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Created October 1, 2011 17:28
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making an xml request, and turning it into xml
>>> import requests #
>>> headers = {'User-Agent': "Public App ID Goes Here/1.0", 'X-PAPPID': ""}
>>> response = requests.get('', headers=headers, auth=("username", "password"))
# Or for a post, just change the .get to a .post/.put/.delete ...
>>> data = {'here': "is", 'my': "data", 'for': "posting"}
>>> response ='', data=data, headers=headers, auth=("username", "password"))
# Now to decode the response xml to python
>>> from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneStoup as BSS
>>> soup = BeautifulStoneStoup(response)
>>> invoices = []
>>> for x in soup.findAll('invoice'):
>>> invoices.append(dict((, t.text) for t in x.findAll(True)))
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