore request "restore-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee" submitted successfully.
Waiting for restore to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your restore will continue in the background.
Restore completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero restore describe restore-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee` and `velero restore logs restore-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee`.
get restore cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero restore get -o json restore-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee
Waiting for kibishii pods to be ready
Pod jump-pad is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-1 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
running kibishii verify
kibishiiVerifyCmd cmd =/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -n kibishii-workload jump-pad -- /usr/local/bin/ 2 10 10 1024 1024 0 2
kibishii test completed successfully
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
STEP: Clean backups after test
Backup backup-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee is going to be deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero delete backup backup-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee --confirm
Request to delete backup "backup-c41d4067-93b7-4223-a80a-25a11aa8f1ee" submitted successfully.
The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (disk snapshots, backup files, restores) are removed.
Velero uninstalled ⛵
• [SLOW TEST:604.377 seconds]
[Basic][Snapshot] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups
when kibishii is the sample workload
should be successfully backed up and restored to the default BackupStorageLocation
[Basic][Snapshot] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups when kibishii is the sample workload
should successfully back up and restore to an additional BackupStorageLocation with unique credentials
Running cmd "/root/go/src/ install --namespace velero --image blackpiglet/velero:restore-controller-refactor-3 --use-volume-snapshots --provider gcp --bucket jxun --secret-file /root/credentials-velero --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.6.1 --dry-run --output json --crds-only"
Applying velero CRDs... created created created created created created created created created created created
Waiting velero CRDs ready... condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met
Running cmd "/root/go/src/ install --namespace velero --image blackpiglet/velero:restore-controller-refactor-3 --use-volume-snapshots --provider gcp --bucket jxun --secret-file /root/credentials-velero --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.6.1 --dry-run --output json"
image pull secret "image-pull-secret" set for velero serviceaccount
Running cmd "/usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f -" unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged
namespace/velero created created
serviceaccount/velero created
secret/cloud-credentials created created created
deployment.apps/velero created
secret/image-pull-secret created
Waiting for Velero deployment to be ready.
Velero is installed and ready to be tested in the velero namespace! ⛵
Get Version Command:/root/go/src/ version --timeout 60s --client-only
Version:Client: Version: main Git commit: 2a4daf4336a2a1bd921d439debd73093f6fb47f6-dirty
addPlugins cmd =
provider cmd = aws
plugins cmd = [velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:main]
installPluginCmd cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero plugin add velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:main
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create backup-location bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396 --provider aws --bucket mqiu-bucket --credential bsl-credentials-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396=creds-aws
Backup storage location "bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396" configured successfully.
Install Kibishii cmd: /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -n kibishii-workload -k --timeout=90s
Waiting for kibishii jump-pad pod to be ready
Waiting for kibishii pods to be ready
kibishiiGenerateCmd cmd =/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -n kibishii-workload jump-pad -- /usr/local/bin/ 2 10 10 1024 1024 0 2
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create backup backup-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396 --wait --include-namespaces kibishii-workload --snapshot-volumes --storage-location default
Backup request "backup-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396" submitted successfully.
Waiting for backup to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your backup will continue in the background.
Backup completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero backup describe backup-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396` and `velero backup logs backup-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396`.
get backup cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero backup get -o json backup-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396
{kibishii-workload [] 2 [kibishii-deployment-0 kibishii-deployment-1] false}
|| VERIFICATION || - Snapshots should exist in cloud, backup backup-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396
Snapshot count 2 is as expected 0
|| EXPECTED || - Snapshots exist in cloud, backup backup-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396
Simulating a disaster by removing namespace kibishii-workload
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
Waiting 5 minutes to make sure the snapshots are ready...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create restore restore-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396 --from-backup backup-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396 --wait
Restore request "restore-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396" submitted successfully.
Waiting for restore to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your restore will continue in the background.
Restore completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero restore describe restore-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396` and `velero restore logs restore-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396`.
get restore cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero restore get -o json restore-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396
Waiting for kibishii pods to be ready
Pod jump-pad is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
running kibishii verify
kibishiiVerifyCmd cmd =/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -n kibishii-workload jump-pad -- /usr/local/bin/ 2 10 10 1024 1024 0 2
kibishii test completed successfully
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
Install Kibishii cmd: /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -n kibishii-workload -k --timeout=90s
Waiting for kibishii jump-pad pod to be ready
Waiting for kibishii pods to be ready
kibishiiGenerateCmd cmd =/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -n kibishii-workload jump-pad -- /usr/local/bin/ 2 10 10 1024 1024 0 2
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create backup backup-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396 --wait --include-namespaces kibishii-workload --snapshot-volumes --storage-location bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396
Backup request "backup-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396" submitted successfully.
