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Created November 27, 2015 15:20
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  • Save blackslate/46cf06ecdbf719e5c311 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save blackslate/46cf06ecdbf719e5c311 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
THREE.Ray.prototype.closestPointToRay = function (that, details) {
// that: THREE.Ray()
// details: (optional) object
// { pointOnThisRay: <THREE.Vector3>
// , pointOnThatRay: <THREE.Vector3>
// , midPoint: <THREE.Vector3>
// , distanceBetweenClosestPoints: <float>
// }
// For an explanation of the vector mathematics, see:
// @return undefined if rays are invalid or parallel
// or THREE.Vector3() point on this ray which is closest
// to that ray.
if (!(that instanceof THREE.Ray)) {
var thisDirection = this.direction
var thatDirection = that.direction
if (!thisDirection.clone().cross(thatDirection).length()) {
// Rays are parallel
if ( !
|| ! {
// At least one of the rays is just a point with no direction
var closestPoint = new THREE.Vector3()
var thisOrigin = this.origin
var thatOrigin = that.origin
var sameOrigin = thisOrigin.equals(thatOrigin)
if (sameOrigin) {
// Simple case
} else {
var a = thisDirection.clone().normalize()
var b = thatDirection.clone().normalize()
var c = thatOrigin.clone().sub(thisOrigin)
var p =
var q =
var r =
var s = // already known to be non-zero
var t = // already known to be non-zero
var divisor = (s * t - p * p)
if (!divisor) {
// The two rays are colinear. They are "closest" at all points
// This case should already have been excluded by the .cross()
// check made at the start.
var d = (q * t - p * r) / divisor
if ( typeof details === "object" ) {
details.pointOnThisRay = closestPoint
if (sameOrigin) {
// Should all points be the same object or clones?
details.pointOnThatRay = closestPoint
details.midPoint = closestPoint
details.distanceBetweenClosestPoints = 0
} else {
// TODO: Add other details
d = (p * q - r * s) / divisor
var thatPoint = new THREE.Vector3().copy(thatOrigin).add(b.multiplyScalar(d))
details.pointOnThatRay = thatPoint
details.midPoint = closestPoint.clone()
details.distanceBetweenClosestPoints = closestPoint.distanceTo(thatPoint)
return closestPoint
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I would write it something like this - I haven't checked this for simple mistakes, but it should be relatively close:

THREE.Ray.prototype.closestPointToRay = function ( that ) {

    var p =;
    var s = this.direction.lengthSq();
    var t = that.direction.lengthSq();

    var divisor = (s * t - p * p)

    if ( Math.abs( divisor ) < THREE.Epsilon ) {
      // The two rays are colinear. They are "closest" at all points
      // This case should already have been excluded by the .cross()
      // check made at the start.
      return null;

    // only calculate these if we need to...
    var c = that.origin.clone().sub(this.origin);
    var q =;
    var r =;

    return (q * t - p * r) / divisor;

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