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Last active September 29, 2017 17:10
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Kills Plex transcode stream if paused. Set in PlexPy to be triggered when a user pauses or run manually.
kill_transcode function from
PlexPy > Settings > Notification Agents > Scripts > Bell icon:
[X] Notify on pause
PlexPy > Settings > Notification Agents > Scripts > Gear icon:
Playback Pause:
import requests
import sys
import json
import platform
from uuid import getnode
PLEX_PORT = 32400
PLEX_SSL = '' # s or ''
PLEX_TOKEN = '<token>'
PLEXPY_URL = 'http://localhost:8181/' # Your PlexPy URL
ignore_lst = [] # ['username1', 'username2']
class Activity(object):
def __init__(self, data=None):
d = data or {}
self.rating_key = d['rating_key']
self.title = d['full_title']
self.user = d['user']
self.user_id = d['user_id']
self.video_decision = d['video_decision']
self.transcode_decision = d['transcode_decision']
self.transcode_key = d['transcode_key']
self.state = d['state']
def get_get_activity():
# Get the current activity on the PMS.
payload = {'apikey': PLEXPY_APIKEY,
'cmd': 'get_activity'}
r = requests.get(PLEXPY_URL.rstrip('/') + '/api/v2', params=payload)
response = r.json()
res_data = response['response']['data']['sessions']
return [Activity(data=d) for d in res_data]
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("PlexPy API 'get_activity' request failed: {0}.".format(e))
def fetch(path, t='GET'):
url = 'http%s://%s:%s/' % (PLEX_SSL, PLEX_HOST, PLEX_PORT)
headers = {'X-Plex-Token': PLEX_TOKEN,
'Accept': 'application/json',
'X-Plex-Provides': 'controller',
'X-Plex-Platform': platform.uname()[0],
'X-Plex-Platform-Version': platform.uname()[2],
'X-Plex-Product': 'Plexpy script',
'X-Plex-Version': '0.9.5',
'X-Plex-Device': platform.platform(),
'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': str(hex(getnode()))
if t == 'GET':
r = requests.get(url + path, headers=headers, verify=False)
elif t == 'POST':
r = + path, headers=headers, verify=False)
elif t == 'DELETE':
r = requests.delete(url + path, headers=headers, verify=False)
if r and len(r.content): # incase it dont return anything
return r.json()
return r.content
except Exception as e:
print e
def kill_transcode(transcode_key):
print fetch('video/:/transcode/universal/stop?session=' + transcode_key)
activity = get_get_activity()
for a in activity:
if a.state == 'paused' and a.transcode_decision == 'transcode' and a.user not in ignore_lst and a.transcode_key:
sys.stdout.write("Killing {a.user}'s transcode stream of {a.title}".format(a=a))
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Tangoes commented Mar 13, 2017

Hi! Sorry for my zero python knowledge, but, is it possible to kill the transcode IF the user pauses more than X seconds?

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@Tangoes Yes, try this.

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Is it just me or did this stop working with Plex I now get the error: " Got a request to stop a transcode session without a session GUID (or with an invalid one). " in the Plex Media Server logs. Tried googling around but it looks to be separate issues from 2014/2015.

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Looks like the Plex update made this obsolete. Here is a similar script that uses Plex's new kill stream.

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