Waiting for backup to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your backup will continue in the background.
Backup completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero backup describe backup-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396` and `velero backup logs backup-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396`.
get backup cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero backup get -o json backup-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396
{kibishii-workload [] 2 [kibishii-deployment-0 kibishii-deployment-1] false}
|| VERIFICATION || - Snapshots should exist in cloud, backup backup-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396
Snapshot count 2 is as expected 0
|| EXPECTED || - Snapshots exist in cloud, backup backup-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396
Simulating a disaster by removing namespace kibishii-workload
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
Waiting 5 minutes to make sure the snapshots are ready...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero create restore restore-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396 --from-backup backup-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396 --wait
Restore request "restore-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396" submitted successfully.
Waiting for restore to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your restore will continue in the background.
Restore completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero restore describe restore-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396` and `velero restore logs restore-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396`.
get restore cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero restore get -o json restore-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396
Waiting for kibishii pods to be ready
Pod etcd0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
Pod kibishii-deployment-0 is in state Pending waiting for it to be Running
running kibishii verify
kibishiiVerifyCmd cmd =/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -n kibishii-workload jump-pad -- /usr/local/bin/ 2 10 10 1024 1024 0 2
kibishii test completed successfully
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
namespace "kibishii-workload" is still being deleted...
STEP: Clean backups after test
Backup backup-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396 is going to be deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero delete backup backup-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396 --confirm
Request to delete backup "backup-bsl-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396" submitted successfully.
The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (disk snapshots, backup files, restores) are removed.
Backup backup-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396 is going to be deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero delete backup backup-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396 --confirm
Request to delete backup "backup-default-6a5c383e-60bd-407c-8478-eba9ff166396" submitted successfully.
The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (disk snapshots, backup files, restores) are removed.
Backup t0 is going to be deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero delete backup t0 --confirm
Request to delete backup "t0" submitted successfully.
The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (disk snapshots, backup files, restores) are removed.
Velero uninstalled ⛵
• [SLOW TEST:1236.307 seconds]
[Basic][Snapshot] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups
when kibishii is the sample workload
should successfully back up and restore to an additional BackupStorageLocation with unique credentials
[Basic][ClusterResource] Backup/restore of cluster resources
Should be successfully backed up and restored including annotations
Running cmd "/root/go/src/ install --namespace velero --image blackpiglet/velero:restore-controller-refactor-3 --use-node-agent --provider gcp --bucket jxun --secret-file /root/credentials-velero --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.6.1 --dry-run --output json --crds-only"
Applying velero CRDs... created created created created created created created created created created created
Waiting velero CRDs ready... condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met condition met
Running cmd "/root/go/src/ install --namespace velero --image blackpiglet/velero:restore-controller-refactor-3 --use-node-agent --provider gcp --bucket jxun --secret-file /root/credentials-velero --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.6.1 --dry-run --output json"
image pull secret "image-pull-secret" set for velero serviceaccount
Running cmd "/usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f -" unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged
namespace/velero created created
serviceaccount/velero created
secret/cloud-credentials created created created
deployment.apps/velero created
daemonset.apps/node-agent created
secret/image-pull-secret created
Waiting for Velero deployment to be ready.
Waiting for node-agent daemonset to be ready.
Velero is installed and ready to be tested in the velero namespace! ⛵
Running test case Backup/restore namespace annotation test
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ create --namespace velero backup backup-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02 --include-namespaces namespace-annotations-c1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02-0 --default-volumes-to-fs-backup --wait
Backup request "backup-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02" submitted successfully.
Waiting for backup to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your backup will continue in the background.
Backup completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero backup describe backup-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02` and `velero backup logs backup-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02`.
get backup cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero backup get -o json backup-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02
namespace "namespace-annotations-c1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02-0" is still being deleted...
namespace "namespace-annotations-c1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02-0" is still being deleted...
Delete namespace namespace-annotations-c1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02-0
STEP: Start to restore ......
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ create --namespace velero restore restore-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02 --from-backup backup-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02 --wait
Restore request "restore-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02" submitted successfully.
