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Last active August 14, 2017 08:57
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Backup MySQL database to AWS S3 bucket
# There are two requirements for this script to work:
# 1. You must have AWS CLI installed andd configured with ./aws/credentials and ./aws/config files
# 2. You must have .my.cnf file configured for MySQL with credentials for user that has at least SELECT privileges for database to backup
# Usage:
# 1. Make sure that AWS CLI and S3 bucket is working properly
# 2. Make sure that you have user for creating backups in MySQL and .my.cnf file configured properly
# 3. Update variables in configuration part according to your needs
# 4. Run the script with ./
# Crontab:
# To make daily backups just add new cronjob:
# @daily bash /path/to/ >> /path/to/log/file/where/you/want/to/store/output/of/this/command.log 2>&1
# Name of database to backup
# Directory (it must exists) where backup files will be stored
# If set to true, backup will be compressed with gzip
# If set to true, backup file will be transfered to S3 bucket
# Name of your S3 bucket
# If set to true, only given amount of files will be kept. Old files will be removed.
# Number of backup files to keep
##### EXECUTION PART #####
# Please do not modify code in this section
# Generate backup file name, ie. website1.2017-08-03_20-07.sql
backupFileName="$databaseName.$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M').sql"
# Create full path where backup file will be stored, ie. /var/db/website1.2017-08-03_20-07.sql
# Output some debug options
echo "Backup of \"$databaseName\" database started at $(date +'%d/%m/%Y %T')"
# Dump database without locking with mysqldump command
echo "Dumping database..."
mysqldump --single-transaction --quick "$databaseName" > "$backupFilePath"
# Compress file with gzip
if [ "$compressBackup" = true ] ; then
echo "Compressing backup file..."
gzip -f "$backupFilePath"
# Update backupFilePath with new path of compressed file for s3 upload
# Upload to s3 bucket
if [ "$uploadToS3" = true ] ; then
echo "Uploading to S3 bucket..."
aws s3 cp --storage-class STANDARD_IA "$backupFilePath" s3://"$s3BucketName"
# Remove old backup files
if [ "$backupsRotate" = true ] ; then
echo "Removing old backup files..."
ls --reverse "$backupDirectory/$databaseName".* | sed -n "$(( rotate + 1 )),\$p" | xargs rm -f
# End the script with current date time
echo "Backup of \"$databaseName\" database finished at $(date +'%d/%m/%Y %T')"
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