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Forked from alandipert/interpolate.clj
Created January 25, 2012 21:20
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;;; This program was written on recycled memory.
;;; No cons cells were created.
(ns interpolate
(:use [clojure.walk :only (postwalk)]))
(defmacro s
"This is my string interpolation macro. There are many like it, but
this one is ${mine}."
(let [vars (re-seq #"\$\{[^\}]*\}" tmpl)
strip #(apply str (drop 2 (butlast %)))]
(list* 'format (reduce #(.replace %1 %2 "%s") tmpl vars)
(map (comp read-string strip) vars))))
(defmacro interpolating
"Walks body and interpolates all strings."
[& body]
`(do ~@(postwalk #(if (string? %) `(s ~%) %) body)))
(let [x 10]
(def y 20)
(println (s "x is ${x}, y is ${y}, and x+y is ${(+ x y)}")))
(let [x 20]
(println "hey there, mr. ${x}! how ya doin?")))
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