Waiting for restore to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your restore will continue in the background.
Restore completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero restore describe restore-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02` and `velero restore logs restore-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02`.
get restore cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero restore get -o json restore-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02
STEP: Clean namespace with prefix namespace-annotations-c1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02 after test
STEP: Clean backups after test
Backup backup-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02 is going to be deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero delete backup backup-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02 --confirm
Request to delete backup "backup-namespace-annotationsc1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02" submitted successfully.
The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (disk snapshots, backup files, restores) are removed.
• [SLOW TEST:43.259 seconds]
[Basic][ClusterResource] Backup/restore of cluster resources
Should be successfully backed up and restored including annotations
[Basic][ClusterResource] Backup/restore of cluster resources
When I create 2 namespaces should be successfully backed up and restored
Running test case
Creating namespaces ...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ create --namespace velero backup backup-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778 --exclude-namespaces default,kube-node-lease,kube-public,kube-system,namespace-annotations-c1fea887-e7f4-4675-8854-b63040ba4c02-0,upgrade,upgrade01,velero,velero-repo-test --default-volumes-to-fs-backup --wait
Backup request "backup-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778" submitted successfully.
Waiting for backup to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your backup will continue in the background.
Backup completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero backup describe backup-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778` and `velero backup logs backup-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778`.
get backup cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero backup get -o json backup-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778
STEP: Start to restore ......
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ create --namespace velero restore restore-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778 --from-backup backup-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778 --wait
Restore request "restore-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778" submitted successfully.
Waiting for restore to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your restore will continue in the background.
Restore completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero restore describe restore-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778` and `velero restore logs restore-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778`.
get restore cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero restore get -o json restore-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778
STEP: Clean namespace with prefix nstest-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778 after test
STEP: Clean backups after test
Backup backup-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778 is going to be deleted...
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero delete backup backup-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778 --confirm
Request to delete backup "backup-d01cfa15-006f-4bc0-8dde-616b6c70d778" submitted successfully.
The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (disk snapshots, backup files, restores) are removed.
• [SLOW TEST:16.778 seconds]
[Basic][ClusterResource] Backup/restore of cluster resources
When I create 2 namespaces should be successfully backed up and restored
[Basic][ClusterResource] Backup/restore of cluster resources
should be successfully backed up and restored
Running test case Backup/restore of Namespaced Scoped and Cluster Scoped RBAC
Creating namespaces ...rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0
Creating service account ...rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ create --namespace velero backup backup-rbac65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63 --include-namespaces rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0 --default-volumes-to-fs-backup --wait
Backup request "backup-rbac65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63" submitted successfully.
Waiting for backup to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your backup will continue in the background.
Backup completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero backup describe backup-rbac65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63` and `velero backup logs backup-rbac65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63`.
get backup cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero backup get -o json backup-rbac65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63
Cleaning up clusterrole clusterrole-rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0
Cleaning up clusterrolebinding clusterrolebinding-rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0
namespace "rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0" is still being deleted...
namespace "rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0" is still being deleted...
Delete namespace rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0
STEP: Start to restore ......
velero cmd =/root/go/src/ create --namespace velero restore restore-rbac65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63 --from-backup backup-rbac65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63 --wait
Restore request "restore-rbac65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63" submitted successfully.
Waiting for restore to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your restore will continue in the background.
Restore completed with status: Completed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero restore describe restore-rbac65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63` and `velero restore logs restore-rbac65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63`.
get restore cmd =/root/go/src/ --namespace velero restore get -o json restore-rbac65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63
Cleaning up clusterrole clusterrole-rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0
Cleaning up clusterrolebinding clusterrolebinding-rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0
namespace "rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0" is still being deleted...
namespace "rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0" is still being deleted...
Delete namespace rabc-65147b5b-7d04-41a7-8547-95a50170ac63-0
Velero uninstalled ⛵
• [SLOW TEST:38.716 seconds]
[Basic][ClusterResource] Backup/restore of cluster resources
should be successfully backed up and restored
JUnit report was created: /root/go/src/
Ran 7 of 44 Specs in 2892.424 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 7 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 37 Skipped
You're using deprecated Ginkgo functionality:
Ginkgo 2.0 is under active development and will introduce several new features, improvements, and a small handful of breaking changes.
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Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 48m25.131061313s
Test Suite Passed
make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/go/src/'
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